MD(Pathology), MBBS
Assistant Professor
C-304,cental tower,kelanagar chauraha,Aligarh
Myself Dr Murad Ahmed working as Assistant Professor in department of pathology,JNMC,AMU,Aligarh .I joined the department on 26 September 2017 as Assistant Professor through Local selection committee. I have done my MBBS and MD from JNMC,AMU,Aligarh.Completed my 3 yrs of senior residency from department of pathology ,JNMC,AMU,Aligarh .After completing my Senior residency I joined FH medical college,Tundal,UP as Assistant Professor and worked there for 9 months. My field of interest is histopathology and cytopathology. Thank you
- Primary Conjunctival Tuberculosis-A Rare Presentation Download PDF
- . Evaluation of hematological parameters and bone marrow in Indian patients suffering from pancytopenia. Download PDF
Pancytopenia is a relatively common hematological disorder manifesting as anemia, leucopenia and thrombocytopenia. Causes of pancytopenia are varied and range from simpledrug-induced bone marrow hypoplasia, megaloblastic anemia to fatal bone marrow aplasiasand leukemias. Examination of the bone marrow is required in cases for pancytopenia to findout the underlying pathology and hence better patient management. This study was carriedout to evaluate hematological and bone marrow findings in patients presenting withpancytopenia. 50 patients in the age group of 6 months- 60 years were included in thisprospective study. Detailed history, clinical examination, hematological investigations and bone marrow examination were performed in all the cases. Pancytopenia was more commonin second decade of life with slight male preponderance. Fever was the commonestpresenting complaint and pallor was the commonest sign. Megaloblastic anemia was the mostcommon cause (58%) of pancytopenia, hypersegmented neutrophils and macro-ovalocyte arevery reliable indicators of megaloblastic anemia. Bone- marrow aspiration was diagnostic inmajority (80%) of cases, and biopsy is not routinely indicated. Reticulocyte production indexis a better indicator of bone-marrow status as compared to reticulocyte count. Nutritionaldeficiency is the most important cause of megaloblastic anemia, and was the underlyingetiology in 58% cases of life-threatening pancytopenia. Findings of automated hematologycounter must be correlated with manual peripheral blood smear examination in cases ofpancytopenia. Bone- marrow aspiration is highly recommended and reticulocyte productionindex instead of reticulocyte count must be used to evaluate the actual hematopoieticpotential of the bone- marrow.
- Helicobacter PyloriInfection and Its Association with Histomorphological Changes in The Gall Bladder of Patients with Chronic Cholecystitis. Download PDF
Role of H.pylori in chronic gastritis, peptic ulcers, gastric carcinoma and malignant lymphoma of gastricmucosa associated lymphoid tissue (MALToma) is well established. However its role in gall bladderdiseases is still not clear. The aim of this study is to ?nd the prevalence of H.pylori in patients with symptomatic cholelithiasisand to assess its role in various morphological changes in gall bladders of the patients with chronic cholecystitis.
Our study comprised of 150 patients operated for chronic cholecystitis with cholelithiasis , with100 patients giving consent forgastric biopsies. Patients were divided into two groups depending on the presence and absence of H.pylori in gall bladdermucosa respectively. Histopathological changes were then assessed in both the groups and ?ndings were analysed statistically. On comparing the morphological changes in gall bladders of patients in both groups, statistically signi?cantdifference were seen in mucosal hyperplasia (P=0.01926), mucosal metaplasia (P=0.01890) and in lymphocytic in?ltrate(P=0.0307). Concomitant presence of H.pylori in gastric and gallbladder mucosa also showed positive correlation. As theselesions are believed to be key factor for the progress of numerous cancers, so the presence of H.pylori may be considered as potential risk factor for gallbladder cancers.
- Bilateral occult breast carcinoma presenting as bilateral axillary mass. Download PDF
Occult breast cancer presenting as an axillary mass is a rare clinical finding. Less than 5% of breast carcinoma presents as an axillary masswithout an obvious primary tumor. Axillary lymph node showing metastatic adenocarcinoma poses diagnostic and therapeutic problems, when itis the only clinical presentation. In a significant proportion of breast cancer cases, mammographic detection of micro-calcifications is indicativeof the presence of a breast lesion. We present a rare case of a bilateral occult breast carcinoma in a 40 year female with bilateral axillary masswithout any palpable breast mass.
- A Rare Case of Brunneroma Presenting as Gastric Perforation with Review of Literature. Download PDF
INTRODUCTION: Brunner`s gland adenomas are rare benign tumors usually located in the bulb of theduodenum. Very rarely, heterotopic Brunner`s gland tissue tumors have also been reported at remotelocations from the duodenum, eg. pylorus, pancreas and jejunum.CASE: We report a case of Brunneroma in a patient presenting with a prepyloric perforation with no masslesion seen on surgery. The diagnosis was established on histopathological examination of the perforationmargins.
DISCUSSION: Brunneromas are usually asymptomatic. If symptomatic, they commonly present with featuresof obstruction or GI bleeding. Grossly, they are usually seen as 1-2 cm pedunculated polyps; however, casesof giant Brunneromas have also been reported. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of aBrunneroma presenting with a perforation located in the prepyloric region, and with no mass lesion identifiedon surgery.
- Immunity