Interdisciplinary Department of Remote Sensing and GIS Applications
Dept. data last updated on :17/03/2025
In Aligarh Muslim University, the application of remote sensing in the field of earth sciences was initiated in the year 1984 with the establishment of “Remote Sensing Applications Center for Resource Evaluation and Geoengineering” with Prof Iqbaluddin as its director. The center started M.Phil. Program in 1987 and PhD program in 1990. Nine M Phil and seven PhD degrees were awarded to students in the field of remote sensing. During the session 2014-15, the center was converted into an independent department of study within the Faculty of Science - the Interdisciplinary Department of Remote Sensing and GIS Applications. In the same year, a post-graduate program - M.Sc. (Remote Sensing & GIS Applications) was initiated in the department with an intake of 15 students, which was later increased to 20. Twenty Ph.D. students are currently pursuing doctoral research in the department. Recently the department (and AMU) have become member of the United Nations – Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM) Academic Network.[ A MEMBER OF UNITED NATIONS-GLOBAL GEOSPATIAL INFORMATION MANAGEMENT (UN-GGIM) ACADEMIC NETWORK ]
The department is equipped with a state-of-the-art geospatial analysis laboratory having adequate software and hardware resources to cater to the training cum research requirements of the post graduate students and researchers. The department also maintains a seminar library, several classrooms equipped with modern teaching tools.

Chairman and Associate Professor