Ph.D , M.B.A
Dr Salma Ahmed is Phd and MBA. Her research interests include Supply Chain Management, Knowledge Management and Information System. She has published over ninety papers, and attended and presented papers in more than fifty conferences both at the national and international platform. She has also authored a book entitled "How to Write and Analyse Cases" which was formally released in New Delhi in 2011. Notably, the book was also distributed as a part of learning module to the selected twenty participants of an International Conference on Global Supply Chain organized by Malaysian Institute of Purchase and Materials Management (MIPICS) in collaboration with Indian Institute of Material Management (IIMM) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2011. She has a special interest in writing and analysing cases and has to her credit seventeen case analyses published in Vikalpa -- published from The Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. She has also presented cases at various platforms like Indian School of Business, Hyderabad, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. She also conducts Faculty Development Program on ‘Case Writing and Analysis’ and on ‘Business Simulation Games’. Currently she is also serving as Member In-Charge, Dawakhana Tibbiya College, AMU, Aligarh.
- Publication
- A Literature Review on GSM Practices: journey of Emerging Technologies & Innovation Research Vol 6, issue 5, May 2019
- A Literature Review of Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) Practices, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, ISSN N0. 2349-5162, vol 6 issue 5 page 328-344, May 2019
- Tesla: A Disruptor or Sustaining Innovator, Journal of Case Research, ISSN No. 0976-108X, Vol X, Issue 01, page 12-24 June 2019
- Can Innovation on Sustainability be a Sustainable Competitive Advantage? PERSPECTIVA: A Case Research Journal ISSN No. 2454-7034,Vol V PP18-28, 2019
- The implementation of RFID Technology in Retail Industry in India” International Organization of Scientific Research ( IOSR) Journal of Business ManagementVol 20 issue 5 Verion 4 may 2018
- Identification of Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) barriers in the India Context, Conference Proceeding of International Conference on Strategies in Volatile and uncertain Environment for Emerging Market, Department of Management Studies, IIT-Delhi, ISBN No. 978-93-83893-05-8, page 557-563, July 2017
- An overview of Green Supply Chain Management Practices: A Journal of Green and Sustainable Development, ISSN No. 2350-1464, Vol 3, issue 15, page 1-8, August 2016
- Identification of Enablers of Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM), Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, Vol III, issue 2 page 17-26, June 2018
- Analysis of Purchase Behavior of residential Solar Roof Top PV Adopters, Volume 10, Issue 5, September - October 2019, pp.28–37, Article ID: IJM_10_05_003
- Potential Impact of Commoditization on Rooftop Solar PV In India, International Journal of Management, October 2019
- Impact of Technological and Marketing Innovation on Retailing Industry: Evidence of India, Journal of Reviews on Global Economics, 2019
- Analysis of Bullwhip Effect: A Behavioural Approach, Taylor and Francis Online Journal, 2019
- Feasibility of Drone Integration as Last Mile Delivery, Emerlad Emerging Market Case Study,2019
- Review of Literature of Determinants of ERP Implementation in SMEs, Journal of Basic and Applied Engineering Research p-ISSN: 2350-0077; e-ISSN: 2350-0255; Volume 3, Issue 12; October-December, 2016, pp. 1100-1105, 2018
- Investigating the Determinants of Implementation of Packaged Software In SMEs: A Research Agenda, AIMA Journal of Management & Research, 2018
- The Impact of Demonetization on Consumers Purchase On Retail Store, International Journal Research in Management and Social Science , ISSN 2322-0899, 2018
- Ambidextrous Supply Chain: The New Model for Supply Chain Excellence, Pacific Business Review International, Vol-10, Issue-2, Aug 2017.
- Exploration Factors Affecting an Ambidexterous Supply Chain, International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management,xxxx, 20xx
- Ranking Operational Causes of Bullwhip Effect in Supply Chain Using AHP: Perception of Managers in FMCG Sector, Metamorphosis, Journal of IIM, Lucknow, Vol-15, No.2, Dec 2016.
- Role of Effective Project Management in Reducing Drug Development Cost, Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, Vol-10, Issue-2, 2017.
- Measuring consumer's preference: Development and standardization of scale, International Journal of Education and Management Studies, 2017
- Knowledge Management, National Productivity Council,
- Driving Forces of Collaboration in Supply Chain: A Review, Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Management (IJCRB), Nov. 2013, Vol. 5, No. 7, United Kingdom. (ISSN 2073 7122)
- Tata Gold Plus: Adoption of Customer Oriented Strategy for Penetrating Market Opportunity, Cases on Consumer Centric Marketing Management, IGI Global, Pennyslylvania, USA, 2013
- Early Supplier Involvement (ESI): A New Way of Collaboration in Supply Chain-Case Study of Mahindra and Mahindra’s Scorpio, Supply Chain Pulse ITM Business School, Mumbai
- Vegetable Price Rise: Rythu Model Solution, SCM Journal of Indian Management, SCM Cochin School of Business, India, Jul-Sept 2013
- Efficient Consumer Response Supply Chain: A Case of Micromax Informatics, Integral Review-A Journal of Management, Faculty of Management & Research, Integral University, Lucknow, June-2012
- Performance of Rhythu Bazaars-A Study of the benefits received by the Customers, Research Bulletin of Institute of Cost Accountants of India, Oct 2012, Vol-XXXVI, ISSN 2230 9241
- Success through efficient Supply Chain Management: A Case of Nokia’s Indian Operation, Integral Review-A Journal of Management, Faculty of Management & Research, Integral University, Lucknow, June-2012
- Building Supply Chain Collaboration: Different Collaborative Approaches, Integral Review-A Journal of Management, Faculty of Management &Research, Integral University, Lucknow, June-2012
- Collaborative Transportion Management: Benefits and Challenges, Edited Book, Handbook of Management & Behavioral Sciences, Vol.6,- Wisdom Publication, Delhi
- Collaboration in the Supply Chain, Edited Book, Envisioning the Future Business-Redefining Strategies for Excellence, Asian School of Business Management, Bhubneshwar, Excel Books, 2012
- Success in New Product Development Through Collaboration in the Supply Chain: Case Study of Tata Motor’s Ace, Cases in Management, Edited Book on Cases, Wisdom Publication, 2009
- Business Intelligence as Competitive Advantage, presented at conference on 4th National Conference on Innovation and Adaptibilty: Twin Engines of Sustained Growth, PIM Marc 29-30, 2009, ISBN 978-81-7446-562-7
- Comparative Study of Preference of Consumers of Supermarkets and Rythu Bazaars – The Farmers’ Markets of Andhra Pradesh, International Journal of Engineering and Management Sciences, Vol.3[3] July, 2012
- Maruti Suzuki India Limited: Strategy for Glocalization, in Edited Book, Case Studies in Management- Contemporary Perspectives, Humming Words Publication
- Servqual Model: Applicability on Indian Airlines, Stamford-Journal of Business Studies, Bangladesh, Vol. 3, Issue-2 & Vol. 4, Issue-1, 2011
- Key Dimensions of Knowledge Sharing: An Empirical Study of Academic Institutions, Scour, Journal of Institute of Productivity & Management, Jan-Jun 2010
- Tata Nano: Is Small always Beautiful?, Cases in Management-Indian and International Perspective, Biztantra publication, New Delhi , 2009
- Developing e-tailing strategies for the future, SRM Management Digest, An Annual Publication of SRM School of Management, Kancheepuram, April 2010
- E-tailing: Attributes and Security Concerns, SRM Management Digest, An Annual Publication of SRM School of Management, Kancheepuram, April 2010
- Role Of IT in Service Sector: An Emperical Study Of The Airline Sector, Edited Book entitled: Opportunities and Challenges in the Global Business, Excel Books, Indore, 2009
- Challenge and Opportunities in Global Supply Chain Management, Edited Book entitled: Opportunities and Challenges in the Global Business, Excel Books, International Institue of Foreign Trade & Research (IIFTR), Indore
- Indian Tigers Vs Chinese Dragons: The Race for Supremacy in IT Outsourcing, Journal of IMS Group, (Listed in Cabell’s Management Directory, USA), Ghaziabad, Jan-June, 2009
- Business Intelligence as Competitive Advantage, presented at conference on 4th National Conference on Innovation and Adaptibilty: Twin Engines of Sustained Growth, 2009, ISBN 978-81-7446-562-7
- Relationship Between Leadership Capability and Knowledge Management: A Measurement Approach, Journal of Information and Knowledge Management, Vol; 7 No. 2 June 2008
- Case Analysis –Turnaround @ Motorola India: Mobile Devices Business through the HR Lever, Vikalpa-Journal of Decision Makers, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, Vol.33, No.3 Jul-Sept, 2008.
- Case Analysis –Japan 2006, Vikalpa-Journal of Decision Makers, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, Vol.32, No.3 Apr-Jun, 2008.
- Case Analysis-Chilli in Soup (A), Vikalpa-The Journal of Decision Makers, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, Vol. 31, No. 3, Jul-Sept, 2007
- Developing A Drug Supply Chain, Management Insight, The Journal of School of Management Sciences, SMS, Varanasi, June 2008
- Supply Chain Management at Titan Industries Limited, Journal of Motilal Rastogi School of Management, Lucknow, Vol.1, No.2, Dec 2007
- Air Deccan-The Low Cost Carrier, In Edited Book, New Age Maketing: Emerging Realities, Institute of Management, Nirma University of Science and Technology, Ahmedabad, Excel Books, 2008
- Globalisation Or Localisation: What is the Right Internationalisation Strategy for Retail? In Edited Book entitled Navigating Glocalisation Through Quality Initaitives, PIMR Indore, Excel Books,
- RFID: Its Appicattion in Business, BVIMR Management Edge, Journal of Bhariti Vidhyapeeth University, New Delhi, Jul-Dec 2007
- The Indian Food Retail: Implications for the Supply Chain, The Alternative, Department of Management , Birla Institute of Technology, Ranchi, Vol 6, No. 1, Oct-2006-Mar 2007
- Reverse Logistics: Trends, Practice and Implications, In Edited Book on Excellence in Management PIM, Excel Gwalior, 2009
- Global Sourcing: Focus Textile-Implications for the Supply Chain, The Chanakya, Journal of RIMS School of Management & Information Sciences, Jan-Jun 2007
- Virtual Organisation: Implications for Business, In Edited Book, Organisational Transformation Through Information Technology, PMIR, Indore, Excel Books, 2007
- Business Excellence Through Better Supplier Management, In Edited Book entitled Mastering Change for Organisational Excellence, PIMR, Gwalior, Excel Books, 2007
- Internet Usage Amongst Business Class and Service Class People: A Comparative Study, In Edited Book on Organisational Transformation Through Information Technology, PMIR, Indore, Excel Books, 2007
- Case Analysis-Enercon, Vikalpa-The Journal of Decision Makers, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, Vol. 31, No. 3, Jul-Sept, 2007
- Case Analysis-Planet Health, Vikalpa-The Journal of Decision Makers, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, Vol. 31, No. 3, Oct-Dec, 2007
- Case Analysis-Kurlon Limited, Vikalpa-The Journal of Decision Makers, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, Vol. 31, No. 3, Oct-Dec, 2007
- Case Analysis-Escorts, Vikalpa-The Journal of Decision Makers, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, Vol. 31, No. 3, Oct-Dec, 2006
- Case Analysis-Tata Steel: Re-Inventing of a Giant Corporation, Vikalpa-The Journal of Decision Makers, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, Vol. 31, No. 3, Jul-Sept, 2006
- Case Analysis-The Uttar Pradesh Lokyukta: Efiicient Redressal of Citizen Grievances, Vikalpa-The Journal of Decision Makers, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, Vol. 31, No. 3, Jan- Mar, 2006
- Case, Vikalpa-The Journal of Decision Makers, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, Vol. 30, No. 2, Oct-Dec, 2005
- Case Analysis-WorldCom Inc, Vikalpa-The Journal of Decision Makers, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, Vol. 30, No. 2, Apr-Jun, 2005
- Developed a Study Material on Supply Chain Management for Conference on Supply Chain Management, Organised by Symbiosis Institute of Management & TVS Logistics, At Symbiosis, Pune, Apr29-30, 2004
- Case Analysis-South Africa and the Aids Epidemic, Vikalpa-The Journal of Decision Makers, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, Vol. 29, No. 3, Jul-Sept 2004
- Case Analysis-ABC Limited: Agriculture and Domestic Pump Divisionc, Vikalpa-The Journal of Decision Makers, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, Vol. 29, No. 2, Apr-Jun, 2004
- Case Analysis-Clariant India Limited, Vikalpa-The Journal of Decision Makers, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, Vol. 28, No. 4, Oct-Dec, 2003
- Case Analysis-TI Cycles, Vikalpa-The Journal of Decision Makers, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, Vol. 28, No. 3, Jul-Sept 2003
- Case Analysis-Victor Brand, Vikalpa-The Journal of Decision Makers, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, Vol. 28, No. 2, Apr-Jun 2003
- Case Analysis-ERP Implementation at BPCL, Vikalpa-The Journal of Decision Makers, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, Vol. 27, No. 1, Jan- Mar 2003
- Strategy For Success in Retail, A Special Edition on Strategy for Sustainable Growth, published by PIMR, Indore, 2003
- Change: The Role of a Manager, The Annual Issue of Kerela Personnel,Published by National Institute of Personnel Management, Kerala Chapter, 2003
- Women Issues in Management, The Annual Issue of Kerela Personnel, Published by National Institute of Personnel Management, Kerala Chapter, 2002
- Telemedicine: A revolution in Healthcare Services, published by PIMR, Indore, 2002
- Green Logistics, Indore Manager, Indore, Jul-Sept 2002
- Supply Chain Management, Indian Management, Mar-Apr 1999
- Effect of Y2K on Supply Chain System, NMIMS Management Review, Bombay, Jul-Dec 1999
- Management of Executive Stress, Business Review, Jammu & Kashmir,1999
- Social Responsibility: A Call of Social Conscience, An Edited Book
- Lease Financing, An Edited Book
- Requirements of Supply Chain Management, Indian Journal of Business Administration, Vol 4, 1998-99
- Technological Reforms in the Banking Sector, NMIMS Management, Jan-Jun 1998
- Culture: A Pre-requisite to Information System, Personnel Today, A Publication of NIPM, Apr-Jun 1998
- Positioning of MIS in an Organisation, Management Accountant, June 1998
- Talent Retention: A Challenge, Personnel Today, A Publication of NIPM, Jul-Sept 1997
- Quality Circles: Journal of Commerce, AMU, Aligarh, 1995
- Tourism: A Managerial Perspective, Prabandh, June 1993
- Infrastructure Projects