M. Phil,Ph. D
Indian History: Modern Indian History, Women Studies, Subaltern History
Home Town: Chhapra (Bihar),
9456242786 ,
- Publication
International Journals
1)2013 From Mahatma to God: Understanding Gandhi in Cultural Perspectives of the Indian National Movement, in the 1st International Conference on Contemporary Cultural Studies 2013(CCS 2013), Singapore, December 9-10, 2013
2)2013 British Education Policy in South Asia: A Critical Appraisal” in the International Proceedings of Economic Development and Research (IPEDR) Vol.64, 2013, Hong Kong, pp.28-31.(ISBN:978-981-07-5749-6). This paper was presented in the 2nd International Conference on Humanity, History and Society (ICHHS 2013) Bangkok, Thailand, April 8-9, 2013.( Awarded Best paper)
Indian Journals
3)2013 ‘Chauri Chaura(Eastern U.P) incidents of 1922: A Critical evaluation of the British System of Justice by the Press in Bihar’, Paripex-Indian journal of Research,Vol:2 Issue:11, November 2013,pp.36-38, ISSN:2250-1991, IMPACT FACTOR:0.3208 (A joint paper with Dr. Syed Bashir Hasan)U. P. History Congress, Kashi Vidyapith, Varanasi, November 9-10,2013.
4)2012 Proscribed Literature and Popular Consciousness in the Inter-War Period’, in Ateet: A Journal of History and Archaeology, No.1, Vol.1, July-December 2012, pp.64-82(ISSN 2249-1252). This paper was presented in an international Seminar (IAHA), JNU, New Delhi, November, 14-17, 2008.
5)2012 Gandhi and Politics of Khadi: A Study of Proscribed Tamil Literature’, in the Quest Historica- A journal of History, Vol. IX & X, 2011-2012, , pp.45-62. ISSN 2278-0394 ( This paper was presented in the south Indian History Congress, Madras in 2012)
6)2011 Textiles and politics: A study of Foreign Cloths Boycott Movement in Aligarh,1921, in Gorakhpur Social Scientists, Vol. 2, December 2011, pp.19-31. ISSN 0976-8521 This paper was presented in U.P History Congress, BHU Varanasi, October 14-15, 2011.
7)2012 Mapping the Relevance of Gandhi’s Khadi: A political analysis’ in Omprakash Srivastav (ed.), The Society: Recent researches on Different Aspects, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, 2012,pp.166-187, ISBN: 978-3-659-25346-1
8)2012 ‘Peasants, Gandhi & Indian Nationalism: A Study of Proscribed Literature on Peasants Protest in Champaran’ in Omprakash Srivastav(ed), On History & Archaeology An Analytical Approach, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, 2012,pp15-34.ISBN 978-3-659-17771-2
Indian Book Chapters:
9)2013 Jallianwala Bagh Massacre (1919) and its Response in Bihar’ in Abhilekh- Bihar, Bihar State Archives, Patna, Bihar, 2013, pp. 213-35. ISSN-2249-5355
10)2012 ‘Forest Management and Sustainable Development: Re-thinking of Environment and Development in the Twenty first Century’, in Raj Kumar Sen(ed.) Forest Management and Sustainable Development, Deep & Deep Publications Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi,2012 (Chapter 18)
11)2011 ‘Human Rights: A Critical Appraisal in Historical Perspectives’ in Emerging Trends in Human Rights edited by R Sulochana Kumari, Shanlax publications, Madurai, December, 2011( Chapter 19)
12)2013‘Jallianwala Bagh in Proscribed Literature’ Proceedings of the Indian History Congress, 73rd Session, Mumbai, 2012, in the Volume of Indian History Congress, Delhi,2013, pp.588-596. (ISSN: 2249-1937)
13)2012 Gandhi and the Politics of Khadi: A Study of Proscribed Tamil Literature, in the South Indian History Congress, (Thirty Second annual session Proceedings) Chennai, 2012,pp.137-142, ISSN 2229-3671
14)2010 ‘Satya Dev ‘Sanyasi’: A Biography of a forgotten Political Activist’, Proceedings of the Indian History Congress, New Delhi, 2010.