M.B.A , Ph.D
Associate Professor
International Business
Badar Villa, 4/60 Ahmad Nagar, Dodhpur, Civil Lines, Aligarh - 202002 (Uttar Pradesh). INDIA.
Mohammed Afaq Khan is Associate Professor in the Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management Studies & Research, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. He has done his PhD in Business Administration on Overseas Marketing of Floriculture Products from the Faculty of Management Studies and Research, Aligarh Muslim University. He has been teaching International Business, Business Law & Ethics, International Economics, and International Business Law. He has published more than 30 research papers in reputed/refereed journals and has been guiding PhD scholars, ten of whom have been awarded degrees. His areas of interest include emerging sectors like BPO/KPO, Pharmaceuticals, Textiles & Garments, and Floriculture. He has been delivering lectures on WTO to exporters of brassware, building fittings and hardware at National Small Industries Corporation, Aligarh.
- Publications
Motives of Foreign Multinational Firms investing in India: A Comparison between Manufacturing and Services Sector, along with Alka Sanjeev and R K Wadhwa, Smart Journal of Management Studies, Vol.16, No.2, July-December 2020, ISSN (Print): 0973-1598, ISSN (Online): 2321-2012, pp.60-73.
Impact of motives of inward FDI on benefits perceived by foreign multinational enterprises investing in India, along with Prof. Nawal Kishor and Alka Sanjeev, American Review of Political Economy, Vol.15, No.1, June 28, 2020, ISSN No. 1551-1383, pp.1-18.
Online Grocery Shopping: Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction, along with Imran Ali and Sharad Ranjan, A Journal of Composition Theory, Vol. XII, Issue XII, December 2019, ISSN 0731-6755, pp.1090-1945.
Satisfaction Determinants of Online Grocery Shopping: An Analytical Study, along with Imran Ali and Sharad Ranjan, A Journal of Composition Theory, Vol. XII, Issue IX, September 2019, ISSN 0731-6755, pp.1931-1099.
Economic Efficiency and Export Performance of Organized Composite Textile Industry in India, along with Samir V. Kolte and Naseem Abidi, IAHRW International Journal of Social Sciences Review, 7(5-III), 2019, ISSN 2347-3797, pp.1663-1670.
Structural Determinants of Customer Satisfaction during Online Grocery Shopping, along with Imran Ali and Sharad Ranjan, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Vol.6, Issue 6, June 2019, ISSN: 2349-5162, pp.638-645.
Service Convenience and Post-Purchase Behaviour of Online Buyers: An Empirical Study, along with Sablu Khan, Journal of Service Science Research, Springer, 2018, 10 : pp.167-188.
E-Service Quality of E-Retailers and Post-Purchase Behaviour: A Conceptual Framework, along with Sablu Khan, Digital Economy Challenges and Opportunities (Edited Book, published by Keystone Publishing House, New Delhi), First Edition 2018, ISBN 978-81-928754-5-3, pp.203-207.
Religion Wise Differences in Female's Attitude towards Role Portrayal of Women in TV Advertisements, along with Mohd Tariq, Vandana Singh & Priya Singh, Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies Volume: 8 – Issue: 1 January – 2018, pp.112-125.
Measuring Service Convenience of E-retailers: An Exploratory Study in India, along with Sablu Khan, International Journal of Business Forecasting and Marketing Intelligence, Vol.4, No.3, 2018, pp.353-367.
E Procurement Adoption determined by various factors – Conceptual Model based on Literature Review, along with Avinash Shukla, Jaipuria International Journal of Management and Research, 3(1), January – June 2017, pp. 42-55.
Customer Advocacy: A Strategy for Revamping E-Tailers’ Services in India, along with Sablu Khan, Conference Proceedings: International May Conference on Strategic Management, held in Bor, Serbia. May 19-21, 2017, pp.103-114.
Offensive advertising: A religion based Indian study, along with M. Tariq, Journal of Islamic Marketing, Journal of Islamic Marketing, 2017 - pp.656-668.
Literature Review of Adoption of E. Procurement Practices by Construction Industries, along with Avinash Shukla and Mrinalini Shah, AIMA Journal of Management & Research, Vol. 10, Issue 2/4, May 2016, ISSN 0974 – 497, pp.1-25.
Service Quality Perceptions of Cellular Phone Service in India: A Comparison between Male and Female, along with Pankaj Rawal and Dr. Asif Akhtar, International Journal of Research in IT & Management, Vol.5 Issue 8, August 2015, ISSN (P) 2349-6517, ISSN (O) 2231-4334, pp.8-22.
A Study of the Factors Affecting Attitude of Consumers towards Eco;labeled Products, along with Faiz Hasan, Global Journal for Research Analysis, Vol. 4, Issue 4, April 2015, ISSN No. 2277-8160, pp.62-65.
India-Thailand Trade Relations: An Assessment, along with Syed Khusro Chishty and Dr. Asif Akhtar, SIT Journal of Management, Vol.3 No.1, June 2013, pp.285-299.
Regional Influences on Brand Consciousness in Jammu And Kashmir, along with S. Aijaz Ahmad, Golden Research Thoughts, Volume 2, Issue. 3, Sept 2012, ISSN:-2231-5063, pp. 1-5.
Consumer Decision-making Styles: A Comparative Study of Male and Female Customers in India, along with S. Aijaz Ahmad, Handbook of Management and Behavioural Science, Vol. IV, Wisdom Publications, Delhi, 2011, pp.75-83.
Business Process Outsourcing Supply Chain Strategies for the Life Sciences Industry, along with C. Omprakash and Dr. K. S. Gupta, Proceedings of SCMIS (Supply Chain Management And Information Systems) December 2008, Macmillan Publishers India.
India’s Potential to Emerge as a Top Destination for Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO), Integral Review, Faculty of Business Management, Integral University, Lucknow, Vol. I, No. 1, June 2008, pp.48-64.
HR Challenges in Business Transformation Outsourcing, along with C. Omprakash and Dr. K. S. Gupta, The ICFAI University Journal of Organizational Behaviour, The Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, Vol.VII, No.4, October 2008, pp.25-33.
Building Effective Cold Chain Linkage for Boosting Floriculture Exports from India, Journal of Motilal Rastogi School of Management, Lucknow, Vol.1, No.2, December 2007, pp.1-7.
India’s Emerging Status in the Global Knowledge Process Outsourcing Industry, Management Insight, School of Management Sciences, Varanasi, Vol.III, No.1, June 2007, pp.76
Strategic Analysis of Life Sciences Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Industry, along with C. Omprakash and Dr. K. S. Gupta, Conference Proceedings of The International Conference on Management – IBSA.ICON07, ICFAI Business School, Ahmedabad, 27-29 December 2007, pp.265-267.
HR Issues and Challenges for Indian BPO Industry, ACRM Journal of Business and Management Research, AIMS Centre for Research and Management, Acharya Institute of Management & Sciences, Bangalore, Vol.1, No.1, February 2006, pp.11
Impact of the New Patent Regime on the Competitiveness of Indian Pharmaceutical Industry, Conference Proceedings of the 9th Annual Convention of Strategic Management Forum, IIM Kozhikode, Calicut, 18-20 May 2006, pp.374-383.
Gaining Competitive Edge through Services Offshoring, Managerium Souvenir, XIII All India Managerium on Managing the Boundaries of the Firm, Department of Business Administration, AMU, Aligarh, 21st March, 2006, pp.32
Preparedness of Indian Pharmaceutical Industry for the New Patent Regime, GGU Journal of Business, Guru Ghasidas University, Bilaspur, Vol.1, No.2, July-December, 2005, pp.73-84.
Opportunities & Challenges for Indian Textiles & Garments Sector in post Quota Regime, along with Prof. Kaleem Mohammed Khan, The Indian Journal of Commerce, New Delhi, Vol.58, No.1, January-March, 2005, pp.77-91.
India’s comparative Advantage in Business Process Outsourcing, AIM Explore, Vol.1 No.2, Advanced Institute of Management, Ghaziabad, July-December 2004, pp.33-39.
Post Harvest Quality Control for Cut Flowers, along with Prof. Kaleem Mohammed Khan, The Indian Journal of Commerce, New Delhi, Vol.55, No.3, July-September, 2002, pp. 56-67.
Will the Indian Floriculture Industry Blossom up in Time?, along with Prof. Kaleem Mohammed Khan, Agriculture Today, New Delhi, December 1999, pp.35-37.