Department of Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering

Dept. data last updated on :17/03/2025


The Department of Civil Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, has been constantly contributing to the cause of engineering education and training right since its inception in the year 1942. There are currently 30 Professors, 4 Associate Professors and 5 Assistant Professors working in the department. The Department offers 13 state of art laboratories and computational facilities. The Department owns a rich library having over 8270 text books and reference materials. In total there are 265 students pursuing Bachelors degree and 127 students pursuing Masters Degree in the department. There are 52 Ph. D. scholars are currently working in the department on emerging research areas and 35 doctoral degrees have been awarded.


At the under graduate level, the Civil Engineering Department offers B. Tech. (Civil Engineering) course and at the post graduate level, M. Tech. program is offered in five major fields of specialization, viz. Structural Engineering, Hydraulic Structures, Environmental Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering and Earthquake Engineering & Disaster Management. At the Doctoral level, the Department offers Ph. D. program in Structural Engineering, Hydraulic Structures, Environmental Engineering and Geotechnical Engineering.


The faculty members have published significant number of research articles in International Journals, National Journals and the Proceedings of various International and National Seminars, Conferences, Symposia and Workshops. The faculty members have also published several textbooks and prepared appreciable number of Technical Reports, Laboratory Manuals and other Teaching Aids. In the last 5 years, more than 450 research papers have been published by the faculty members in international and national journals of repute along with edited books and book chapters.

Many research projects sponsored by S.E.R.B., D.S.T., A.I.C.T.E, U.G.C., C.S.I.R., D.R.D.O.,C.S.T.(U.P.), M.O.E.F. and Indian Oil Corporation, Govt. of India have been successfully completed and many under progress. Joint research projects are currently underway in collaboration with the government under Smart Cities Scheme and PAVITRA. Currently Research Projects worth Rs. 1040 Lacs are going on. There has been tremendous thrust in the consultancy work in the department in the last five years. In the last five years, a large number of Industrial Consultancy projects of worth Rs. 692 lacs have been completed.

The Department has organized one international and one national conference in 2019. In the last five years 54 National Conferences/Workshops/Seminar/Training Programs have been successfully organized. Out of which four were conducted in Online Mode in 2020 and three in 2021. Many faculty members have chaired technical session of different National and International meets and have also been the members of various technical committees in the country.

The faculty members have also to their credit many awards such as Young Scientist Award (UPCST), Khosla Award, Suchit Kumar memorial Award, Institution of Engineers (India), Khosla Research Prize, ISET Best Prize award, Deshpande Award (FM &FP, India), Jai Krishna Award, Sir Arthur Cotton Memorial Gold Medal, Career Award for Young teachers, Best Paper Awards, John C Gammon Prize Gold Medal, Architectural Engineering Division Prize, Corps of Engineers Prize etc.


The National Board of Accreditation (N.B.A.), New Delhi has accredited the department for full five years in 2016. M. Tech. programs with specialization in Structural Engineering, Hydraulic Structures and Environmental Engineering have been accredited for five years. The Department has received DST-FIST Infrastructure development and DST-PURSE grant from Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology. It is UGC SAP-DRS Phase I, TEQIP-II and TEQIP-III funded department.


To develop a vibrant and broad-based graduate and research program with emphasis on up to date curriculum, quality faculty and staff, field and industrial training to prepare engineers with state of the art knowledge for professional practice in civil engineering, guided by strong conviction towards morality and ethics.


1. To rely on basic engineering sciences and contemporary computational tools for strengthening fundamental precepts of success for our students.

2. To create congenial environment for interaction amongst students, faculty and technical staff to facilitate open thinking and learning process.

3. Strive to maintain pace with the latest and most sophisticated innovations, research and development in the field of civil engineering within the ambit of sustainable development.

4. To be acquainted with requirements of stakeholders to incorporate changes in curriculum to facilitate acceptance of our graduates both at the national and international levels