Ph.D. (Business Administration), M.B.A., B.A. (Hons) in Economics
Assistant Professor (Contractual)
General Management
Department of Business Administration, Frank & Debbie Islam Management Complex, A.M.U. Work: 0571-2700920 Extn. 3563
Dr. Zareen Husain Farooq is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management Studies and Research. She gained an M.B.A. and a First Class Honours for her B.A. in Economics at Aligarh Muslim University. Her research and teaching activities mainly focus on Organizational Behavior, Change Management, Strategic Management, Leadership and Management and Islam. She also engages classes of MBA in hospital administration. Zareen concluded her doctoral thesis at the Department of Business Administration, Aligarh Muslim University. Her Ph.D. topic was 'Change Management through Balanced Scorecard Perspective: A Study of Selected Indian Organizations'. She has presented research papers in various national and international conferences including BAM 2019 held in Birmingham, U.K. and EURAM 2024 held in Bath, U.K. She holds a certificate for attending Durham Islamic Finance Summer School at Durham University Business School, U.K. On the occasion of India's G20 Presidency, she has co-edited a book titled "India G20 Presidency: A Synthesis of Perspectives". The contributions in this book presents G20 in the context of healthcare challenges, climate change, global finance, supply chain, sustainability and innovation.
Farooq, Z. H., Al Kwifi, O., Al-Tamimi, S. K. & Fadol, Y. Y. (2024). A Blueprint for Crafting Innovation in Emerging Economies. Journal of Global Business Advancement, Inderscience Publishers (Accepted). Indexed in SCOPUS.
Abid, U., Faisal, M. N., Al-Esmael, B., Farooq, Z. H., & Nassour, S. (2024). Exploring the Moderating Role of Technological Competence and Artificial Intelligence in Green HRM. Polish Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 2-72. Indexed in UGC CARE, SCOPUS.
Jabeen, F., Farooq, Z. H., Al Nahyan, M. T., Stachowicz-Stanusch, A., Tripathi S. K., & Farouk, S. (2021). Athlete Leadership and Team Performance: Moderating Role of Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Mediating Role of Team Cohesion and Work Passion. Indian Journal of Economics and Business, 20(4), 189-214. Indexed in Scopus.
Farooq, A., & Farooq, Z. H. (2011). Balanced Scorecard Perspective on Change and Performance: A Study of Selected Indian Companies. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 24 (2011), 754-768. Available online at Indexed in Scopus, UGCCARE.
Farooq, A., Khan, B. M., & Farooq, Z. H. (2010). Human Resource Management: An Islamic Perspective. Asia Pacific Journal of Business Administration, 2(1), 17-34. Rated as ‘C’ category by ABDC Journal Quality List. Indexed in UGC CARE, ABI/INFORM, Cabell’s, INSPEC. Impact Factor: 0.37
Azmi, F. T., & Farooq, Z. H. (2008). Profiling Organizational Learning: An Empirical Study of IT and Banking Sectors in India. Management and Labor Studies, 33(1). Rated as ‘C’ category by ABDC Journal Quality List. Indexed in Scopus, UGCCARE, J-Gate, ICI, Research Papers in Economics. Impact Factor: 0.93