
National Service Scheme



The purpose of this Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is to provide detailed instructions to employees and student volunteers of NSS, AMU to carry out their duties and responsibilities in a proper way. If SOP is followed, the work will be streamlined; it will save time and resources.


National Service Scheme was launched on 24th September 1969 for all undergraduate students in the country. It inculcates the spirit of voluntary work among students and teachers through sustained community interactions. It brings our academic institutions closer to society. NSS was started to establish linkage between the campus and community. Social service under the aegis of NSS was started in AMU since its inception at national level i.e. 1969-70. It has organized many events pertaining to child education of underprivileged society including literacy programs and adopting villages by organizing special camps.


This SOP will facilitate the student volunteers and staff of NSS AMU about the working of the Unit.


Abbreviations used

NSS: National Service Scheme 

AMU: Aligarh Muslim University

CL: Casual Leave

CPL: Compensatory Leave

EL: Earned Leave

DL: Detention Leave


Programme Coordinator

1. Selection of the Programme Officers and get the approval of their appointment from the competent authority.

2. Distribution of responsibilities to the Programme Officers.

3. Supervision and monitoring of registration process for the students of the University to become the NSS volunteers.

4. Organize the induction programme for the newly registered student volunteers.

5. Organizing, Supervising and Monitoring of various social activities of the NSS Unit.

6. Ensure discipline in the NSS premises and prevent unlawful activities such as ragging.

7. Monitoring the staff attendance register daily to ensure regular attendance of office staff.

8. Interaction with the student volunteers frequently to address their problems.

9. Collecting the student feedback about the Programme Officers and inform them with their feedback for improvement of their performance.

10. Following the guidelines and instructions given by Ministry of Youth Affairs Govt. of India, NSS Regional Directorate, Lucknow & University authorities, from time to time.

Programme Officers

1. To work efficiently & effectively as per the work allocated by the Programme Coordinator.

2. To be physically present in all social activities of the NSS Unit.

3. To evaluate the various competitive activities taking place in the NSS Unit such as Patriotic songs singing competition, Debates, Essay competition etc.

4. To help the student volunteers register under them as a compulsory requirement of Ministry of Youth Affairs.

5. To make efforts to organize different events & activities in the NSS Unit.

6. To encourage the students to participate in various activities taking place from time to time in the NSS Unit.

Office Staff

1. To Perform the duties/work allotted by Programme Coordinator/ Programme Officer, NSS.

2. To Maintain the various important files of NSS Unit and personal files of all Office staff working in the NSS Unit.

3. To Circulate the notices received from Ministry/NSS Regional Directorate/University authorities and to keep their records.

4. To Maintain the cleanliness of the premises of the NSS Unit.

5. To Maintain the attendance statement of Office staff for the purpose of preparation of salary.


1. All the applications by any employee of the NSS Unit or by any student volunteer should be routed through Programme coordinator to the higher authorities.

2. The attendance record of the student volunteers to be maintained in the NSS office.

3. The student volunteers have to contact the office of NSS to get their Certificates.

4. For taking any leave, the employees have to collect the leave application proforma from the office and submit back the duly filled proforma in the office for approval.

5. Any article purchased has to be entered in the stock register of the NSS Unit by the storekeeper/assigned staff.

Coordinator and Associate Professor
Office: Programme Coordinator NSS Ext: 4110
Phone: 9897406786 Ext:
Email: nssamu@myamu.ac.in