M.D (Pediatrics), Fellowship IPNA (AIIMS, N.Delhi)
Pediatric Nephrology
Dr. Kamran Afzal completed his M.D in Pediatrics and thereafter joined as Senior Resident in the Department of Pediatrics at J.N.Medical College, A.M.U, Aligarh. He was appointed as Lecturer in 2001. In 2006, he obtained the prestigious International Pediatric Nephrology Association (IPNA) Training Fellowship at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi and has since then successfully managed Pediatric nephrology services in the department. Dedicated Pediatric Hemodialysis facility was started in 2015. The Division of Pediatric Nephrology collaborated with AIIMS, New Delhi, and Cedars Sinai Medical Center, University College of Los Angeles, USA as a 'C-Level' Sister Renal Center of International Society of Nephrology. Dr. Afzal has successfully guided several theses and published papers in reputed journals including Kidney International, Pediatric Nephrology, Indian Pediatrics, Indian Journal of Pediatrics, Indian Journal of Nephrology, etc. He has also contributed several chapters for popular textbooks of pediatrics. He has also been a member of review committees for developing consensus guidelines for evidence-based management of renal disorders in children. Dr. Afzal has successfully completed ICMR-funded projects and organized scientific meeting as organizing secretary.
- Chapters in Books
Chapter on “Infectious Diseases and the Kidney” in
IAP Specialty Series on PEDIATRIC NEPHROLOGY, 3rd Edition, 2019.
AS Vasudev, D Ugra, K Mehta, S Banerjee, A Saha (Eds).
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. New Delhi.
(ISBN: 978-86322-25-8). pg. 84-95.Chapter on “Tubular Disorders” in
Textbook of Pediatrics for Postgraduates, 1st Edition, 2014
Piyush Gupta, PSN Menon, Siddarth Ramji, Rakesh Lodha (Eds).
ISBN: 978-9351527251. pg. 2028-2034.Chapter on “Glomerulonephritis” in
IAP Textbook of Pediatrics, 5th Edition.
Parthasarthy A, Menon PSN, Gupta P, Nair MKC (Editors), 5th Edition,
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 2013.
ISBN-10: 9350259450; ISBN-13: 978-9350259450. pg 595-599.
Chapter on “Fluid and Electrolyte Disturbances” in
Ghai Essential Pediatrics 8th Edition.
O.P.Ghai, V K Paul, A Bagga (Eds).
CBS Publishers and distributors, New Delhi, 2013.
ISBN-10: 8123923341; ISBN-13: 978-8123923345. pg. 70-87.
- Research Publications
- Neonatal acute kidney injury risk stratification score: STARZ study. Pediatr Res (internet) 2021.
- Incidence, Risk Factors and Outcomes of Neonatal Acute Kidney Injury (AKI): Protocol of a Multicentric Prospective Cohort Study [The Indian iconic Neonatal Kidney Educational Registry (TINKER)]. Frontiers in Pediatrics. 2021;9:600
- Daily levamisole versus mycophenolate mofetil in patients with frequently relapsing or steroid-dependent nephrotic syndrome: An open-label noninferiority randomized controlled trial. Asian J Pediatr Nephrol 2020;3 (2): 43-48.
- Incidence, risk factors, and outcome of acute kidney injury in hospitalized term newborns. J Clin Neonatol 2020;9:121:4
- Pediatric Acute Kidney Injury in North India: A prospective hospital based study. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl 2018;29(3):689-697.
- Extending initial prednisolone treatment in a randomized control trial from 3 to 6 months did not significantly influence the course of illness in children with steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome. Kidney International 2015;87 (1):217-24
- Safety and Efficacy of Isotonic (0.9%) vs. Hypotonic (0.18%) Saline as Maintenance Intravenous Fluids in Children: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Indian Pediatr. 2014; 51:969-975.
- Epidemiology and drug resistance profile of acute bacterial meningitis in children in Northern India: a university hospital perspective. Asian Pac J Trop Dis. 2014; 4: S818-S823.
- Treatment with mycophenolate mofetil and prednisolone for steroid-dependent nephrotic syndrome. Pediatr Nephrol. 2007; 22(12): 2059-65.