Department of Ilaj-Bit-Tadbeer
News and Publication
Prof. Mohd Anwar, nominated as a Member of the Governing Body of National Institute of Unani Medicine, Bengaluru
Aligarh, December 10: The Honourable Minister of AYUSH, Government of India in his capacity as President of Governing body of National Institute of Unani Medicine, Bangalore has nominated Prof. Mohd Anwar, Chairperson, Department of Ilaj Bit Tadbeer, Faculty of Unani Medicine, AMU as a Member of the Governing Body of National Institute of Unani Medicine, Bangalore for a period of three years.
The Governing Body is the apex body of the institute which control of the affairs of the Institute and have authority to do exercise and perform all the powers, acts and deeds for the planning, establishment and running of the institute, consistent with the aims and objects of the Institute.
Through an official letter, Prof. Abdul Wadud, Director, National Institute of Unani Medicine Bangalore has informed Prof. Mohd Anwar about his nomination as a member of the Governing body.
Prof. Mohd. Anwar delivered Key Note Address in International annual research symposium 2021
Prof. M.M.H.Siddiqui
Al-Hawi Fit Tib Vol. 4 (Amraz-e-Riya) translated & edited by Prof. M.M.H. Siddiqui & late prof. S. A. H. Jafri was published by U.P Urdu Academy, Lucknow in February, 2013.
Guldasta-Muntakhib Kalam Shora-e-Amethi, compiled By Prof. M .M .H .Siddiqui was published in 2011.
Delivered a Guest Lecture on " Takmeed (Fomentation) in Ancient and Modern Perspective" in the National Seminar on Research Methodology in Ilaj-bit-Tadbeer organized by State Takmeel-ut-Tib College Lucknow at 10th October 2015
Prof Mohd. Anwar
A book "Atherosclerosis (Salabat-e-Sharaeen) and its Management by Mohd Aslam, Hamid Ali, Mohd Anwar Published by Lambert Academic Publishing Germeny
Delivered a lecture "Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Unani concept, diagnosis and management" in Continuing Medical Education Programme organised by Jamia Tibbiya Deoband sponsored by Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India on 15-12-2014
Delivered a lecture" Basic tenets of management life style disorders in Unani perspective" in Continuing Medical Education Programme organised by National institute of Unani Medicine, Bangalore sponsored by Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India on 20-12-2014
Attended National Workshop on Educational Reforms on Ayuerveda, Siddha and Unani Medicine on 18 & 19 March 2015 as member of Expert Committee
Delivered a lecture on " Scope of Basic Therapeutics of Unani Medicine in Today's Scenario " in Two days National Workshop with Hand on Training organised by Karwan-e Sir Syed Educational & Welfare Society Aligarh & National Service Scheme AMU Aligarh
Delivered a Guest Lecture on " Potential of Ilaj-bit-Tadbeer in the prevention of Life style Disorder" in the National Seminar on Research Methodology in Ilaj-bit-Tadbeer organized by State Takmeel-ut-Tib College Lucknow at 10th October 2015
Dr Mohammad Saad Ahmad Khan
Presented a paper on " Recent Advancement & Takmeed Therapy" in the National Seminar on Research Methodology in Ilaj-bit-Tadbeer organized by State Takmeel-ut-Tib College Lucknow at 11th October 2015
Prof . Mohd Anwar
Presented a paper on " Intervention of Ilaj bit Tadbber in the Management of Life style disorders" in International Conference on Unani Medicine organised by National Institute of Unani Medicine Bangalore,sponsored by Ministry of Ayush Govt of India held on 24-26 October 2016
Prof . Mohd Anwar
Delivered Guest Lecture on " Intervention of Ilaj bit Tadbber in the Management of Musculoskeletal diseases with special reference to Leech Therapy" in the Workshop on Leech Therapy organised by Hakim Syed Ziaul Hasan Unani Medial College, Bhopal, sponsored by Ministry of AYUSH Govt of India held on 25-26 November 2016
Free Medical Camp
The department of Ilaj bit Tadbeer organized a free health Camp on Diabetic Neuropathy held on 31st December 2018. Pro-Vice Chancellor, AMU Aligarh, Prof. M. H. Baig, a renowned cardiothoracic surgeon, inaugurated the camp in the presence of the Dean Faculty of Unani Medicine, Prof. Khalid Zaman Khan and former Chairperson of the department, Prof. M.M.H. Siddiqui with Chairperson of various clinical departments. The purpose of the camp was early detection of Neuropathy and subsequent complications including diabetic foot. Besides blood glucose testing, Nerve conduction test (VPT) along with Electromyography for muscular weakness and associated myopathies were done in the camp. Approximately 150 patients attended the camp. Fair numbers of University employee were also received in the camp
The Camp got over whelming response under the guidance of Chairperson, department of Ilaj bit Tadbeer, Prof. Asia Sultana while other faculty members including Prof. Mohd Anwar, Dr. M. Saad A. Khan, Dr. M. Shoaib remained actively involved. A feedback for periodically organizing such camps was given by the patients.
Dr Mohammad Saad Ahmad Khan delivered a Lecture as Resource Person
Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav
Logo of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav
Cyber Security Awareness

Prof Mohd Anwar involved as Co Investigator AYUSH Funded Project AIIMS New Delhi
- Evaluation of immuno-modulatory and antioxidant potential of a Unani Formulation. Collaborative Research project sanction to Dept. of Ocular Bio chemistry AIIMS New Delhi and CCRUM ministry of AYUSH Government of India. 2021 (Dr Alok Kumar Ravi Principal Investigator, Department of Ocular Biochemistry, AIIMS New Delhi )
- Determination of Anti-Ageing and antioxidant potential of a Unani formulation. Collaborative Research project sanction to Dept. of Ocular Bio chemistry AIIMS New Delhi and CCRUM ministry of AYUSH Government of India. 2021 ( Dr Avinash Chakarwarty, Principal Investigator, Department of Geriatric Medicine, AIIMS New Delhi
Prof Mohd Anwar Delivered Lecture as Resource Person
1. Rheumatology: Diagnostic Approach and Ilaj Bit Tadbeer Intervention, delivered lecture as a Resource Person in Continuing Medical Education (CME) on Ilaj Bit Tadbeer for Medical Officer, Organized by Department of Ilaj Bit Tadbeer AMU and sponsored by Ministry of AYUSH, New Delhi on 7th November 2019.
2. Holistic approach of Unani Medicine in prophylaxis of COVID 19, as Resource person organized by RRIUM Aligarh , Ministry of AYUSH Govt of India on 20.10.2020
Prof Asia Sultana Delivered a Lecture as a Resource Person
Intervention of Ilaj bit Tadbeer in Autoimmune Skin Disorders, delivered lecture as a Resource Person in National Seminar on Amraz e Jild wa Tazeeniyat , Organized by Department of Amraz e Jild wa Tazeeniyat AMU Aligarh on 16 March 2019.
- Modulation of Glucose and Insulin Dynamics through Regimenal Chroomothreaputics, delivered lecture as a Resource Person in International Conference on Fundamentals of Unani Medicine- The Basis for Complete Health, Organized by Department of Kulliyat AMU Aligarh on 3-4 Dec 2019.