Prof. Faiz Mohammad
B.Sc. (Hons) (Alig), M.Sc. (Alig), M.Phil. (Alig), D.Phil. (Sussex)
1. Conducting polymers and conducting polymer nanocomposites, 2. Polymers related environmental issues and 3. Medicines from plants
Mohalla- Govind Dass, Aliganj-207247, Distt.-Etah, UP (India)
Dr. Faiz Mohammad is Professor in the Department of Applied Chemistry of Aligarh Muslim University. He obtained his D.Phil. in the field of Electrically Conducting Polymers from the School of Chemistry and Molecular Sciences, University of Sussex (UK) in 1988.
His research interests include conducting polymer synthesis, properties and device applications, chemical and biosensors, polymer nanocomposites and polyblends besides having interest in environmental issues.
He has published sixty five papers in refereed journals of international repute, contributed four book chapters and edited one book. He has supervised the research of nine Ph.D., nine M.Phil. and six M.Sc./M.Tech. students. His teaching subjects include organic reaction mechanism, electronic materials & devices, stereochemistry, polymers and biopolymers, polymer synthesis, conducting polymers, polymer degradation & recycling, spectroscopic and thermal techniques for polymer analysis. Presently, he is acting as a Member, Editorial Board, Advances in Materials, SciencePG and Member, Advisory Committee, International Union of Advanced Materials.
He has been extensively engaged in collaborative research, teaching assignment, delivering lectures and participating in the conferences and thus traveled to the countries like UK, USA, Brazil, Singapore, Malaysia, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Oman, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Ethiopia.