Viqarul Mulk Hall
Viqarul Mulk Hall
Viqarul Mulk was one of the most ardent followers of Sir Syed and a very active worker of his camp. For the Scientific Society he translated a book 'French Revolution and Napoleon'. When the College Fund Committee was formed, he became one of its members and worked ceaselessly for popularizing the movement of Sir Syed. He raised a huge amount of Rs. Seven Lakhs and 50 thousand for the establishment of the M. A. O. College.
After the death of Mohsinul Mulk he was elected unanimously Secretary by the Board of Trustees and took over charge in January 1908 when he was 67.
Viqarul Mulk had always been against the growing influence of the European staff. He, therefore, tried to put the necessary checks on the unquestionable authority of the Principal, which led to a serious clash between him and the European staff resulting in the resignation of Principal Archbold. The matter became so serious that it went to the level of Lt. Governor. However, Viqarul Mulk did not yield on the question of autonomy of the Institution. From a political point of view, his secretaryship was hard and stormy but he worked with courage.
Viqarul Mulk was primarily a leader of the Muslim community and he was one of the founders of the Muslim League in 1907 in Dhaka. It was during his secretaryship of the M.A.O. College that intense efforts were made to set up a Muslim University at Aligarh. He succeeded in collecting donations for this purpose. Thus it may be said that after Sir Syed he was the most eminent figure behind the Aligarh Movement.
During the Vice Chancellor ship of Sir Ross Masood, Viqarul Mulk Hall was set up in 1932 with four hostels:
Jubilee Hostel Muzammil Hostel
Marris Hostel Nasrullah Hostel