Department of Geography

About the Department of Geography

Dept. data last updated on :12/03/2025

The Department of Geography was established in 1924 to carryout undergraduate courses in Geography. Gradually postgraduate courses were introduced and the first batch passed out in 1931. Since then the research activities was incepted that enabled to the Department to produce first Doctoral research work in 1941.

The late Prof. Sir L. Dudley Stamp, a renowned Geographer, remarked on his visit to India that, Aligarh is the Mecca of Indian Geography-- in view of the notable contributions made by the Department in the field of teaching and research.

Main Areas of Academic Thrust:

*Agricultural Geography, *Population Geography, *Environmental Geography, *Regional Development and Planning, *Social & Cultural Geography, *Urban Geography, *Settlement Geography, *Resource Development and Management, *Marketing Geography, *Health Geography, *Industrial Geography

The main thrust area of the Department is in the field of Agriculture Geography, Population Geography and Environmental Geography as identified by the UGC and sanctioned UGC-SAP-DRS-III Programme (April 2015 - March 2020). Out of significance contribution made by the department in the field of teaching and research during the last five years the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India, New Delhi was pleased to sanctioned FIST Programme from April 2019 - March 2024. In order to carry out the academic programme some of the important organs of the department functions un-interruptly to strengthen teaching and research.

The A.M.U. Geographical Society is one of the vibrant organ which was formed on 27th March 1925 to inculcate the interest of geographical understanding and to develop skills and aptitude among the students through organizing different academic programme and extracurricular activities. In order to make more functionary the society contain some office bearers i.e., President, Vice- President, Hony. Secretary and Executive Members to ensure its vibrancy and sustained functionary. Under the ages of AMU Geographical Society The Geographer a refereed research journal of (ISSN: 0072-0909) of International repute gets published bi-annual (Jan & July). The first issue came out in 1926. Since then, it is continued to publish regularly. The detailed information about the journal is available on

The Department also has a Geographical Research Group to intensify research, to inculcate interest and to develop observational skills in Geography. The meetings are held regularly every fortnight. Teachers and students participate in these meetings. It is a forum for research students to present their doctoral works, the research papers and their findings and to defend it. Thorough discussions also take place.

The Departmental library contains one of the richest collections of Books and Journals of Geography. At present it has nearly 30,220 Books (reference and Texts Books) and 39 Journals (26 International and 13 national journals).

The Department has a fully equipped Cartography Lab, Computer Lab, GIS Lab. and a Survey Lab.



1.      To elevate the department as a distinguished, integrative and collaborative research centre.

2.      To establish our acclaimed department among the top echelons of academic world.

3.   To eternalize the legacy as illustrious conservatoire of Geography so that the later generations can reap the   benefits.


1. The department of Geography is committed to impart high quality education and research in an agreeable ambience to shape the future of the students on its rich repositories of fame and prestige.

2.  To adopt interdisciplinary approaches in our research and to carry out collaborative projects with sister disciplines.

3. To address the emerging human concern of global warming, climate change and its impact on economy, society and the human wellbeing in our research and teaching. 

4.  To address the issues of Disaster Management and Environmental Planning.