Department of Chemical Engineering
SOP (Laboratories)
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) specific to Department are provided . Other SOPs can be seen on the webpages of respective offices such as Dean, Principal, TPO, Dean Students' Welfare, Proctor, Library ,Controller of Examinations, Finance Officer, and Registrar etc.
The Department has well maintained Computer Lab with more than thirty computers and high speed server and workstation. The Lab is open to the faculty members, Ph.D., P.G. and U.G. students of the department. The lab is equipped with following important Design/Simulation software. It is also networked with central computing Facility of the university.
§ gProm
§ The software is licensed and the Department follows standard procedure of procurement and usage in line with the Central purchase policy of the University.
§ The Lab is used for teaching/learning of Computer programming, CAD and Simulation to UG/PG students and Research Scholars.
§ It also provides training platform for Research and Development activities. Lab has also been used for holding workshops and training programs.
UG & PG students visit the laboratory either “according to time table” or “on their free time”.
Students need to enter their details in the register maintained by Lab.
Computer Lab is maintained by the staff dedicated for this lab.
Department has annual budget of Rs 1.00 lakhs for the procurement, upgradation and maintenance of Software in addition to the grant provided from UGC/University for the purchase of new software or upgraded version of already available softwares
Incharge of the Computer Lab:
Prof S Akhlaq Ahmad and Dr. Raunaq Hasib
Suuport Technical Staff:
Mr Mustakeem Ahmad, TA, M.Tech (Thermal Science)., P.D.C.A.,P.G.D(Marketing Management)
Standard Operating Procedure for Laboratories
1. Aim
The main objective of the SOP is to promote safe and
secure working environment in the labs, and how to perform a laboratory process
or experiment safely and effectively for smooth academic conduct.
This SOP explains the general rules, regulations and
guidelines involved in all the laboratories of Department of Chemical
Engineering. The Laboratories mentioned are listed below:
Fluid Particle Operations Lab
Heat Transfer Lab
Mass transfer Lab
Reaction Engineering and thermodynamics
Energy and Technology Lab
Process Control and Instrumentation Lab
Advanced Chemical Engineering Lab
Laboratory Manuals
A Lab manual is maintained in each
The Laboratory Manual includes Standard
operating Procedures for the experiments to be carried out in the laboratory
that is Starting procedure, Closing procedure, Precautions and Maintenance
instructions and Troubleshooting where it is applicable.
and Don’ts in the Laboratory
. The Do’s and Don’ts for a student is mentioned below:
1. Maintain discipline in the lab.
2. Come to the lab prepared for the experiment.
3. Handle lab equipment and apparatus with caution
4. Before starting Laboratory work follow all written and
verbal instructions carefully. If you do not understand a direction or part of
a procedure, ask your concern teacher before proceeding with theactivity.
5. Perform only those experiments authorized by your
teacher. Carefully follow all instructions, both written andoral.
Any failure /
break-down of equipment must be reported to theteacher.
7. Avoid contact with energized electrical circuits.
1. Do
not enter the laboratory without wearing apron.
Make noise in the
1. Do not handle any equipment before reading the instructions/instructionmanuals.
2. Students are not allowed to touch any equipment or
other materials in the laboratory area until you are instructed by Teacher
Do not work in
Laboratory alone or without presence of theteacher.
Do not pipette any
solution/chemical with mouth.
Do & Don’t rules that are
appropriate to the particular laboratory should be written and displayed in the
Responsibilities can be grouped under three headings:
Students, Faculty members and
Technical staff.
5.1 Students
Students are required to adhere to safety
norms and procedures of the lab.They are
requiredto follow the Do’s and Don’ts listed in the
Students should get verified by teacher
concerned for at least one set of observations.
Students should record observations on A4
size Bond papers with name, roll number and date of conduction written at the
top right most corner of the sheet and get it signed
by the teacher concerned.
Students should follow the “General
Instructions” (enclosed) given at the beginning of the semester for submitting
the Lab Report.
They should confirm from teacher concerned
the experiments to be performed on the coming turn.
Technical Staff
The responsibilities of
the Lab Staff members are as follows:
· Organizing
laboratory in coordination with the Chairman of the, Department or and any
member of the teaching staff.
· Keeping and
updating inventory records of all the materials and equipment in the laboratory,
in addition to implementing the equipment maintenance schedule.
· Receiving
materials from suppliers, making sure of their compliance with the
specifications and making entries.
· Ensuring that
health and safety procedures are followed in laboratory
· Carrying out any
other tasks assigned by the head of section.
In addition to the above-mentioned responsibilities
lab staff has to do the following procedures before the Laboratory period:
To check the power
supply of the experimental set up.
Fill the water in
the tank, warm it if required, check leakage, air etc of the experimental set
Rinsing and
washing of the apparatus.
Preparation of
solutions /chemicals/slurries/accessories for the experiment.
Help the students
at the time of conduction of experiment.
5.3 Faculty Members
The responsibilities of
the Faculty Members are as follows:
Laboratory manuals in consultation with the Lab In-charge/Section In-charge and
keeping a file for each course.
Supervising and counselling
students on theoretical and practical activities.
Keeping records of
the students’ results, activities and attendance.
assessment in the form of report evaluation, viva-voce as per academic
Offering academic
counselling and career advice to students.
Carrying out any
other tasks assigned by the concerned heads of section.
6. Specific Procedures
Before the start
of the new semester, all the equipment of the laboratory will be tested and
checked by the Laboratory staff. Requisition of any equipment will be raised
through proper channel, ifrequired.
Teachers concerned
will update the Lab manual and provide a copy of the same through
section/personal webpage and in hard copy form to be kept in the Laboratory.
On the very first
turn of the Laboratory class, students are briefed about the lab, experiments,
schedule, practices and other measures in the laboratory. Students are provided
with a copy of the Lab Manual.
6.2 During Semester
Teachers concerned
forms the experiment groups according to the roll numbers of the students.
Maximum of 4 students are allowed in an experiment group. Teachers will then
allot the experiment to be performed by a group from the next turn. This
allotment will be made only on the very first turn and then on the further
turns, experiment groups will proceed to the next experiment automatically in a
cyclic manner.
2. Teacher explains the importance of experiments of
goals then the procedure of conducting the experiment explained and one ready
of the experiment is shown.
3. From the second turn, students will perform the
experiment as allotted. They will be required to prepare the experiment after
studying from the lab manual and follow all the procedures of thelaboratory.
Students will seek
the help of the lab staff/teachers concerned in case of anydifficulty.
After noting down
the readings of an experiment, students will get their observation sheets
signed by the teacher concerned.
The teachers
concerned conduct the viva-voce and evaluate the reports (out of 10 marks).
6.3 End of Semester and conduct of
Practical Examination
After all lab
activities have been completed at the end of the semester, teachers concerned
will display the sessional marks on the section notice board/websites.
Discrepancy, if any, will be rectified.
On the practical
examination day, students will be required to submit their reports. Students
are allowed to the enter the lab in accordance to the roll numbers and mark
their attendance. Exam is conducted in two phase. First phase is to conducted
the experiment and second phase is viva voce by external examination.
Students are
allotted an experiment on a random basis where they are required to select a
practical answer sheet. The students perform the experiment in the usual manner
and as instructed.
Second phase will
consist of viva-voce to be conducted by an external examiner recommended
through BOS meeting of the section.
Teachers concerned
(internal examiners) will evaluate the practical answer books and enter the
marks in the marks award list. Internal as well as external examiners are
required to append their signatures on the marks award list.
The marks award
list will be sent to the respective tabulators in both soft copy and hard
General safety measures
Labs are well ventilated
and are equipped with the exhaust.
In case of
injuries first aid kit is available in the laboratory.
case of fire mishaps fire extinguishers are located near to the main exit door