Department of Electronics Engineering

Grants and Funding

Dept. data last updated on :21/03/2025


1.     Awarded Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme for Electronics & IT (Phase - II) Duration of the Project: 2022 – 2027 to the Department of Electronics Engineering, AMU

2.       Awarded 5G Lab to the Department of Electronics Engineering, AMU in 2024

3.       Financial assistant under FIST Program of Rs. 97.0 Lakhs, approved on 25th March 2022

4.  Awarded grant under Chips to Startup (C2S) program of Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (MeitY), Govt. of India, September 2023 to Dr. Mohd Wajid, Chief Investigator of the R&D project.

2.      UGC Start-Up Grant worth Rs. 10 lacs awarded to Dr. Naushad Alam

3.      CSIR (GoI) Project Grant worth Rs. 22 lacs awarded to Dr. Anwar Sadat

4.      Department of Special Assistance Grant funded by UGC – Period of 05 years – 2015-2020 – 165 lacs

5.      UGC Start-Up Grant worth Rs. 10 lacs awarded to Dr. M. Samar Ansari

6.      Grant of Rs 45.00 lacs under the DRS-I scheme funded by UGC

7.      Visvesvaraya Young Faculty Research Fellowship awarded to Dr. M. Samar Ansari, amounting to approx. 37 lacs over a period of 5 years.

8.      Fund for Infrastructure in Science and Technology (FIST) funded by DST - Period of 05 years - 2009-2013 - Rs. 91.00 lacs

9.      UGC Major Research Project Grant worth Rs. 6.93 lacs awarded to Prof. Omar Farooq (2009-11)

10.  Grant of Rs 15.00 lacs under the scheme TEQIP funded by MHRD in the year 2011

11.  Grant of R&D project by DST under the Young Scientist Scheme received by Prof. Omar Farooq - 3 years duration, 2004-2007- Amount Rs 3.48 lakhs

12.  Grant of Rs 10 lacs funded by MHRD for Centre for Wireless Networks (2006-07)

13.  AICTE sponsored project grant of 10.00 lacs received by Prof M. Salim Beg (2003-05)

14.  Grant of Rs 10.00 lacs under the MODROB scheme funded by AICTE (2003-04)

15.  CST, UP funded Research Project Grant of Rs. 7.04 lacs received by Prof. Omar Farooq (2009- 2012)

16.  DST, GOI funded Research Project Grant of Rs. 34.79 lacs received by Prof. Omar Farooq (2009- 2012)

17.  Grant of Rs 10 lacs funded by MHRD for Creation of ASIC Design Facility

18.  AICTE sponsored project grant of 10.00 lacs received by Prof Ekram Khan

19.  AICTE sponsored project grant of 08.50 lacs received by Prof M. S. Alam

20.  Grant of Rs. 23.81 lacs received by Prof M. S. Alam under DST Nano-mission, GOI