M.D. (Pathology)
Surgical Oncology, Cytopathology, Histopathology
2/82, Arya Nagar, Avantika Part II, Ramghat Road, Aligarh
Reg No.- MCI/5159
I, Prof. Veena Maheshwari, did MD (Pathology) in July 1987. Joined the Dept of Pathology, J. N. Medical College, AMU Aligarh (India) as demonstrator in May 1987, then became Lecturer in October 1988, Reader in October 1997, Professor in 2005 and still continuing,.I have joined as Dean Faculty of Medicine Aligarh Muslim University ,Aligarh.
I have received special training in Neuropathology from AIIMS ,New Delhi & have done the 44th National Teachers Training Course on Educational Science Technology At Maulana Azad Medical College ,New Delhi.I have done Revised Basic course Workshop( rBCW), CISP III- Curriculum Implementation Support Program, in Medical Education.
I worked as the Chairperson since 23rd October 2010 to 22nd October 2013.
I have aprox 200 publications in various national and international journals; Acta Cytologica, Diagnostic Cytopathology, British Medical Journal Case Reports, International J Surgery, International J Paediatric Otorhinolaryngology, J Of Tropical Paediatrics, Paediatric Dermatology, Indian J Pathol Microbiol, J of Cytology; to mention a few.
I have supervised 24 thesis for MD & 66 as Cosupervisor for MD & MS thesis.I have also cosupervised a PhD thesis.
I have been a Guest Speaker at various National conferences, Chaired scientific sessions, organized workshop on Dermatopathology, and have attended and presented papers at many conferences as a delegate.
I have been an External examiner at various Universities like Rajasthan Univ,New Delhi Univ, Rohilkhand Univ,Kanpur Univ, Lucknow Univ,Nepalgunj Univ Etc for MBBS & MD exam
I have been a Tabulator for MBBS. Library Incharge of Medical College Library, Member for Women Cell ,Antiragging Commitee Etc
I have been a member of AMU Court from December 2012 to October 2013.
I conducted a CME cum workshop on Microscopy in Dermatopathology in 2013.Joint organizing secretary in 14th annual conf of IAPM UP PATHCON in 2004,& released a book for Undergraduates on Gross Pathology after the workshop.
I have approx 200 publications in various national and international journals;
My Citation Index as from Google Scholar is :
ALL | SINCE 2016 | |
CITATIONS | 2051 | 959 |
h-INDEX | 19 | 13 |
i-10 INDEX | 53 | 24 |
- Publication
1.Evaluation of angiogenesis in cervical cancer using CD34 as a biomarker and its correlation with pathoanatomical features.Aijaz M,Alam K,Maheshwari V.Annals of Cytology and Pathology 2021;7-11.
- ?? Role and significance of HER-2/neu as a biomarker in premalignant and malignant lesions of the uterine cervix.Varshney S,Maheshwari V,Aijaz M, Alam K.Annals of diagnostic Pathology, 2020; 45 :151443.
- ?? Evaluation of stromal CD10 expression and its correlation with other clinico-pathological factors in invasive breast carcinoma Kamal M, Khan R, Maheshwari V, Harris SH.. Indian journal of Pathology and Oncology, 2019; 6(3):417-421.
- Clinico-Pathological Spectrum of Endometrial Lesions in Patients
with Abnormal Uterine Bleeding in Accordance with PALM-COEIN
Classification: A Prospective Study of 3 Years in a Tertiary Care Hospital
of Western Uttar Pradesh. Khan R, Haiyat S, Maheshwari V and Hakim S.
Annals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Vol. 6, Issue 2, February (2019) A76-A832.
- Clinicopathological study of role of CD34 expression in the stroma of premalignant & malignant lesions of uterine cervix, Aijaz M,Alam K,Maheshwari V,Hakim S,Kamal M.Annals of Diagnostic Pathology;2019,38:87-92.
Histopathological and endoscopic analysis of biopsies from various lesions of upper gastrointestinal tract in a tertiary health care centre. Piyush AR, Khan R, Harris SH, Mahehwari V IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences.2018;17(5): 77-88.
- Utility of cytospin and cell block technology in evaluation of body
fluids and urine samples: A comparative study. Qamar I, Rehman S, Mehdi G,
Maheshwari V, Ansari HA,
Chauhan S.
J cytol 2018;35:79-82