M.D. Pediatrics
Neonatology, Developmental Pediatrics and Infectious Diseases
: C/o Prof S.M.Muzhir,4/1414 D, Medical College Road, New Sir Syed Nagar, Aligarh.
I did MBBS in 2000 and MD in Paediatrics in 2005 from J.N.Medical College, A.M.U, Aligarh. Later I joined as Senior Resident for around 2yr and am presently working as Professor in the department of Paediatrics for the since 2023. .My thrust area is Neonatal intensive care and developmental Pediatrics. I am the nodal Officer for District Early Interventional Centre and Centre for Excellence established in JN Medical College under NHM, MInistry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India.I have presented several papers and posters at various National conferences. Some of the reputed journals which have published my articles are Indian Pediatrics, Journal of Clinical Neonatology, BMC Pediatrics, South African Journal of Child Health, Pediatric on Call and Current Pediatric Research etc. I have been trained in PALS (Pediatric Advanced Life Support) and NALS (Neonatal Advanced Life Support) courses. I am also the trainer for NSSK (Navjaat Shishu Suraksha Yojna) I have received Prof. R. S. Dayal Gold Medal in Neonatology for Best Paper at Pedicon 2006 at Lucknow. I have completed a research project on severe pneumonia in children funded by InClen and MCH Star.
- Publication
- A randomized controllled trail of hospital versus home based therapy with oral Amoxicillin for severe pneumonia in children aged 3-59 months: The IndiaCLEN Severe Pneumonia Oral Therapy (ISPOT) Study. Patel AB, Bang A, Singh M, Dhande L, Chelliah LR, Malik A, Khadse S and the ISPOT Group. BMC pediatrics 15 (1), 1
- Spot of bother: Bitot's spot. A Abbas, U Firdaus - Archives of Disease in Childhood-Education, 2018
- Maternal and neonatal factors associated with meconium stained amniotic fluid Firdaus U, Ali SM , Sachdeva S. Curr Pediatr Res 2013; 17: 37-40.
- Pattern of systolic and diastolic blood pressure in healthy new-borns from 0-28 days by Dinamap. Firdaus U, Ali SM, Malik MA, Ahmed AJ. Curr Pediatr Res 2009; 13: 1-4
- A comparative study of the efficacy of Pediatric Airtraq® with conventional laryngoscope in children Ali Q. E., Amir S. H., Firdaus U., Siddiqui O. A., Azhar A. Z. Minerva Anestesiologica 2013 December;79(12):1366-70.
- Factors associated with elevated blood lead levels in children Indian Pediatrics 2018 Chaudhary S, Firdaus U, Ali SM, Mahdi AA
- Acute childhood diarrhea: A review of recent advances in the standard management. Alam S, Khanna R, Firdaus U. Pediatric on call 2006.
- Complicated pneumonia with pneumothorax: Can it be congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation? Firdaus U, Haseen MA, Ansari A, Beg MH, Beg FK, Alam I, Indian Journal of cardio thoracic vascular Surgery . 2014 ;30 (4): 299-302
- Profile and Risk Factors of Congenital Heart Defects: A Study in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Annals of Pediatric CardiologyAkash Gupta , Shaad Abqari , Tabassum Shahab , MU Rabbani , S Manazir Ali , Uzma Firdaus
- Khan IA, Firdaus U, Ali SM, Asghar I. Newborn with meroanencephaly: Surviving all odds. J Pediatr Neurosci 2016;11:228-9.
- antimicrobial stewardship