राजीव गांधी सेंटर फॉर डायबिटीज़ एण्ड एंडोक्रिनोलोजी
Expert Reviewer:
Expert Member:
Expert Member Selection Committee: Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, Institute of Medical Sciences, B.H.U.,Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh Medical Colleges and Rajasthan Medical Services
impact on the service in the field of appointment
- Established the Endocrine Unit
in the Department of Medicine in 1987. A nucleus of comprehensive diabetes
care since 1987.
- The above two were subsequently upgraded
by University Grants Commission & MHRD, New Delhi, to Centre for
Diabetes and Endocrinology in 2006. A separate building of the Centre with
an outlay of approx Rs. 10.00 crore with autonomous management and which
has 51 bedded Indoor (including Endocrine ICU beds)
- Active collaboration with Department of Biochemistry,
Biotechnology Unit of the College, Molecular Endocrinology, Department of
Zoology, Molecular Genetics of National Institute of Immunology, New
- Diabetes Foot Care Centre (Regional)
establishment is in progress
- Proposal for starting D.M. (Endocrinology)
Degree course in progress
- Caters for a wide catchment area of north
west India.
to undergraduate and postgraduate medical education
- Teaching Internal medicine
& Endocrinology to undergraduate & post-graduate medical students for
the last 24 years.
- Internal & External
Examiner for M.B.B.S. (in Medicine) & M.D. (General Medicine) &
External Examiner for D.M. (Endocrinology) in various
- Organized national conferences
and four CMEs in Endocrinology, Recent Advances in Endocrinology,
Cardiodiabetology and An Update on Issues in Medicine
- Established a nucleus of experimental studies in Diabetes from where one candidate each has completed work for award of M.Phil & Ph.D.
- A 7 days workshop on
Application of Molecular techniques in areas of Karyotyping, in-situ
hybridization and gene expression through Real-Time PCR in collaboration
with Molecular Endocrinology, Department of Zoology is in progress.
Interest in the college and other contribution to an area relevant to the activities of the College or to the development of medical services in other ways
- Arranged
community oriented health fairs/seminars for awareness & education
about Diabetes
- Organised
health camps for screening of D.M. & Metabolic syndrome.
- Organised
frequent CMEs as Diabetic educator to postgraduate students, Faculty
member of the college and to primary care physicians.
- Associated
with Diabetes India group for the study of prevalence of Diabetes in India
and reported three articles in Diabetes Research & Clinical Practice
- Regional
coordinator for screening of Metabolic Syndrome, its prevalence in India
as part of Diabetes India group.
- On call for Advice & Guidance for treatment of Diabetes, Endocrine patients of in Medical College Hospitals

Director and Professor
Office: Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Diabetes and Endocrinology, JNMCH Ext: 7585
Email: director.rgcde@gmail.com