Ph.D. (Computer Sc.) and MCA
e-Learning, Information Security, Soft Computing, Video Analytics, Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology and Machine Learning
C-20, K.K. Residency, Badar Bagh, Anoopshahar Road, Civil Lines, Aligarh-202001, U.P. (India),
8192865250 ,
Dr. Arman Rasool Faridi is an acknowledged teacher, working as Professor in the Department of Computer Science, AMU, since March 2017. He has more than 27 years of teaching experience both at UG and PG level. He obtained B.Sc. (Hons) in Chemistry, Masters in Computer Science and Applications (MCA) and Ph.D. in Computer Science degree from Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India. He is President of India Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma Gold Medal Awardee for his overall achievements. His research interests include Information Security, Soft Computing, Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology, Video Analytics and Machine Learning. His teaching interests include Analysis and Design of Information Systems, Object Oriented Modelling, Computer Networks, Network Security etc.
He is an active researcher and has good number of publications to his credit. He has presented many papers in National and International Conferences, chaired sessions and published research papers in Journals of International repute and International Conference Proceedings. He reviews research articles of reputed International Journals and International Conference proceedings. He has successfully guided four (04) Ph.D. and currently four students are pursuing Ph.D. under his supervision. He has also supervised more than 250 PG and UG level dissertation/projects.
Dr. Faridi is an active and valuable Resource Person and has delivered 150+ invited lectures. He has delivered skill based technical sessions/lectures for Faculty Development Programmes (FDP), Faculty Induction Programmes (FIP), Refresher Courses and Orientation Programmes at various UGC-HRDCs. He is also very actively involved in academic counselling sessions of IT courses offered by IGNOU and Centre for Distance and Online Education, AMU.
Besides teaching and research Dr. Faridi remains actively involved in administrative/ corporate life of AMU. He has been an elected Member of the "AMU Court in Lecturer's Constituency”. He has served as Warden in many Halls of residence in AMU, Assistant Proctor and Assistant Dean Students' Welfare. He also worked as Nodal Officer of UGC Online Students' Grievance Redressal System at AMU. He has been closely associated with the literary and cultural life of the university and served as President of various clubs (University Music Club, University Drama Club, University Film Club, University Western Music Club and Hobbies Workshop) of the Cultural Education Centre (CEC), the Nucleus of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities of AMU. He also served as Deputy Coordinator of CEC. He has also been Coordinator of e-Learning Programmes at CDOE, AMU.
Dr. Faridi possesses excellent event management skills. He has organized many university level literary and cultural events. Apart from that he has also organised various webinars, workshops and training programmes at department level. He has been instrumental in successfully organizing the first International Conference ICECI-2023 at the department of computer science, AMU.
Presently, he is serving as Chairman, Department of Computer Science, Deputy Director Online Programmes, Centre for Distance and Online Education (CDOE), AMU; University Coordinator, AMU CCTV Surveillance System; Deputy Proctor, AMU; Assistant Coordinator IGNOU Study Centre, AMU; University SWAYAM Mentor, AMU; Member of many Technical Expert Committees and Purchase Committees constituted by the University for ICT related Planning, Purchase, Installation and Maintenance.
- Key Publications
1. Faridi A. R., Luqman M., “Authentication of fog-assisted IoT Networks Using Advanced Encryption Credibility Approach with Modified Diffie-Hellman Encryption” in Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, pp. 1-18, May 2023, Publisher: John Wiley and Sons Ltd, US, (E-ISSN- 1532-0634 , P- ISSN- 1532-0626), DOI:, [Indexing: SCOPUS, Web of Science: SCIE, IF:1.831 (2022-23), Q2]
2. Faridi, Arman Rasool and Masood, Faraz, “A Multi-criteria Decision-making Approach to Analyse the Viability of Blockchain in Software Development Projects” in Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, vol. 44, No. 1 pp. 113-124, 5 January 2023, Publisher: IOS Press, Amsterdam, Netherlands, (E-ISSN-1875-8967, P- ISSN-1064-1246), DOI:10.3233/JIFS-220830, [Indexing: SCOPUS, Web of Science: SCIE, IF: 1.737 (2022-23), Q2]
3. Faridi A. R., Shamsan A. H., “ A Conceptual Architecture for integrating SDN and NFV with IoT” in International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), Vol. 12, No. 6, pp. 6777-6784, December 2022, Publisher: Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES), Special Region of Yogyakarta 55198, Indonesia, (P-ISSN: 2088-8708, E-ISSN 2722-2578), SNIP: 0.688; SJR: 0.376 (2021); CiteScore: 3.2 ; Q2 on Computer Science, DOI: 10.11591/ijece.v12i6.pp6777-6784, [Indexing: SCOPUS]
4. Faridi A. R., Masood F., Shamsan A.H., Luqman M., Salmony M. Y. A. “Blockchain in Quantum World” in International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), Vol. XIII, Issue No. 1, pp. 542-552, February 2022, Publisher: The Science and Information (SAI) Organization, UK, (E-ISSN- 2156-5570, P- ISSN- 2158-107X),. DOI: : 10.14569/IJACSA.2022.0130167, [Indexing: SCOPUS, Web of Science: ESCI]
5. Shamsan A.H., Faridi A. R. “A Novel SDNFV IoT Architecture Leveraging Softwarization Technology Services to Alleviate IoT Network Resource Restrictions ” in International Journal ofEngineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), Vol. 70, Issue No. 2, pp. 1-10, February 2022, Publisher: Seventh Sense Research Group® (SSRG), (E-ISSN- 2231-5381, P- ISSN- 2349-0918),. DOI: 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V70I2P201, [Indexing: SCOPUS]
6. Faridi A. R., Masood F., Hafeez A., Salmony M. Y. A., “Stubble Burning Detection and Prevention using Machine learning and Blockchain” in 10th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom-2023), New Delhi, India, Scheduled for 15th-17th March 2023, Publisher: IEEE, (ISBN: 978-93-80544-47-2), pp. 661-666, DOI: , [Indexing: SCOPUS, Web of Science], Published 04 May 2023.
7. Faridi A. R., Masood F., Singh R., Salmony M. Y. A., “Machine Learning-based Novel Framework for Fake News Detection and Prevention Using Blockchain” in 10th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom-2023) New Delhi, India, Scheduled for 15th-17th March 2023, Publisher: IEEE, (ISBN: 978-93-80544-47-2), pp. 751-755, DOI: , [Indexing: SCOPUS, Web of Science], Published 04 May 2023.
8. Faridi A. R., Masood F., Hafeez A., “Federated Learning with Blockchain: A Decentralized Couple” in IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication, and Intelligent Systems (ICCCIS-2022) held during Nov 04-05th, 2022 in Sharda University, Greater Noida, India . Publisher: IEEE, (E-ISBN: 978-1-6654-6200-6), pp.91-96., DOI: 10.1109/ICCCIS56430.2022.10037647 , [Indexing: SCOPUS], Published 09 February 2023.
9. Faridi A. R., Masood F., Singh R.., “Understanding Fusion of Internet of Vehicles with Blockchain” in IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication, and Intelligent Systems (ICCCIS-2022) held during Nov 04-05th, 2022 in Sharda University, Greater Noida, India. Publisher: IEEE, (E-ISBN: 978-1-6654-6200-6), pp. 237-242, DOI: 10.1109/ICCCIS56430.2022.10037587, [Indexing: SCOPUS], Published 09 February 2023.
10. Faridi A. R., Wani H. M., “Deep Learning-Based Video Action Recognition: A Review” in IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication, and Intelligent Systems (ICCCIS-2022) to be held during Nov 04-05th, 2022 in Sharda University, Greater Noida, India . Publisher: IEEE, (E-ISBN: 978-1-6654-6200-6), pp. 243-249, DOI: 10.1109/ICCCIS56430.2022.10037736, [Indexing: SCOPUS], Published 09 February 2023.
11. Luqman, M., Faridi, A.R. (2022).” Internet of Things Security: A Blockchain Perspective “ In: Zhang, YD., Senjyu, T., So-In, C., Joshi, A. (eds) Smart Trends in Computing and Communications. The 6th International Conference on Smart Computing and Communication (SmartCom 2021), New York, USA, 19-21 December 2021, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Vol. 396, pp 577-587. Publisher: Springer Nature, Singapore, E-ISBN- 978-981-16-9967-2, P-ISBN-978-981-16-9966-5). DOI:, [Indexing:SCOPUS]
12. Masood, F., Faridi, A.R. (2022). “A Framework to Restrict COVID-19 like Epidemic Converting to Pandemic Using Blockchain.” In: Aurelia, S., Hiremath, S.S., Subramanian, K., Biswas, S.K. (eds) Sustainable Advanced Computing. International Conference on Sustanable Advanced Computuing (ICSAC-2021), CHRIST University, Bangalore, India, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 840. Publisher: Springer Nature, Singapore. (E-ISBN- 978-981-16-9012-9, P-ISBN- 978-981-16-9011-2),DOI:,[Indexing:SCOPUS]
13. Luqman M., Faridi A. R., “ Security In Wireless Sensor Network: A Current Look ”in 9th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom-2022), New Delhi, India, March 2022, Publisher: IEEE, (E-ISBN:978-93-80544-44-1 ISBN:978-16654-0769-4), pp. 385-391, DOI:10.23919/INDIACom54597.2022.9763130, [Indexing: SCOPUS, Web of Science]
14. Masood F., Faridi A.R. (2021) “A Blockchain Framework to Increase the Security and Verifiability of Educational Certificates”. In: Abdullah N., Manickam S., Anbar M. (eds) Advances in Cyber Security. 3rd International Conference on Advances in Cyber Security (ACeS 2021), USM, Penang, Malaysia, August 2021,Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 1487,pp 3-17, Publisher: Springer Nature, Singapore, (E-ISBN- 978-981-16-8059-5,P-ISBN-978-981-16-8058-8), DOI:, [Indexing: SCOPUS]
15. Shamsan A.H., Faridi A.R. (2021) “Security Issues and Challenges in SDN”. In: Abdullah N., Manickam S., Anbar M. (eds) Advances in Cyber Security. 3rd International Conference on Advances in Cyber Security (ACeS 2021), USM, Penang, Malaysia, August 2021. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol 1487, pp 515-535, Publisher: Springer Nature, Singapore, (E-ISBN- 978-981-16-8059-5, P-ISBN-978-981-16-8058-8), DOI:, [Indexing:SCOPUS]
16. Masood F., Faridi A. R., “One-Stop-Shop for the Security of IoT with Blockchain: A Systematic Literature Review” in special thematic issue of International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communication and Control (SWCC), Vol. XI, Issue No. 8, pp. 814-828, March 2021, Publisher: BENTHAM SCIENCE, (E-ISSN- 22103287, P- ISSN-22103279), DOI:10.2174/2210327911666210308155600, [Indexing: SCOPUS]
17. Salmony M. Y. A., Faridi A. R., “Supervised Sentiment Analysis on Amazon Product Reviews: A Survey” in 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management, ICIEM 2021, London, UK,April 2021, Publisher: IEEE, (E-ISBN:978-1-6654-1450-0), pp. 132-138, DOI: 10.1109/ICIEM51511.2021.9445303, [Indexing: SCOPUS]
18. Salmony M. Y. A., Faridi A. R., “An Enhanced Twitter Sentiment Analysis Model Using Negation Scope Identification Methods” in 8th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom-2021), New Delhi, India, March 2021, Publisher: IEEE, (ISBN:978-93-80544-43-4), pp.864-869., DOI: 10.1109/INDIACom51348.2021.00155, [Indexing: SCOPUS, Web of Science]
19. Shamsan A. H., Faridi A. R., “Issues and Challenges of Using Machine Learning in IoT” in 8th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom-2021), New Delhi, India, March 2021, Publisher: IEEE, (ISBN:978-93-80544-43-4), pp.232-237., DOI:10.1109/INDIACom51348.2021.00041, [Indexing: SCOPUS, Web of Science]