Department of Bio-chemistry (JNMC)
Post Graduate
Refer to admission guide
Refer to admission guide
By end of the course, the MDS student must be able to:
- Understand the scientific basis of the life processes at the molecular level and to orient them towards the application of the knowledge acquired in solving clinical problems.
- Demonstrate knowledge of basic metabolic reactions with its molecular basis in normal human individuals
To create specialists who would provide high quality health care and advance the cause of science through research & training. The student who has obtained MDS degree should be well-versed in basic concepts and recent advances in the subject and should have acquired skills and expertise and in research methodology. Training during the course should equip the student with skills in the relevant subject become an effective teacher, able to plan and implement teaching programmes for students in dental and allied health science courses, set up/manage a diagnostic laboratory, generate, evaluate and interpret diagnostic laboratory data, interact with clinicians to contribute to more effective patient care and carry out a research project and publish its results.
COURSE.currl :
Refer to admission guide
Refer to admisssion guide
At the end of the MD training programme in Biochemistry, the post graduate student should have acquired competencies in the following areas.
A. Acquisition of knowledge
Explain clearly concepts and principles of biochemistry and cell biology, including correlations of these with cellular and molecular processes involved in health and disease.
B. Teaching and training
Effectively teach undergraduate students in medicine and allied health science courses so they become competent health care professionals and able to contribute to training of postgraduate students.
C. Diagnostic services
Set up/supervise/manage a diagnostic laboratory in Biochemistry in a hospital, ensuring quality control, and providing a reliable support service. Provide clinicians with consultation services for diagnostic tests in biochemistry and in interpretation of laboratory results.
D. Research
Carry out a research project from planning to publication and be able to pursue academic interests and continue life-long learning to become more experienced in all the above areas and to eventually be able to guide postgraduates in their thesis work.
To create specialists who would provide high quality health care and advance the cause of science through research & training. The student who has obtained MD degree in Biochemistry should be well-versed in basic concepts and recent advances in the subject and should have acquired skills and expertise in various laboratory techniques applicable to metabolic and molecular aspects of medicine and in research methodology. Training during the course should equip the student with skills to become an effective teacher, able to plan and implement teaching programmes for students in medical and allied health science courses, set up/manage a diagnostic laboratory, generate, evaluate and interpret diagnostic laboratory data, interact with clinicians to contribute to more effective patient care and carry out a research project and publish its results.
COURSE.currl :