Department of Computer Science
Important Laboratories
Important Laboratories
1) Research Lab - I

Research Lab-I is located at the ground floor of the department, research lab-I is a separate networked computing lab that consists of 25 nodes which provides every student his own set of computer along with a personalized bureau. All the system of the lab is well optimized to meet the working condition of the research scholars. The major field of work in the lab includes E-learning, Cryptography, Network Security, Parallel Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things and Big Data.
2) Research Lab - II
Research Lab-II is located at the first floor of the department and consists of 25 nodes, dedicated for research related activities. A computer setup along with a personalized bureau has been provided to each and every Research Scholar. The prime objective of this lab is to provide an environment for the research and development work in the field of Artificial Intelligence, Software Development, Image Processing, Soft Computing, Bioinformatics and Big Data Analysis.
3) Post Graduate Lab
A separate Computer Lab consisting of 60 nodes with three servers, LCD Projector, UPS Systems and Network Printer, is used by the Post Graduate students. This lab is primarily dedicated to web based application development and programming. It is equipped with UNIX and Window's based servers.
4) M.Sc. in Cyber Security & Digital Forensics Lab
A dedicated Cyber Security Lab has been set up for Postgraduate students, consisting of 30 high-performance nodes with advanced level Cisco Switch, an LCD projector and UPS systems. This lab is designed to facilitate hands-on training in Cyber Security, Ethical Hacking, Penetration Testing, Network Security, and Digital Forensics. The lab is equipped with Kali Linux and Windows-based Servers, configured with secure network environments to simulate real-world cyber threats and defense mechanisms.
5) Under Graduate Lab
6) Mobile Computing Lab
This lab consists of 5 Apple systems dedicated to mobile programming along with Window's based systems running in networked mode.