Training in Flowcytometry, MBBS, MD Pathology
Assistant Professor
Hematology, Blood Banking
203, Zahan Apartment, Iqra Colony, Dhorra Mafi, Aligarh
- Publications
1. Farheen S, Mariyath MPM, Rehman S, Hoda MF, Gupta Y, Ali A, Chosdol K, Shahi MH. Homeodomain Transcription Factors Nkx2.2 and Pax6 as Novel Biomarkers for Meningioma Tumor Treatment. Ind J Clin Biochem. Original Article. Pubmed.
2. Deeksha Singh , Sayeedul Hasan Arif , Suhail Ur Rehman , Bhuvan Adhlakha , Shivani Kalhan, Samridhi Allhabadi. A Study of Hematological and Lipid Profile Status of Apparently Healthy Donors in Blood Bank at a Tertiary Care Centre in North India: A 2 Year Experience. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research. 2022; 14(11); 295-2993. Naaz S, Adil M, Amin SS, Rehman S. Seborrhein keratosis over Graft site in a young male. Turkiye Klinikleri J Dermatol. 2022; 32 (3): 187-90.4. Adil M, Amin SS, Rehman S, Xess K. Hard nodules over the foot. Indian Dermatol Online J 2022;13:147-8. Case Report. Pubmed.
5. Faizan S, Adil M, Amin SS, Rehman S. Olmsted Syndrome With Follicular Hyperkeratosis and Pityriasis Amiantacea. ACTAS Dermo-Sifiliográficas, Case Report. Pubmed. Impact facor: 0.52.
6. Ambereen A, Rahman SA, Rehman S, Zaidi K, Arif SH. Mandibular mucormycosis following SARS- CoV-2 infection – A case report and review of literature. Clinical Infection in Practice (2021), doi: (Review Article). Impact factor: 6.07
7. Siddiqui S, Rehman S, Bano I, Arif SH. Pap smear screening in antenatal women: an opportunistic way to save life. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2021 Aug; 10(8):3158-3163. (Original Article)
8. Talat F, Warsi S, Rahman S, Akhtar K, Arif SH, Siddiqui SA. Correlation of Antibody Level in Covid-19 Recovered Plasma Donors with the Clinical Parameters. Global Journal of Medical Research: K Interdisciplinary Volume 21 Issue 2 Version 1.0 Year 2021. (Original Article)
9. Siddiqui B, Rahman S, Warsi S, Akhtar K. Femoral metastasis of papillary carcinoma of the ovary -A rare incidental finding. IP J Diagn Pathol Oncol 2021;6(1):80-83. (Case Report).
10. Hasan N, Meraj F, Rahman S, Akhtar K. Myxoid variant of adrenocortical carcinoma in a middle aged female - A case report. IP J Diagn Pathol Oncol 2021;6(1):76-79. (Case Report).
11. Akhtar K, Rehman S, Haiyat S, waris A. A Rare Presentation of Solitary Ocular Sarcoidosis. J of Health Clinical Sciences. 2021; 6(1):64-68. (Case Report).
12. Akhtar K, Rahman S, Alam K, Anees A. Signet Ring Carcinoma of the Appendix- A Rare Case Report. Br J Med Health Res. 2020;7(08): 1-8. (Case Report).
13. Rahman S, Juneja B, Alam F, Akhtar K (2020) Low Grade Appendiceal Mucinous Neoplasm-A Rare Case Presentation. Clin Res Open Access 6(1): (Case Report).
14. Akhtar K, Rahman S, Mehdi G, Sherwani RK. Encapsulated papillary carcinoma of breast with in-situ component: A rare presentation. IP J Diagn Pathol Oncol 2020; 5(3):333-335. (Case Report).
15. Adil M, Amin SS, Rehman S, Mohtashim M, Bansal R, Pathak P. Concomitant Kissing Nevus of Penis and Giant Becker’s Melanosis of Lower Limb. Turkiye Klinikleri J Dermatol. 2021;31(2):155-8. (Case Report). International. (PUBMED).
16. Fatima B, Ahmad A, Khan T, Rehman S, Akram N. Diagnostic Dilemma in Ovarian Ectopic Co-existing with Acute Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. Pan Asian J Obs Gyn 2019; 2(2):93-96. (Case Report)
17. Aijaz M, Rahman S, Akhtar K and Sherwani RK. Epithelioid Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor-A Rare Presentation. J Clin Lab Med 2018; 3(1): National. (Case Report)
18. Qamar I, Rehman S, Ghazala M, Maheshwari V, Ansari HA, Chauhan S. Utility of cytospin and cellblock technology in evaluation of body fluids and urine samples: a comparative study. J Cytol 2018; 35:79-82. (Original Article). International. (PUBMED). Impact Factor 2016: 0.476
19. Arif T, Adil M, Rehman S. Music box spine keratoderma. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 2018;84:182-3. (Case Report). National. (PUBMED) Impact factor: 1.338
20. Verma R, Kumar H, Baghel A, Gupta D, Rehmann SU. Atypical Squamous Cell of Unknown Significance (ASCUS) in Pap Smears: A Study from Rural Based Hospital. Int J Med Res Prof. 2018 Jan; 4(1):433-36. (Original Article) DOI:10.21276/ijmrp.2018.4.1.089. National.
21. Kumar H, Verma R, Baghel A, Gupta D, Rehmann SU. Re-Classification of Carcinoma of Breast According To Molecular Classification and Its Correlation with Histologic Features. Ann. Int. Med. Den. Res. 2018; 4(2): PT53-PT57. (Original Article). National.
22. Rehman S, Arif SH, Kumar A, Khan AQ. Oct. 2017. Restarting thalidomide dexamethasone regimen in a post abortive female with multiple myeloma: effective clinical response possible. International J of Hematology-Oncology and Stem Cell Research. (Case Report). International. (PUBMED). 2015 Global Impact factor: 0.64. ISSN: 2008-2207. API Score: 12.
23. Khan R, Rehman S, Maheshwari V, Alam K. Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumour presenting as pathological fracture of Femur in Neurofibromatosis patient. J Orthop Allied Sci 2017;5:84-7. (Case Report). International. (Index Copernicus)
24. Rehman S, Senthil p, Arif SH, Chana RS. Idiopathic Scrotal Calcinosis in an infant: unusual age presentation. 2017. National Journal Of Basic Medical Sciences. (Case Report). National. (Index Copernicus)
25. Saeed N, Arif SH, Khan S, Rehman SU. Prostatic leiomyosarcoma: A rare and aggressive tumor. Saudi Surg J 2017;5:92-4. (Case Report). International. (Index Copernicus)
26. Rehman S, Khan AI, Ansari HA, Alam F, Vasenwala SM, Alam K, et al. Retrospective analysis of appendicectomy specimens: A tertiary care center-based study. Saudi Surg J. 2017;5:71-5. (Original article). International. (Index Copernicus)
27. Rehman S, Saeed N, Khan S, Vasenwala S. Hydatid cyst of lumbar spine: a rare cause of paraplegia. Shafa Orthopedics j. (Case Report). International. (Index Copernicus)
28. Rehman S, Vasenwala SM, Ansari HA, Hashmi SH, Saeed N. A lesion on lip- Hemangioma with Chronic Granuloma. Ann. Int. Med. Den. Res. 2017; 3(1):PT01-PT03. (Case Report). International. (IMSEAR, Index Copernicus). Global Impact factor: 0.676. ISSN (O):2395-2822. Cited by 2
29. Mir MA, Chauhan V, Mahmud AA, Bariar LM, Rehman S. Acral Hypomelanocytic Melanoma of Left Great Toe: A Rare Cancer. World J Plast Surg. 2017; 6(2). ISSN: 2228-7914. (Case Report). International. (PUBMED index). 2015 Global Impact Factor-0.454. API score: 2. Cited by 1.
30. Arif SH, Yadav N, Rehman S, Mehdi G. Study of hemolysis during storage of blood in the blood bank of a tertiary health care centre. Indian J Hematol Blood Transfus. Indian J Hematol Blood Transfus. 2017; 33(4):598–602. DOI 10.1007/s12288-016-0769-5. (Original Article). National. (PUBMED index). Impact Factor- 0.232.
31. Mir MA, Mahmud AA,Yaseen M, Rehman S, Ahmad I, Bariar LM. Cutaneous horn: A devil not only in appearance. Plast Surg Case Studies. 2016; 2 (3):51-52. (Case series). International.
32. Ansari HA, Vasenwala SM, Saeed N, Akhtar K, Rehman S. Diagnostic Approach to Thyroid Nodules. Ann. Int. Med. Den. Res. 2016; 2(6):PT01-PT05. (Review article). International. (IMSEAR, Index Copernicus). Global Impact factor: 0.676. ISSN (O):2395-2822. API score: 10.50
33. Siddiqui B, Faridi SH, Ahmad SS, Akhtar K, Rehman S, Aijaz M. Malignant melanoma of anal canal- a diagnostic dilemma. Int Arch Bio Med Clin Res. 2016 April; 2(2): X-X. DOI:10.21276/iabcr.2016.2.2.1 (Case Report). International. (Index Copernicus). Impact factor 1.75 (I2OR). ISSN: 2454-9894. API score: 2
34. Akhtar K, Rehman S, Javed F. A Rare case of Bilateral Giant Juvenile Fibroadenoma of Breast: Its implications on management. International Journal of Current Science and Technology Vol.3, Issue, 9, pp.66-69, September, 2015. (Case Report). International. (Index Copernicus). Global Impact fac 2015:0.987. ISSN: 2320-8090.API Score: 6.
35. Arif SH, Qadri S, Akhtar K, Rehman S. Incidental detection of Hemoglobin C trait in a 7 year male child. The journal for Hematology, Photon. 2015; 104: 147-150. (Case Report). International. Index journal. Impact Index: 4.96. ISJN: 5743-8482. API Score: 7
36. Rehman S, Khan N, Ansari HA, Senthil P. Xanthogranulomatoussalpingo-oophoritis with actinomycosis mimicking tubo ovarian tumor: a case report with review of literature. Global journal for research analysis. 2015; 4 (6): 360-361. (Review article). International. (Index Copernicus). 2014 Scientific journal impact factor- 3.62. ISSN: 2277-8160. API Score: 21
37. Rehman S, Vasenwala SM, Ansari HA, Ansari MM. Incidental finding of Mucinous Adenocarcinoma of Appendix in a patient operated for cholecystectomy: a rare case report. International journal of Scientific Research. 2015 May; 4, (5), Article No. : 226 (1-4). (Case Report). International. (Index Copernicus). 2014 Scientific journal impact factor: 3.50. ISSN: 2277-8179. API Score: 21
38. Yadav N, Rehman S, Ansari HA, Mehdi G, Raza MH. Molluscum contagiosum – Unusual presentation and diagnosis on cytology. Clinical Cancer Investigation J. 2015; 4: 378-80. (Case Report). International. (ESCI-Thomsons Reuters, EBSCO). ISSN: 2278-1668. API Score: 6
39. Vasenwala SM, Afroz N, Ansari HA, Khan AH, Basari R, Rehman S. Myopericytoma of lip: A rare lesion in an unusual location. Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2015; 58 (2):211-3. (Case Report). National. (PUBMED index). 2015 Impact factor- 0.522. ISSN-0377-4929. API Score: 2. Cited by 3.
- Rehman S, Arif SH, Saeed N, Khan NS, Ehsan A, Siddiqui S. Trends in seroprevalence of Malaria among blood donors in a north Indian tertiary health care centre: Importance of prevention of transfusion-transmissible malaria. Int. j of current microbiology & applied sciences. 2015; Special issue-1: 265-268. (Original Article). International. (Index Copernicus). 2015 GIF- 0.65. ISSN: 2319-7706. API Score: 21
- Ansari HA, Haiyat S, Kehkashan E, Sherwani RK, Rehman S, Aden D. A survey of Intestinal lesions with special reference to intestinal tuberculosis in and around Uttar Pradesh, India. Int j of current microbiology & applied sciences. 2015; Special issue-1: 118-126. (Original Article). International. (Index Copernicus) 2015 Global Impact factor- 0.65. ISSN: 2319-7706. API Score: 10.5
- Mehdi G, Singh AK, Hasan M, Ansari HA, Rehman S, Mirza S, Sherwani RK. Cytological evaluation of enlarged lymph nodes in metastatic disease – A hospital – based assessment. Clinical cancer investigation journal. 2015; 4: 152-157. (Original Article). International. (ESCI-Thomson Reuters, EBSCO). CITED BY: 9. ISSN: 2278-1668. API Score: 1.6
- Alam F, Naim M, Rahman SU, Shadan M. Nanotechnology based Artificial Platelets. The Egyptian Journal of Haematology. 2014; 39:1–5. (Review article). International. (EBSCO index). ISSN: 1110-1067. API Score: 2.66
44. Vasenwala SM,Ansari HA, Haider N, Rehman S, Khan T. Atypical Proliferating Clear Cell Adenofibroma of the Ovary: A Case Report. Middle East Journal of Cancer. 2013; 4(2): 87-90. (Case Report). International. (ESCI-Thomson Reuters, SCOPUS, EBSCO). ISSN: 2008-6687. API Score: 2.66. Cited by 1.
45. Arif SH, Haider N, Ansari HA, Rehman S, Raza MH. Pure invasive apocrine carcinoma of breast – A rare entity. Middle East Journal of Cancer. 2013; 4(3):131-133. (Case Report). International. (ESCI-Thomson Reuters, SCOPUS, EBSCO). ISSN: 2008-6687. API Score: 2.66
46. Rehman S, Arif SH, Mehdi G, Mirza S, Saeed N, Yusuf F. The Evaluation of Blood Donor Deferral Causes: A Tertiary Care Centre-based Study. J Blood Disorders Transf. 2012; 3:131. doi:10.4172/2155-9864.1000131. (Original Article). (EBSCO index) International. Impact factor-1.03. CITED BY: 17. ISSN: 2155- 9864. API Score: 18
47. Rehman S, Arif SH, Mehdi G. Akhter K, Shamsuzzaman, Ahmed M. Seroprevelance of Hepatitis C and Syphilis in North Indian Tertiary Health care center –A five year Retrospective Study. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology. 2012; 6: 75-78. (Original Article). National. Index journal (SCOPUS). 2013 Impact factor-0.073. NAAS rating 6.4 (2013). ISSN:0973-7510.API Score: 12
48. Vasenwala SM, Seth R, Haider N, Islam N, Khan T, Maheshwari V, Rehman SU. A study on antioxidant and apoptotic effect of Azadirachta Indica (neem) in cases of cervical cancer. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2012.DOI 10.1007/s00404-012-2428-x. (Original Article). International. Index journal (PUBMED). Impact factor- 2.09. CITED BY: 11. ISSN: 1432-0711. API Score: 2.1