Computer Engg. Section - Women's Polytechnic

Computer Engg. Section - Women's Polytechnic

Dept. data last updated on :22/03/2025

Keeping in view the growing demand of IT professionals, the Computer Engineering Section at University Women's Polytechnic was established in the year 1995 with an intake of 30 students to offer a Diploma course in Computer Engineering. The section was initially started with a laboratory consisting of a Novell Netware Server and few Netware workstations. At the time of its inception there were only two faculty members in the section and majority of the teaching load of the section was shared by the faculty members from Electronics Engineering Section. After receiving some additional resources from UGC, AICTE and Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh a new diploma course namely Diploma in Information Technology was added to the section during the session 2002 - 2003 with an intake of 15 students.

During the course of time the section has been emerged as one of best sections of studies at the institute. Presently, the section has three laboratories equipped with state-of-the-art computing facilities, eight highly qualified faculty members and a team of three highly skilled technical staff members. Apart from managing the teaching load of the Computer Engineering Section, faculty members of this section are also involved in imparting computer teaching to the students of other sections. The technical staff of the section manages computing and Internet facilities at the institute level. To attract NRI students the intake in Diploma in Engineering course has been raised to 35 and that of Diploma in Information course has been raised to 20.


To produce vibrant professionals by following state-of-the-art education and training methodologies with high values in the field of computer engineering and IT.


M1: To maintain a proper balance between theoretical and practical portions in the curriculum.

M2: To acquire state-of-the art Hardware and Software resources to incorporate ICT teaching & learning methods and to provide best development platforms.

M3: To collaborate with various firms engaged in the H/W and S/W development.

M4: To encourage faculty members to acquire projects & consultancy and students to work individually or as a team member on live projects /modules.

M5: To inculcate the habit of lifelong learning, social problems solving and to train on computer ethics & cyber sense.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs):

PEO1 (Technical Skills): Student's will be engaged in the design and development of hardware, software tools and applications in the field of computer and allied engineering industries and strives to solve problems of social relevance using the knowledge acquired in the field.

PEO2 (Successful Career): Student's will be able to deliver professional class solutions using contemporary technologies in the field of computer engineering and/or pursue higher education and research in leading institutions.

PEO3 (Soft-Skills): Student's will be equipped with leadership qualities and will include ethics, team work, effective communication & time management in their profession.

PEO4 (Lifelong Learning): Student's will Continually upgrade their skills as per market needs and incorporate latest tools and technologies to their working environment.

Program Outcomes (POs):

PO1 (Engineering Knowledge): Able to apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, and computer engineering fundamentals for the solution of complex engineering problems.

PO2 (Problem Analysis): An ability to identify, analyse, formulate and solve technical problems using computing.

PO3 (Design/Development of Solutions): Able to design component, or processes or computer program to meet the needs within realistic constraints.

PO4 (Conduct Investigations of Complex Problem): Able to carry out experiments, analyse results and to make necessary conclusions.

PO5 (Modern Tool Usage): Able to apply the learned computer engineering tools and technologies to the real situational problems within given constraints.

PO6 (The Engineer & Society): Able to understand professional and ethical responsibilities in computing profession.

PO7 (Environment & Sustainability): Able to take part in global, economic, environmental, and societal context.

PO8 (Ethics): Able to understand and practice professional, ethical, legal, and social responsibilities as a responsible citizen.

PO9 (Individual and Team Work): Able to participate effectively as an individual and as a team member or a leader in diverse teams and in multidisciplinary projects.

PO10 (Communication): Able to communicate effectively verbally or in written.

PO11 (Project Management & Finance): Able to understand the engineering and management principles and apply them wherever required.

PO12 (Life-long Learning): Able to engage in life-long learning and to engage in continuing professional development.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs):

PSO1: Able to apply the knowledge of S/W Engineering, Basic Sciences & Mathematics to develop software applications in the field of computer science, information technology & allied engineering industries and solve the problems of social relevance.

PSO2: Able to maintain & troubleshoot computer hardware, deal with networking issues and have a sense of computer security, should have familiarity and practical competence with a broad range of programming language and open-source platforms.

PSO3: Able to work professionally as an/a individual/ team member in projects or become entrepreneur or pursue higher studies and research with a zeal of lifelong learning and strive to become good citizen by practicing moral values, environment sensitivity & ethics.