Life style Disorders and Importance of Asbab-E-Sitta Zarooriya, Environmental Diseases
4/1351, Opposite Advance Coaching, Shaheen Lodge, S.S. Nagar, Aligarh
I, Prof. Rubi Anjum have completed my graduation (B.U.M.S.) from Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh in 1996.I have completed Post graduation (MD Hifzan-e- Sehat) from the Department of Tahaffuzi wa Samaji Tib, AKTC AMU Aligarh in 2001.
I joined Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi as an Assistant Professor in 2005. Apart from my academic assignment I served as Member of Academic Council and Member of Faculty Committee Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi. I have rendered my services as Deputy Superintendent of Examination of School of Unani Medical Education & Research Jamia Hamdard. For my academic and research work I was conferred Award of appreciation from Health Fitness Trust and Country office of WHO on the occasion of World Health Day event at Jawahar Lal Nehru stadium in 2016.
Currently I am working as a Professor in the Department of Tahaffuzi wa Samaji Tib AMU Aligarh. I have published 2 books, 52 research papers in various Journals of National and International repute. I have guided 06 MD students and 03 are ongoing. I have presented 43 papers in National and International conferences and seminar. I have approximately 15 years teaching, clinical and research experience. My thrust area of specialization is Life style disorders and their prevention
Registration No. 08743 (UP)
- Key Publications
- Khalid. U. Khayyam, ShazinaMuzammil, Faisal Imam, Munsab Ali, Rubi Anjum, & Md. Khalid Anwar (2010)An Epidemiological study of Obesity According to Physical Activity and Family History of Disease in (International Journal of Pharma Informa) IJPI’S Journal of Hospital and clinical Pharmacy. Vol: 1, issue 01, p: 2-7. ISSN No.2229-6921
- Khalid. U. Khayyam, ShazinaMuzammil &Rubi Anjum. Distribution of Systolic and Diastolic B.P in Male and Female Population with relative Body Weight (International Journal of Pharma Informa) IJPI’S Journal of Hospital and clinical Pharmacy, Vol: 1, issue 06 (2011), p: 16-20. ISSN No.2229-6921
- Rubi Anjum, Nikhat. S, M.J.Siddiqui &Jilani..Dalak (Massage): A Unique Regimen of Unani Medicine. Vol: 54, issue 04 (October-December 2011) HamdardMedicus, Pakistan. p: 41-45, ISSN ISSN No.0250-7188
- Fatima chaudhry,Khalid. U. Khayyam,M.J.Siddiqui, Rubi Anjum&SazinaMuzammil. To Study the Awareness about Oral Hygiene and Dentist Role in Fifth Standard of MCD Primary School Children of South Delhi, INDIA (International Journal of Pharma Informa) IJPI’S Journal of Hospital and clinical Pharmacy, Vol: 2, issue 09 (2012), p: 36-40. ISSN No.2229-6921
- Fatima chaudhry,Khalid. U. Khayyam,M.J.Siddiqui, Rubi Anjum &SazinaMuzammil. To Study the Method and Material Use in Teeth Cleaning by the Fifth Standard of MCD Primary School Children of South Delhi, INDIA (International Journal of Pharma Informa) IJPI’S Journal of Hospital and clinical Pharmacy, Vol: 3, issue 11 (2012), p: 21-26. ISSN 2229-6921
- Farheen Zaidi, Rubi AnjumFatima Zaidi (2015)Antenatal Depression:A noteworthy risk Factor of Post-Partum Depression. International Journal of Innovative Research and studies ISSN2319-9725
- Farheen Zaidi, Rubi Anjum (2016) An estimation of Post-Partum Depression with mizaj (temperament) in postnatal women: A cross-sectional study, Medical Journal of Islamic World Academy of SciencesVol: 24, issue 01, p: 10-13. ISSN 2415-1300
- Farheen Zaidi, Rubi Anjum, Khursheed Ahmad Ansari (2016) Role of Dalak (Massage) in Laqwa (Facial Nerve Palsy) in Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research journal, Vol: 14, issue 10, October (2016) p: 38-46. ISSN 2347-6915
- Rubi Anjum (2016) Regimental Therapy (Ilaj-Bil-Tadbir) An Ancient Method for Promotion of Health and treatment of different Diseases. In the Proceeding of International Conference on Public Health: Issues, Challenges, Opportunities, Prevention, Awareness, organized by Daulat Ram College, University of Delhi, New Delhi, Vol: 1I, p: 346-348. ISBN-978-93-85822-10-0
- Rubi Anjum (2016) An Epidemiological study of morbidity Status of Pregnant Women Living in urban community of Aligarh District (U.P) International Journal of Current Meducal And Pharmaceutical Research Vol: 02, issue (8) p: 520-523, ISSN 2349-8870
- Aisha Siddiqui, Rubi Anjum, Anwar Jamal, M. Aslam (2017) Fatty liver diseases and Unani system of medicine in International Journal of Advances in Pharmacy Medicine and Bio Allied SciencesVol: 2017(2017) p: 1-9. ISSN 2348-2109
- Rubi Anjum & Abdul Bari, (2012), Hamal aur Ghiza: Qadeem-Wa-Jadeed NazaryatinJAHAN-E-TIB published by CCRUM, D/o Ayush, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Govt. of India New Delhi. Vol.: 13, issue 04 (April- June2012) p: 61-64, ISSN No-DELURD/200/7464
- Sadia Nighat, Rubi Anjum, K. U. Khayyam (2012), The Concept of Cancer in Unani Medicine with Special reference to Cervical Cancer in INDIAN JOURNAL OF UNANI MEDICINE, published by NESSA, New Delhi. Vol: o5, issue 02 (July-December 2012) p: 113-116. ISSN No-0974-6056
- Sadia Nighat, Rubi Anjum, K. U. Khayyam (2012), Knowledge and Perception related to Cervical Cancer & HPV among women in Delhi, India.Indian Journal of Unani Research. Vol: o3, issue 03 (July 2012) page 34-44. ISBN-978-1-257-97709-3
- Sadia Nighat, Rubi Anjum, K. U. Khayyam (2012), Screening for Cervical Cancer &Associated factors among women in Delhi, India. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutics& Health Sciences, Vol: o2, issue 04 (Oct-Dec 2012) page 357-360. ISSN-2231-2331
- Farheen Zaidi, Rubi Anjum (2014), Screening Women for Inkhefaz-badul-Wiladat (Post Partun Depression): A worthy Endeavor in INDIAN JOURNAL OF UNANI MEDICINE, published by NESSA, New Delhi. Vol:07, issue:02 (July-December 2014) p:67-72 ISSN-0974-6056
- Rubi Anjum (2017) Hayati Tanuu Aur Uska Tahaffuz Nwa-e-Tibo-Sehat Vol: 26, issue 03 page : 30-38. ( July- Sep 2017) ISSN: 2348-9669
- Rubi Anjum & Mughees A. Ansari (2017) Ibn Sina Aur Ilm-e- Ghizah in Unimed Kulliyat A Journal of Unani Medicine Vol: 09, issue 02 page : 29-32.(April 2016- March2017)ISSN: 2249-5703
- Rubi Anjum & Mughees A. Ansari (2017) Ibn-e-Haysam Bhiasiyat Ilmul Mnazirin Unimed Kulliyat A Journal of Unani Medicine Vol: 10, issue 01 page : 18-21.(April 2017- March2018) ISSN: 2249-5703
- Farheen Zaidi, Aruna Nigam,Rubi Anjum (2018) Post-Partum Depression and its association with antenatal depression amongst womenJournal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics,Vol: 08, issue (4) p: 205-208. ISSN 2250-1177
- Kamar Sultana Rubi Anjum& Paras wani (2018) Awareness about life-style diseases amongst the school going adolescents of Delhi.Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics Volume 8, issue 05 page : 565-576. ISSN: 2250-1177
- Kamar Sultana & Rubi Anjum (2019) Cancer(Sartan) amongst women and its Preventive Approach in Unani System of MedicineJournal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics,Vol: 09, issue (2) p: 560-562. ISSN 2250-1177
- Kamar Sultana Rubi Anjum& Paras wani (2019) Knowledge assessment about life-style diseases amongst the school going adolescents of Delhi. Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR)Vol: 06, issue 05page : 565-576. ISSN: 2349-5162
- Salahuddin & Rubi Anjum (2019) A review of Tuberculosis (SIL) with sp[ecial refrence to Unani Medicine. Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics. Volume(9) issue 03 page : 760-762. ISSN: 2250-1177
- Saba Fatma, Rubi Anjum, Atiya Anjum & Paras Wani (2019) A Pilot Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Dalk (Massage) with Roghan Labub-E-Saba in the Control of Insomnia Disorder Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics Volume(9) issue 04page : 322-327. ISSN: 2250-1177
- Saba Fatma and Rubi Anjum (2020) Insomnia disorder: A Review; International Journal of Applied Research Volume 6, Issue 10-, Pg. No. 275-280 ISSN:2394-7500
- Usman M , Anwar A, Hanzala Ammar, Anjum R and Aslam M (2020) Impact of Life Style Modification on Healthy Ageing with Special Reference to Regimenal Care and Yoga; Journal of Gerontology & Geriatric Research Volume 9, Issue 3 -, Pg. No. 516 ISSN 2167-7182
Saba Fatma and Rubi Anjum (2020) Sleep: Physiology & Its Concept in Unani Medicine: A Review; International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education Volume 6, Issue -5, ISSN:2395-4396
Saba Fatma and Rubi Anjum (2020) Dalk (Massage Therapy)and its Efficacy in Management of Insomnia International Journal of Integrative Medicine Volume 4, Issue 3-, Pg. No. 14-18 E ISSN:2616-4558- Sadaf Firdaus, Rubi Anjum, AmmarIbne Anwar, abdul Aziz Khan &Sayeed Ahmad (2019) Importance and Impact of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan -- A Rerview, Journal of Integrated Community Health, Volume (8) issue 02 page : 18-20. ISSN: 2319-9113
Mohammad Aslam, Rubi Anjum, S Javed Ali &Sayeed Ahmad (2019) Description of HummaDanj(Dengue fever) in Unani Conventional Medicine – A Review Journal of Integrated Community Health, Volume (9) issue 01 page : 21-24. ISSN: 2319-9113
Syeda Ayeman Mazhar , Rubi Anjum, Ammar Ibne Anwar,and Abdul Aziz Khan(2020) Pragmatic Review of Yoga and Salaah Health Benefits with Connotation to COVID-19 Pandemic; Journal of Integrated Community Health Volume 9, Issue 2 -, Pg. No. 36-40 ISSN:2319-9113
Syeda Ayeman Mazhar , Rubi Anjum, Ammar Ibne Anwar,and Abdul Aziz Khan (2020) Hammam Therapy: An Ancient Wisdom with Contemporary Relevance ; Journal of Integrated Community Health Volume 9, Issue 1-, Pg. No. 25-30 ISSN:2319-9113
Syeda Ayeman Mazhar , Rubi Anjum, Ammar Ibne Anwar,and Abdul Aziz Khan(2020) Essentials of Yoga Techniques as Immunity Boosters: An Integrated Approach; Internatinal Journal of Advanced Research in Microbiology and Immunology Volume 2, Issue 1 -, Pg. No. 14-19, ISSN:2348-2138