Department of Civil Engineering
Seminar/conference/workshop Events
ATAL Faculty Development Programme on Waste Management: Challenges and Opportunities
on 24-28 February 2021 funded by AICTE
| 25/03/2021 | |
ATAL Faculty Development Programme on “Underground Space Utilization” on 18-22 January 2021 funded by AICTE | 21/03/2021 | |
Short Term Course on “Disaster Management and Its Management”. on 20-21 May 2020 funded by TEQIP III-MHRD | 21/03/2021 | |
Faculty Development Programme on “Behavior of Smart Materials and Concrete Structures”. on 13-14 May 2020 funded by TEQIP III-MHRD | 21/03/2021 | |
Educational Site Visit to Aligarh Railway Station on 26 February 2020 funded by TEQIP III-MHRD | 21/03/2021 | |
Two Weeks Faculty Development Programme on “Smart Cities: Challenges and Opportunities”. on 9-21 December 2019 funded by TEQIP III-MHRD | 21/03/2021 | |
National Workshop on “Seismic Safety of Structures”. on 21-22 September 2019 funded by TEQIP III-MHRD | 21/03/2021 | |
National Workshop on “Natural Disasters and Their Mitigation” on 24-25 April 2019 funded by TEQIP III-MHRD | 21/03/2021 | |
Educational Site Visit to Aligarh Railway Station on 28 March 2019 funded by TEQIP III-MHRD | 21/03/2021 | |
National Conference on “Water Resources Management (WRM2019)” on 15 - 16 March 2019 funded by TEQIP III-MHRD | 21/03/2021 | |
National Workshop on “Introduction to Air Quality Modelling”. on 13-14 November 2018 funded by TEQIP III-MHRD | 21/03/2021 | |
International Conference on “Sustainable Solutions in Industrial Pollution, Water and Wastewater Treatment”. on 10-11 November 2018 TEQIP III-MHRD | 21/03/2021 | |
National Workshop on “Design of Experiments –Engineering Applications”. on 4-5 May 2018 funded by TEQIP III-MHRD | 21/03/2021 | |
Educational Site Visit to Aligarh Railway Station on 28 February 2018 funded by TEQIP III-MHRD | 21/03/2021 | |
Invited Lecture on “ UPSC Gateway to IAS and Allied Services” on 22 November 2017 funded by TEQIP III-MHRD | 20/03/2021 | |
Invited Lecture on “ Building Information Modeling” on 15 November 2017 funded by TEQIP III-MHRD | 20/03/2021 | |
Educational Visit to Bijnor STP and Meerut water treatment plant on 12 November 2017 funded by TEQIP III-MHRD | 20/03/2021 | |
Second National Workshop on “ Reliability and Safety of Structures” on 11 November 2017 funded by TEQIP III-MHRD | 20/03/2021 | |
Invited Lecture on “Ground Water Management” on 7 November 2017 funded by TEQIP III-MHRD | 20/03/2021 | |
Invited Lecture on “Application of ARC GIS Technique and Air Pollution Modeling” on 3 November 2017 funded by TEQIP III-MHRD | 20/03/2021 | |
Educational visit to Okhla Barrage, New Delhi on 14 October 2017 funded by TEQIP III-MHRD | 20/03/2021 | |
Workshop on “ Counselling for Civil Engineering Students” on 11 October 2017 funded by TEQIP III-MHRD | 20/03/2021 | |
Workshop on “ Seismic Safety of Structures” on 29 March 2017 funded by TEQIP-II MHRD/ SAP-UGC | 20/03/2021 | |
Educational industrial visit to “ Hindustan Prefab Ltd. (HPL)”, New Delhi on 9 March 2017 funded by TEQIP II-MHRD | 20/03/2021 | |
Educational site visit to Nadrai Aqueduct on 9 March 2017 funded by TEQIP II-MHRD | 20/03/2021 | |
Educational visit to Heritage Structures sites (Agra & Fatehpur Sikri) on 4 March 2017 funded by TEQIP II-MHRD | 20/03/2021 | |
Educational site visit to Narora Barrage on 25 February 2017 funded TEQIP II-MHRD | 20/03/2021 | |
Educational visit to Bynor Sewage Treatment Plant and Moradabad Sewage Treatment Plant on 29 January 2017 funded by TEQIP II-MHRD | 20/03/2021 | |
Educational site visit to Delhi Metro on 26 November 2016 funded by TEQIP II-MHRD | 20/03/2021 | |
Educational site visit to Agra-Lucknow Expressway –Shikohabad on 19 November 2016 funded by TEQIP II-MHRD | 20/03/2021 | |
Workshop on “Reliability and Structural Safety” on 26 October 2016 funded by TEQIP II-MHRD | 20/03/2021 | |
Workshop on “ Sustainable Concrete Construction” on 14 October 2016 funded by TEQIP II-MHRD | 20/03/2021 | |
Educational visit to 144 MLD Agra Water Treatment Plant at Sikandra and 78 MLD UASB based STP on 10 October 2016 funded by TEQIP II-MHRD | 20/03/2021 | |
Workshop on “ Seismic Safety of Structures” on 23 March 2016 funded by TEQIP-II MHRD/ SAP-UGC | 20/03/2021 | |
National Workshop on “ Treatment Technologies for Adsorption Organic Halides(AOX) present in Pulp and Paper industry Waste Water” on 13 March 2016 funded by Ministry of Environment Forest & Climate Change, New Delhi | 20/03/2021 | |
Workshop on Thesis Writing, Referencing and Plagiarism on 8-9 March 2016 funded by TEQIP II-MHRD | 20/03/2021 | |
Software training programme on on 21-25 January, 2016 funded by TEQIP II-MHRD | 20/03/2021 | |
Site Visit to Narora Atomic Power Station on 18 November, 2015 funded by TEQIP II-MHRD | 20/03/2021 | |
Workshop on Earthquake Disaster and Its Mitigation. on 07 November, 2015 funded by TEQIP II-MHRD | 20/03/2021 | |
Webinar on AECOsim Building Designer:Advancing BIM on 30 October, 2015 funded by CED | 20/03/2021 | |
ASCE Chapter Orientation ceremony on 02 September, 2015 funded by \TEQIP II-MHRD | 20/03/2021 | |
Technical lecture on water treatment and management. on 02 September, 2015 funded by TEQIP II-MHRD | 20/03/2021 | |
Extension Lecture on ‘Concrete Mix Design’ on 15 October, 2014 funded by J.K. CEMENT Ltd. | 20/03/2021 | |
Extension Lecture on ‘Performance Evaluation of Effluent Treatment Plants’ on 13 September, 2014 funded by ASCE- CED, AMU | 20/03/2021 | |
Extension Lecture on ‘Solid Waste Management’ on 13 September, 2014 ASCE- CED, AMU | 20/03/2021 | |
Guest Lecture on ‘Importance of Civil Services’ on 08 September, 2014 funded by ASCE- CED, AMU | 20/03/2021 | |
‘SWINGS’ Training Workshop for Research Scholars on 05-06 June, 2014 funded by Indian Project Partners | 20/03/2021 | |
A Short Term Training Program on ‘River Modeling and Dam Break Studies’ using MIKE-11 software on 21-24 April, 2014 funded by TEQIP II-MHRD | 20/03/2021 | |
Extension Lecture on ‘Bio-Sensors’ on 11 April, 2014 funded by AMU-CED | 20/03/2021 | |
Opening of Student Chapter ‘ASCE’ on 4 April, 2014 funded by ASCE, North India Chapter | 20/03/2021 | |
Departmental Technical Fest titled ‘TAMEER’ on 4-6 April, 2014 funded by AMU-CED | 20/03/2021 | |
Extension Lecture on ‘Efficacy of Bio-Fuel’ on 13 March, 2014 funded by AMU-CED | 20/03/2021 |