National Service Scheme
Components of the NSS
NSS was started to establish a meaningful linkage between the campus and community. Therefore, for Reconstruction and National resurgence, student and teachers are to be sensitized to work in the community. Thus, there are three important components for NSS.
(a) NSS programme officer, who is a member of teaching faculty, who provides leadership to the volunteers.
(b) NSS volunteers who are student and main beneficiaries of NSS programmes, develop their personality.
(c) Community which provides the NSS volunteers first hand knowledge of living conditions of masses and opportunity to interact and learn from the process of working.
Regular NSS Activities
Each NSS volunteer is expected to put at least 120 hours of social service in an academic year. This 120 hours are to be devoted as follows:
(a) Orientation/Training : 20 hrs.
(b) Campus Activity : 30 hrs.
(c) Community based activity : 70 hrs.
(d) Total : 120 hrs.
Organizational Structure of NSS
The organizational structure of NSS is decentralized. The department of Youth and Affairs and Sports, Government of India and State government are the NSS monitoring agencies and the grants released for carrying on the programmes will be in the ratio of 7:5 respectively. The agencies organized for carrying on the NSS can be broadly classified into two viz.,
(a) Programme Monitoring Agencies.
(b) Programme Implementation Agencies