M.D. Moalijat
management of non communicable/life style diseases and multidisciplinary clinical research
Department of Ilaj Bit Tadbeer AMU, Aligarh, U.P.
Prof. Asia Sultana got her BUMS and MD (Moalejat) degrees from Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh in 1996 and 2001 respectively. She got selected as lecturer in JamiaHamdard while pursuing her MD (Amraz-e-Niswan) from AKTC, AMU in 2002. Since then she is actively involved in teaching, clinical research and practicing Unani system of medicine. She has guided several theses and was involved in designing protocols for various observational studies as well as in research programs on various diseases of national interest in collaboration with Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine. A good number of research publications and two popular books are in her credit. As a subject expert, she has worked in the WHO project â??standard Unani Medical terminologyâ?? assigned to her and the work was published by CCRUM. She was member of editorial board of Hamdard University Newsletter cum spread sheet and now is a member of the editorial board of â??journal of Medical eruditeâ?? (JME) and has contributed as Unani consultant in the development of AYUSH-PORTAL for preparation of audio and video spots for the popularity of Unani medicine among masses. Dr Asia has attended and presented paper in more than twenty national and international conferences / seminars and also delivered memorial / guest lecturers which include Hakeem. Ajmal Khan and Hakeem Abdul Hameed memorial lectures. She was a key member of the career counseling cell of JamiaHamdard from 2002 to 2007. During her tenure she has given presentations in various institutions like AMU, JamiaMilliaIslamia, Zakir Husain college of Delhi and other colleges of Delhi, Haryana and Meerut. In corporate life, she was involved in administration in the capacity of warden and assistant Provost in JamiaHamdard and has been associated with various NGOs working in the field of health care programs for the weaker section of community. She has been a regular invitee on various TV Channels and Radio (Aakashwani) as a Unani medical expert for the benefit of masses has got distinguished service award.