Urban Fringe; Land Use, Land Transformation; GIS
D-12, Monarch Apartments, Manzoorgarh Bypass Road, Near FM Tower, Aligarh, 202002
Shahab Fazal is Professor of Geography. He obtained his graduation and post graduation from Rajasthan University in Ist Division. Later he joined AMU and completed his Ph.D.
Prof. Fazal started his teaching career in 1994 as Lecturer at Aligarh Muslim University. His research interests are in Land use, Land transformation issues in urban fringe, Remote Sensing and GIS. He has published Eighteen books and more than Seventy Five research articles in various national and international journals.
He is recipient of prestigious fellowships such as-
1. Fulbright Fellowship (2013-14) – USIEF, United States of America
2. Commonwealth Academic Staff Fellowship (2004) – British Council, United Kingdom
3. NWO-ICSSR Visiting Professor (2011) – Dutch Research Council, The Netherlands
4. Shastri Faculty Research Fellowship (2003 and 2009) – DFAIT, Canada
5. ICSSR – JSPS Visiting Faculty (2024) – Japan Society for Promotion of Science, Japan
5. DST-DAAD Fellowship (2000-2001) – Germany
6 DST Young Scientist Award 2000
7. CSIR Fellowship (1991-93)
He was also member of Indo -German Joint Research Team working for DST - DAAD Research Project. He has successfully completed four Major Research Projects sponsored by DST, ICSSR, DST-DAAD and SICI (Canada).
Prof. Shahab Fazal has extensive collaborative research with some of the leading institutions from western world. His academic visits and research include United States of America; Great Britain; Canada; Germany; The Netherlands; Japan; China; Sweden; Belgium; France; Switzerland; Italy etc.
Prof. Fazal has coordinated several Refresher Courses/Winter Schools on Disaster Management for UGC-Academic Staff College at AMU. He was also coordinator of DST Sponsored Winter School on Application of RS&GIS for Natural Resource Management. He also coordinated MHRD Sponsored GIAN Course (ID-174025N01) in 2018. Prof. Fazal have developed MOOC courses for NPTEL Swayam portal on 1. Spatial Information Science
2. Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation
Prof. Shahab Fazal is member of several academic bodies and subject expert for various institutions, Public Service Commissions and Universities
Prof. Shahab Fazal has been awarded "Distinguished Scientist" award for his contribution in Land Use Studies by Centre for Advanced Research and Design, Chennai (2015). Presently he is on the editorial board of Research Journals such as for Journal - Research in Globalization, An Elsevier Science Publication; THE GEOGRAPHER - (India); South Asian Journal of Social Science and Humanities; National Geographical Journal of India (Banaras Hindu University).
- Publication
1. GIS Basics, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi (2008).
2. Remote Sensing Basics, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi. (2009); Second edition
(2019).3. Land Use Dynamics in a Developing Economy. Regional Perspectives from India. Springer International Publishers. The Netherlands. (2013)
4. Peri – Urban Livelihoods: Opportunities and Challenges. Concept Publications . New Delhi (2014)
5. Livelihood and Wellbeing in the Urban Fringe. Springer International Publishers, Switzerland. (2016).
Global Positioning System : Concept, Technique and Application. (2016) New Age International Publishers, New Delhi .7.
Agriculture and Rural Development, B. R. Publishers, New Delhi. (1998).8.Urban Environmental Management, B. R. Publishers, New Delhi. (2007).9.Rural Environmental Management, B. R. Publishers, New Delhi. (2007).Agricultural Production and Price Mechanism, Chugh Publications, Allahbad (1998)10.Research Articles
1. Land-use change in the ‘edgelands’: Policies and pressures in London's rural–urban fringe. Land Use Policy, Elsevier Science Publication, Vol. 28, No.1 United Kingdom. 2011, pp 266-279.
2. Addressing congestion and transport-related air pollution in Saharanpur, India. Environment and Urbanization, IIED, Vol.18. No.2, London. 2006. pp 141-154.
3. Boatmen and Status of Dal Lake and Its Environs: A Tale of Srinagar. Environment and Urbanization Asia, SAGE, 2013, 4(1) 73–92.
4. The Need For Preserving Our Farm Lands. A Case Study from a Predominantly Agrarian Economy. Landscape and Urban Planning, Vol 55, No.1, Elsevier Science Publication, United Kingdom. 2001. pp l -13.
5. A pragmatic assessment of livelihood status in the peri-urban interface: a case from developing India. Asian Geographer, Volume 34, 2017 - Issue 1, Routledge Publication, Hong Kong, 2017, pp 1-24.
6. Dynamics of Land Use Trends and Patterns in Uttar Pradesh: A Sectoral Perspective. Journal of Land and Rural Studies, SAGE Publication, Volume 10 Issue 2, July 2022, pp. 196-219.
7. Urban Expansion and Characteristic Features of Suburbanization Process in Aligarh, A Case Study. Annals of the National Association of Geographers, India, Volume XXXXII, No. 1 2021 pp 194-213.
8. Effects of Land Transformation on Water Quality of Dal Lake, Srinagar, India. Journal of Indian Society of Remote Sensing, Springer Publications. (2013).
9. Transforming Rural Livelihoods and their Sustainability in India: A State-wise Analysis. Asian Profile, Vol. 48. No.3. Canada 2020. pp 253 – 280.10. Monitoring Urban Sprawl Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques of a Fast Growing Urban Centre, India. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, VOL. 4, NO. 1, March 2011. pp 56 – 64.
11. The Realities of Urban Landuse Planning in India, A Case of Aligarh City. Urban India, A Journal of National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA), Volume 42, Issue 1, January 2022, pp 88 – 112.
12. Livelihood status and sustainability in rural india: a geographical analysis. Punjab Geographer Volume 17, pp. 01-26, 2021.
13. Exploring the importance of accessibility in evolving land use pattern in Aligarh city, India. Transactions, IIG - Contents Volume. 41 No. 1 pp 67-79 . 2020..
14. Rural - Urban Transition in India: A Perspective on Future Urbanization, Annals of the National Association of Geographers, India, Volume XXXVIII, No. 2 2018 pp 332-342.
15. Effects of Land Transformation on Water Quality of Dal Lake, Srinagar, India. Journal of Indian Society of Remote Sensing, Springer Publications. (2013),
16. Development of Infrastructural Facilities in Public Sector on the Urban Fringe of Aligarh Journal of Infrastructure Development, SAGE. Vol.5, No. 2, 2013 pp151-168.
17. A District Level Rural Vulnerability Assessment in Uttar Pradesh - An Analytic Hierarchy Approach (AHP). Annals of the National Association of Geographers, India, Volume XXXXII, No. 2 2022 pp 467-499..
18. Urban Expansion and Characteristic Features of Suburbanization Process in Aligarh, A Case Study. Annals of the National Association of Geographers, India, Volume XXXXI, No. 1 2021 pp 194-213.
19. Rural - Urban Transition in India: A Perspective on Future Urbanization, Annals of the National Association of Geographers, India, Volume XXXVIII, No. 2 2018 pp 332-342.
20. Transforming Land. Span (The US Embassy Magazine), May/June 2016.