M.Phil, PhD (Chemistry)
Assistant Professor (Contractual)
Composite Material and Membrane Synthesis, Water desalination and composite membrane filtration
C2, Tayyaba Homes, Doharra, Aligarh
Dr. Mohd Arsalan is currently working as an Assistant professor in the Department of Applied Chemistry, Zakir Husain College of Engineering and Technology, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India. He is engaged in the teaching of students of M.Sc. Polymer Science and Technology, B.Tech and BE (evening). He obtained his Bachelor's degree in Chemistry (Hons.) followed by a Master's degree in Physical Chemistry from Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh in 2009. He has completed his doctoral studies at the Department of Chemistry AMU Aligarh, where he has undergone research training in transport phenomena of strong electrolyte solutions as well as heavy metal ions through the synthesized organic-inorganic composite membrane, for which he was awarded the doctorate in 2015. He has been extensively engaged in collaborative research and participating in conferences/symposia in India and abroad. He has published various research papers in different reputed international journals like Desalination, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, Journal of Molecular Structure, Journal of Membrane Science and Research, Journal of Membrane science and technology, Desalination and Water Treatment, etc.
- Key Publications 1. Mohd Arsalan, Mohammad Mujahid Ali Khan, Rafiuddin, A comparative study of theoretical, electrochemical and ionic transport through PVC based Cu3(PO4)2 and polystyrene supported Ni3(PO4)2 composite ion exchange porous membranes, Desalination, 318 (2013) 97–106. Elsevier.2. Mohd Arsalan, Rafiuddin, Binding nature of polystyrene and PVC 50:50% with CP and NP 50:50% ion exchangeable, mechanically and thermally stable membrane, J. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 20 (2014) 3283–3291. Elsevier.3. Mohd Arsalan, Rafiuddin, Fabrication, characterization, transportation of ions and antibacterial potential of polystyrene-based Cu3 (PO4)2/Ni3 (PO4)2composite membrane, J. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 20 (2014) 3568–3577.Elsevier.4. Mohd Arsalan, Rafiuddin, Structural and electrochemical characterization of newly synthesized CF nanoparticle-based FP composite membrane and their applicability on TMS theory, Journal of Molecular Structure, 1074 (2014) 559–565, Elsevier.5. Mohd Arsalan, M. Zeeshan, Rafiuddin, Comparison of physicochemical and electrochemical characterization of PVC incorporated ZT and ZM composite membranes and their applicability on TMS theoretical equation, Journal of Molecular Structure, 1074 (2014) 559–565, Elsevier.7. Mohd Arsalan, Rafiuddin, Synthesis characterization and electrochemical observation of PVC based ZMP composite porous membrane and its physicochemical studies by using some strong electrolytes through TMS equation, J. Solid State Electrochemistry, Doi: 10.1007/s10008-015-2854-3, Springer,8. Mohd Arsalan, Shahla Imteyaz, Mohd Zeeshan & Rafiuddin, Synthesis, characterization, and electrochemical observation of PVC-supported strontium tungstate inorganic precipitated composite membrane, Desalination and Water Treatment, Doi: 9.1080/19443994.2015.1080191(IF-1.3) Taylor and Francis.10. Mohd Arsalan, M. A. Khan, I. Khan, M. Oves, Synthesis, and electrochemical behaviour of polyvinyl chloride-based Tin (IV) Tungusto-Arsenate composite membrane for purification of aqueous contaminated electrolyte solutions, Ground. Wat. Sustainable Develop. 7, 2018, 483-489, Elsevier.11. Mohd Arsalan, A. Zehraa, M.M.A. Khan, Rafiuddin, Preparation and characterization of polyvinyl chloride-based nickel phosphate ion selective membrane and its application for removal of ions through water bodies, Ground. Wat. Sustainable Develop, 2019, 8, 41-48. Elsevier.
12. Mohd Arsalan, Mohd Adeel Khan, Fabrication, characterization and electrochemical analysis of a polyvinylidene fluoride plus zeolite embedded manganese phosphate composite ion exchange membrane, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2025. Royal Society of Chemistry
13. Mohd Arsalan, Suzain Akhtar, Elucidating the thermo-mechano-chemical stability and electrochemical potential of PVP@ZP+Ze composite ion exchange membrane for industrial application, Process Safety and Environmental Protection,, Elsiever.