Department of History
News and Publication
List of Publications
Journal of the Aligarh Historical Research Institute, Vol. 1.1941
Shahabuddin al Umri Masalik-ul Absar fi Mumalik ul Amsar; tr. into Eng. With introduction and notes by Otto Spies, Shaikh Abdul Rashid and S. Moinul Haq. 1943
Aqil Khan Razi, Waqiat-i-Alamgiri, ed. by Khan Bahadur Maulvi Haji Zafar Hasan. 1946
Medieval India Quarterly, Vols. 1-5. 1950-63
Futuhat-i-Firoz Shahi, ed. by Shaikh Abdur Rashid.1954
Abdullah Tarikh-i-Daudi, ed. Shaikh Abdur Rashid. 1954
Amir Khusrau Miftah-ul-futuh, ed. Shaikh Abdur Rashid.1954
K.A. Nizami, Life and Times of Shaikh Farid-uddin Ganj-i-Shakar, 1955
Ziauddin Barani, Tarikh-i-Firoz Shahi, ed. Shaikh Abdur Rashid,2 Vols., 1957
Abdullah Khan, Balmukund Namah: Letters of Sayyid Abdullah Khan Qutbul Mulk; ed. Shaikh Abdur Rashid. 1957
The Secret History of the Mongol Dynasty, tr. and ed. with introduction and notes, Wei Kwei Sun. 1957Nasiruddin Mehmood Khairul Majalis: Malfuzat-i-Hazrat Shaikh Nasirudidn Mehmood Chiragh-i-Delhi, ed. K.A. Nizami. 1959
Satish Chandra, Parties and Politics at the Mughal Court 1707-1740, 1959
Mirza Mohammad Bin Rustam Tarikh-i-Muhammadi, ed. Imtizaz Ali Arshi, Vol. 2, pt. 6.1960
K.A. Nizami, Some Aspects of Religion and Politics in India during the 13th Century, 1961
Irfan Habib, The Agrarian System of Mughal India,1963
Iqtidar Alam Khan, Mirza Kamran,1964
Mahmud Bukhari, Tarikh-i-Salatin Gujarat, ed. with introduction and notes, S.A.I. Tirmizi. 1964
Yusuf Husain Khan, Selected Documents from Aligarh Archives,1967
Agha Mahdi Husain, Futuh-us-Salatin of Isami, 3 Vols.,1967-77
M. Athar Ali, Mughal nobility under Aurangzeb, Rev. ed., OUP, Delhi. 1968, 1977
Khwaja Abdul Qadir, Waqa-i-Manazil-i-Rum, ed. Muhibbul Hasan,1968
Medieval India -A Miscellany, 4 vols. 1969-1977
Noman Ahmad Siddiqui, Land Revenue Administration under the Mughals,1970
V.S. Bendrey,Tarikh-i-Ilahi,1972
Satish Chandra, Letters of a King Maker of 18th Century (Balmukund Namah),1972
Azra Alvi, Socio-religious Outlook of Abul Fazl,1972
M. Zaki, Tarikh-i-Muhammadi (Eng. Tr.). 1972
Zahirudidn Malik,The Mughal Statesman of 18th Century (Khan-i-Dauran), 1973
Medieval Inscriptions: Proceedings of the Seminar, February 1970. 1974
Iqtidar Alam Khan, Political Biography of a Mughal Noble: Munim Khan Khan-i-Khanan, 1497-1575,1974
Mohammad Habib, Society and Politics during early Medieval Period (Collected Works of M. Habib, ed. by K.A. Nizami) 2 Vols. 1974-80
Zahiruddin Malik, The Reign of Mohammad Shah1977
K.A. Chaudhary and Others,
Ancient Agriculture and Forestry in Northern India, 1977Azra Alvi, ed. Maasir-i-Jahangiri,1978
Ghunyat-ul-Muniya: The earliest Known Persian Work on Indian Music, ed. by Shabab Sarmadi, 1978
S.P. Verma, Art and Material Culture as Represented in Akbar’s Court, 1978
Jamal M. Siddiqi, Aligarh District: A Historical Survey,1980
Irfan Habib, Atlas of the Mughal Empire, 1982
Muzaffar Alam, Tazkirat-us-Salatin-i-Chaghta, 1980
R.C. Gaur, Excavation at Atranji Khera,1983
Rafat Bilgrami Religious and Quasi-religious Departments of the Mughal period, 1984
M. Athar Ali, The Apparatus of Empire, 1985
S.P. Gupta, The Agrarian System of Eastern Rajasthan c. 1664 to 1750 A.D. 1986
Shireen Moosvi, The Economy of the Mughal Empire c. 1595 ?? A Statistical Study.1987
A.J. Qaisar, Building Construction in Mughal India, 1988
Pushpa Prasad, Sanskrit Inscriptions of Delhi Sultanate, 1191-1526, 1990
Medieval India: Researches in the History of India 1200-1750, ed. Irfan Habib,1992
Mohammad Umar Islam in Northern India during the Eighteenth Century.1993
Shaikh Abdul Latif, Muslim Mystic Movement in Bengal, 1301-1550,
1993Iqbal Husain, Rise and Decline of the Ruhela Chieftaincies in the Eighteenth Century India, 1994
S.P. Verma, Mughal painters and their Works ??A biographical Survey and Comprehensive Catalogue 1994
M. Zaki, Muslim Society in Northern India: 15th and early half of the 16th Century, 1996
Afzal Husain, The Nobility under Akbar and Jahangir, A Study of Family Groups,1999
B.L. Bhadan, Peasant, Artisans and Entrepreneurs: Economy of Marwar in the 17th Century.1999
Shahabuddin Iraqi ed. Medieval India-2, 2008
Shahabuddin Iraqi ed. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan: Vision and Mission, 2008
Shahabuddin Iraqi, Bhakti Movement in Medieval India: Social and Political Perspectives, 2008
Ali Athar, Military Technology and Warfare in the Sultanate of Delhi, Icon Publisher, New Delhi. 2006
Gulfishan Khan, Indian Muslim Perceptions of the West during the Eighteenth Century (Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-577771-9 (Karachi: 1998). 1998
Prof. S.A. N. Rezavi, Fathpur Sikri Revisited, OUP, 2013
Abdur Rashid, Ziaudin Barani; tr. M. Umar. 1957
Athar Abbas Rizvi, Tr. Uttar Taimur Kalin Bharat, 2 Vols. (Hindi), 1958-59
Athar Abbas Rizvi, Tr. Adi Turk Kalin Bharat (1206-90), 1956
Athar Abbas Rizvi, Tr. Tughlaq Kalin Bharat, 2 Vols. 1956-57
Athar Abbas Rizvi, Tr. Khalji Kalin Bharat, (1526-30) 1960
Athar Abbas Rizvi, Tr. Mughal Kalin Bharat, Humayun, 2 Vols. 1961
Publications (2014-2021)
Abdul Qadir Badauni,
Muntakhab ut-Twarikh,
with an Introduction by Irfan Habib, Centre of Advanced Study, Department Of History /Publication Division, AMU, Aligarh, 2018Prof. Irfan Habib , The National Movement Origins and Early Phase, to 1918, Aligarh Historians Society, Aligarh/Tulika, New Delhi,
Prof. Irfan Habib, Economic History of India AD 1206-1526, Aligarh Historians Society, Aligarh/Tulika, New Delhi,
Prof. Ali Athar, Re-interpreting the History of the Delhi Sultanate, 2015
Prof. Ali Athar, History on Stones: Inscriptions of Aligarh Muslim University, Publication Division, AMU, Aligarh, 2016
Ali Athar (ed.), Socio-Cultural and Technological Development in Medieval India, Primus Books, 2020
Ali Athar (ed.), Exploring Medieval India through Persian Sources, National Mission for Manuscripts Samiksika Series-17, New Delhi, 2020.
Ali Athar (ed.), Explored Palaeolithic (Acheulian) Tools, Stone, Sculptures and Terracotta Figurines in Musa Dakri Museum, Vol. 2, 2015
Ali Athar (ed.), Medieval India: Ideas Traditions and Cultural Values, Ane Books Pvt. 2020.
Prof. Mohammad Afzal Khan, The Ruling Elite-Iranian Nobility under Shahjahan and Aurangzeb, Viva Publication, 2016.
Surat Singh, Tazkira-i Pir Hassu Taili’, Centre of Advanced Study, Department Of History /Publication Division, AMU, Aligarh, 2018.
Syed Ali Nadeem Rezavi (ed.) History Through Archaeology, CAS, Department of History, AMU Publication, August, 2019
Syed Ali Nadeem Rezavi (ed.) Catalogue of the Archaeological Holdings of the Archaeology Section of the Department of History, AMU, Vol.I, August, 2019
Syed Ali Nadeem Rezavi (ed.) Catalogue of the Archaeological Holdings of the Archaeology Section of the Department of History, AMU, Vol.II, March, 2020
Dr. Gulfishan Khan, Khwajah Shams al-Din Muhammad Hafiz Shirazi and the early British Romantics, Publication Division, Aligarh Muslim University,2015
Dr. Gulfishan Khan, Essays on Sayyid Ahmad Khan and Shaikh Muhammad Abdullah, Publication Division, Aligarh Muslim University, 2015
Sajal Nag and Ishrat Alam, eds. Blending Nation and Region, Essays in Honour of Late Professor Amalendu Guha, Delhi, 2018
Prof. Mohammad Sajjad (ed.), Remembering Muslim Makers of Modern Bihar, Brown Book Publications, Aligarh, 2019.
Prof. Mohammad Sajjad , Hindustani Musalman: Masael-o-Imkanat, Brown Book Publications, Aligarh, 2018.
Prof. Mohammad Sajjad, Contesting Colonialism and Separatism: Muslims of Muzaffarpur since 1857 (Urdu Translation by Nadeem Naresh), Urdu Translation published by NCPUL, MHRD, 2018
Prof. Mohammad Sajjad, Muslim Politics in Bihar: Changing Contours, Routledge/Taylor & Francis. London/New Delhi, reprint 2018.
Dr. Sumbul H. Khan, Art and Craft Workshops under the Mughal, Primus Books, New Delhi, 2015
Dr. S. Chandni Bi, Epigraphical Readings in the Chola History, Random Publications New Delhi, 2014
Dr. Aneesa Iqbal Sabir, Muslim Education and Learning During the Muslim Rule in India (13th and 14th Centuries), Random Publications, 2014.
Dr. O.P. Srivastava (ed.), On Indian History- Some Essays, LAP, Germany, 2015
Dr. O.P. Srivastava (ed.), Glimpses of Indian History, LAP, Germany, 2015
Dr. O.P. Srivastava (ed.), The Humanities- Recent Discoveries, LAP, Germany, 2014
Jal, Jeevan Aur Samaj, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2019
Dr. Jibraeil, Economy and Demographic Profile of Urban Rajasthan (Eighteenth-Nineteenth Centuries), Manohar Publishers and Distributers, New Delhi & Routledge Newyork/London), 2018
Dr. Jibraeil, Water Management System in the Desert Region of Rajasthan (Thirteenth-Eighteenth Centuries), Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2018
Mohammad Zafar Minhaj (ed.), Urdu Adab Ka Samaji Pasmanzar, Brown Publication, Aligarh, 2019
Dr. Mohammad Zafar Minhaj (ed.) Asaar us Sanadid, Publication Division, AMU Aligarh, 2017
Dr. Mohammad Zafar Minhaj (ed.) Padshahnama, Part-1, Publication Division, AMU Aligarh, 2015
Dr. Mohammad Zafar Minhaj (ed.) Padshahnama, Part-2, Publication Division, AMU Aligarh, 2015
Journal of Aligarh Historical Research Institute, Vol. 1, No. 2-3, 1941, reprint 2019
Medieval India Quarterly, Vol. I, No. I-4, July 1950, reprint 2020
Medieval India Quarterly, Vol. II, No. 1 & 2, 1957, reprint 2020
Medieval India Quarterly, Vol. III, No. 1-4, reprint 2020
Medieval India Quarterly, Vol. IV, 1961, reprint 2020
Medieval India Quarterly, Vol. V, No. I, 1963, reprint 2020
Medieval India- A Miscellany, Vol. I, 1969, reprint 2020
Medieval India- A Miscellany, Vol. II, 1972, reprint 2020
Medieval India- A Miscellany, Vol. III, 1975, reprint 2020
Medieval India- A Miscellany, Vol. IV, 1977, reprint 2020