
जवाहरलाल नेहरु मेडिकल कॉलेज

International Women’s Day (Health Awareness Talk on Self-Breast Examination)


The Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, AMU, Aligarh, UP. is part of the Aligarh Muslim University ,an Institution of National importance (Seventh Schedule, Article 246 of the Indian Constitution),NAAC – Accredited with CGPA of 3.35 on Four Point Scale at “A+” Grade and currently ranked among top ten Indian Universities in the 2021 NIRF India Rankings.

The Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College and hospital established in 1962 has been ranked in top 15 Medical colleges in India and presently ranked 22 among medical colleges by NIRF. College has 26 Departments and 3 Centres. The Faculty consists of 226 qualified and experienced teachers.

The hospital provides quality specialized patient care   at nominal cost. The Staff and doctors played a decisive role in recent pandemic. The college was one of the centers of ICMR Covaxin trials and was the first to enroll 1,000 volunteers for the vaccine trial. The efforts of the doctors were lauded by the hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. The college has a cherished history and has earned for itself a place of pride in the field of medical education.

The Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College has been ranked15thin the Medical Category, by National Institutional Ranking Framework, MHRD, Govt. of India.

Hospital Statistics in General:

The Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College Hospital is a 1269 bedded tertiary care hospital which is providing affordable Medical Care to all sections of society especially to the economically weaker sections. In the year 2021-22, a total of 4,26,070 patients were consulted in 26 OPDs. And 71,467 patients were admitted in 22 wards of the hospital and 13,721 major/minor operation were performed. There were a total of 6,500 Births, 3,018 LSCS and 3,031 deaths. A total of 7,15,628 blood/pathological investigations were conducted in the Central Laboratory of the hospital whereas the radiological investigations performed  were 1,93707. 24018 patients were investigated for cardiac ailments through ECG.

Blood Bank Services

27137 Blood Units were collected whereas 41309 units of Blood/ Components were supplied. 5920 units of Blood were issued as life saving measure to different patients. 1454 units issued for Thalassemia patients. 23430 Triple Test Markers were performed.

A total of 39 Voluntary Blood Donation Camps were held collecting 2232 units of Blood.

Central Sterilization Unit /C.S.S.D

In order to  keep high level of Surgical Sterilization Services, CSSD functions 24X7 with trained and dedicated staff.   1,11,121 items were sterilized  with general sterilization procedures.  Around 1lac items were subjected to advanced methods (ETO).

District Early Intervention Centre-centre of excellence(DEIC-COE),

The District Early Intervention Centre & Centre of Excellence (DEIC-COE) was established in August, 2017 with a grant of Rs. 06.90 crore from Govt. of India. The main aim of DEIC-COE is early detection and management of 4 Ds prevalent in children. These are Defects at birth, Diseases, Deficiency and Development delay including Disabilities. The idea behind early intervention is to intervene early and minimize disability. All services are free of cost with no out of pocket expense by parents.

While children with Disease, Deficiency and Developmental Delay including disabilities are managed at DEIC-COE, children with birth defects are referred to respective departments of J. N. Medical College for further management.

  1. Referred patients from DEIC to other departments for Surgical Interventions: 648

  2. New patients registered in DEIC, JNMCH, AMU, Aligarh: 1712

  3. No. of patients operated in IPCC &CTVS: 240

  1. mobile health team of block:

(i) Paediatrician                         (ii) Medical Officer                         (iii) Dental Surgeon

(iv)DEIC-Coordinator              (v) Training Coordinator    (vi) Clinical Psychologist

(vii) Physiotherapist                 (viii) Special Educator cum Early Interventionist

(ix) Optometrist                         (x) Lab Technician             
(xi)  Dental Technician

(xii) Staff Nurse                        (xiii) Data Entry Operator (xiv) Receptionist

(xv) Security Staff                    (xvi) MTS


Sensitization of Mothers on the occasion of “International Women’s Day” on 8th March, 2022

Medical Officer, RBSK Training in “Facility- Based Management of SAM” in Collaboration with NRC, JNMC, AMU, Aligarh on 12.04.2021.

Interdisciplinary Pediatric Cardiac Centre (IPCC)  

The PCE-CS Unit was established in March, 2018 with 15.00crore grant from Govt. of India, which was later upgraded to Interdisciplinary Pediatric Cardiac Centre (IPCC) in August 2021. The main objective of IPCC is to provide comprehensive cardiac care to children from underserved community free of cost.

The IPCC consists of dedicated Paediatric Catherisation Lab., Pediatric Modular Operation Theatre, state of art 05bedded Pediatric Cardiac ICU and a 06 bedded General ward. The Unit has registered 393 patients between 01.04.2021 to 31.03.2022. A Total of 240 Cardiac Surgeries and interventions have been done during this period. 2051 Echocardiography and 306 Foetal Echocardiography have been done during the period.

New Modern Procedures/ Equipments Procured and Installed:

Open Heart Surgery

Angiography & Angioplasty

I.V.F. Unit

Computer Radiography System 30 ppr

4D Echo Cardiography System

Olympus Exera Pleuravideoscope

EEG Machine

Pneumatic Drill System

Endoscopy Unit with HD Camera and Recording System Consisting

Manman Driving Unit Motor 200 W include Motor

Ceilings LED OT Light Double

Micro Debrider Universal Console

CP Plus Bullet, IP Camera 2MP 3.6mm etc.

Ultra Sound System with the configuration

Syringe Infusion Pump

Klairty AIO “O’ Type System

Rad Display Item No. M08896883

Vacuum Tank 5000 litre make-ACE

Multi Para Monitor

High Frequency Mobile X-Ray Unit

High End Ventilator

Medical System Psycho Feed Back CBF-206

Advance Dual Energy X-Ray Bone Densitometer

Skeeter Otology Drill with Attachment

Endoscopic Forehead Lifts Set and Release Instrument Set

09 Parameter Monitor

Paediatric Surgery UPS Set

Radio Frequency Ablation for Soft tissue

Advanced Phaco Emulsificatio Unit

Gross Working Station LCD/LED Touch Screen

Mobile C Aram Image Intensifier System

Trans Cranial Doppler System


CTG Machine/Fetal Monitor

Intensive Care Ventilator

Transport Ventilator

Anaesthesia Work Station

Coblation System for ENT Head Neck Skull Base Surgeries with Wards

Electrosurgical Unit (V10300S)

6 Minutes Walk Test

LED Head Light and Power Supply Specification

Bubble C-Pap Machine

High Dependency unit for Plastic surgery patients

Anaesthesia Work stations in all Operation Theatres

High Dependency Unit in Paediatrics

High Dependency Unit in Gen. Surgery

High Dependency Unit in Paediatric Surgery

High Dependency Unit in Burn ward

Newly Added Facilities:

  1. Three Oxygen Generator Facility ( 01 by Alumni Funding and 02 by P.M. Care Fund)

  1. One Liquid Oxygen Plant

  1. Paediatric Covid ICU, JNMCH


The Faculty Library, JNMC serves as a knowledge Centre for the entire medical fraternity of AMU. It represents the college’s commitment to providing the best possible library and information services to its clientele. It caters to the information needs of about 2000 users of the Faculty of Medicine, Dental College, Institute of Ophthalmology and the School of Nursing. After Maulana Azad Library, it is the only library in the campus which remains open from 8.00 A.M.-2.00 A.M. (18 hrs. a day) including Sundays and other holidays.

Following the COVID-19 pandemic, the Faculty Library, JNMC is now fully operational with regular hours, closely adhering to the instructions provided by the Indian government to avoid the spread of COVID-19.

It is a pleasure to inform that due to concerted efforts of the Principal & CMS, the National Medical Library (NML), New Delhi has been kind enough to re-select J.N Medical College to provide free full-text access to 228 National & International online journals in the field of Health and Allied Sciences under the ERMED consortium for the year 2022.

Besides this, one of the most important information tool for healthcare professionals namely UP-to-Date  (Evidence-Based Clinical Decision Support resource) has been subscribed by the university to access the best health information for the P.G. Students, Clinicians and other teaching Staff of the J.N. Medical College. According to UpToDate’s yearly usage statistics report, the use of UpToDate by the students and faculty of JN Medical College increased from 21,962 in 2020 to 31,997 in 2021.

The website of the Faculty Library, JNMC, has recently been updated, and all the e-resources have been gathered together under the ‘E-Resources’ category for easy access. All these highly useful e-resources are accessible across the university campus along with a remote login facility. In addition, to improve the academic and research activities in the university, some of the subscribed & open-source research support tools, i.e. Grammarly, Turnitin, Mendeley, are put together under the ‘Research Support’ tab along with the link to the prescribed proforma for users to create/ activate their accounts. The Online Document Delivery service is initiated to help specified users in obtaining copies of articles and book chapters that they require for curriculum support and research purposes.

With the help of LIBSYS Library Management Software, a computerized library OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) is being created.   During the reporting period, a total of 3017 records were entered into the System.

A database of subscribed and open source eBooks is being developed with the help of CALIBRE E-book Management Software for easy and efficient access.   There are currently 309 ebooks in the System, which can be accessed from within Campus at

As regarding the progress in the procurement of printed resources during April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022, a total number of 39 (4+35 Gift) books were added to the collection. Also as per MCI norms, approximately 72 National and International print journals were subscribed and approx20 print journals received as gift for the students & staff of this college during the reporting period.

Moreover, the Faculty Library has strong book bank collection, which caters to the need of all MBBS/BDS students. The book bank consists of prescribed textbooks recommended by the concerned faculty members for different courses. Books from the book bank are issued at the beginning of each semester. The borrowers have to pay 20% of the total cost of the books, as a rental charges per semester. Total number of books available in the book bank section is 6345.

As regarding the availability of online/e-resources, a large number of e-resources/databases are available such as Scifinder Scholar, UGC-Info-net, PubMed, PubMed Central, and other databases. In addition, through the e-ShodhSindhu Consortium of the UGC INFLIBNET Centre, the Faculty Library at JNMC has free access to a variety of medical e-resources/databases, including Scopus, Oxford Academic, Taylor & Francis Online, JGate and JSTOR. The students and faculty of JNMC have perpetual access to several e-book databases such as Oxford Medicine Online (OxMed), Thieme Clinical Collection (383 ebooks) and Springer E-books (646 ebooks).

Regarding the infrastructural development of the library, the Centralized Air-conditioning facility has been provided to the students & staff in the library to create a conducive atmosphere for the users. Moreover, to ensure the safety of the entire library and its visitors, the Reading Halls and other areas of the Faculty Library are monitored by CCTV cameras.


The Central photography &Audio Visual Section has been working since 5th May 1970 rendering its technical services to all the departments of the faculty of Medicine and hospital and covering academic and non-academic functions of the college.

The Section has provided the facilities of public address system, projection of slides through Multimedia system for teaching and academic function like conference, seminar, CME’s, symposium and extension lectures of the college.

There are 10 smart classes followed as 06 lecture theatres & 04 demonstration rooms in Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, where our section providing technical assistance for routine classes.

Events Held

1st April,2021 To 31st March 2022


College Programmes, Symposium, Seminars, CME & Workshop



Meeting / Faculty meeting



Nursing School Programme



Combined clinical meet (CCM)



Auditorium Programmes



Medical Education Unit Programmes


Academic/Training Activities

The College is actively running various programmes sponsored by UNICEF, WHO, National AIDS     Control Organization, ICMR, Tuberculosis Control, ART Centre (HIV), Save the Children, India Health Action Trust, D/o. Obst. Gynaecology, JIV Daya Foundation, Suraksha Clinic, SMILE Train, Diabetes Education and Awareness, Malnutrition Treatment Unit, Urban Health Initiative and National Polio Surveillance Programme, DEIC, Paediatric Cardiac Evaluation & Cardiac Surgery Unit Under RBSK, NHM, ART Centre (Obst. & Gynaecology), Thalassemia Project, ICMR sponsored HBCR and PBCR in Dept. of Radiotherapy.