K. A. Nizami Centre for Quranic Studies
News and Publication
Aligarh Muslim University قرآنک اسٹڈیز مرکز میں پی ایچ ڈی کورس کا آغاز، اے ایم یو انتظامیہ کا فیصلہ
پروفیسر خلیق احمد نظامی سینٹر فار قرآنک اسٹڈیز کے ڈائریکٹر کا کہنا ہے کہ اگلے تعلیمی سال سے قرآنک اسٹڈیز میں پی ایچ ڈی بھی کروائی جائے گی جس کا فیصلہ علیگڑھ مسلم یونیورسٹی انتظامیہ نے لیا ہے۔
Lecture On ‘Climate Change, Carbon Sequestration And Significance Of Trees In The Holy Quran’
Talk On ‘Job Opportunities For Students Of B.A. And M.A In
Quranic Studies’
1. Manzoom Mazamin al-Quran al-Majid by Brigadier Mukhtar Alam (in Urdu and Hindi Version)
2. Relation of Quran with Hadith by Professor Syed Salman Nadwi (Durban University, South Africa)
3. Kitab-e-Ilahi ke Panch Mutalabat by Dr. Fazlur Rahman
4. Climate change in the light of Quran and Hadith by Maulana Aneesur Rahman Nadvi, Bangalore
5. Abdullah Yusuf Ali's translation of the Quran: An 80-Year Retrospective by Prof. Bruce B. Lawrence, Duke University,
Durham, USA ISBN: 978-81-928837-1-7
6. Proceedings of National Seminar on Peaceful Coexistence in Multi-Cultural Societies: The Quranic Perspective
published in three languages (English, Arabic and Urdu) ISBN: 978-93-83842-18-6
7. Hayat-e-Shaikh Abdul Haq Mohaddis Dehlavi, by Prof. K. A. Nizami, AMU, Aligarh ISBN: 978-9384354-19-0
8. Quran Aap Se Kya Kahta Hai by Brigadier Mukhtar Alam (in Urdu and Hindi Version) ISBN:978-93-84354-39-8
9. Quran Aur Insani Nafsiyat translated and annotated by Prof. M. Salahuddin Umari, Dept. of Arabic, AMU, Aligarh
10. Proceedings of International Conference on Social and Spiritual Teachings of the Quran in Contemporary
Perspective published in three languages (English, Arabic and Urdu) ISBN: 978-93-85777-55-4
11. Six issues of The Reformist (Students' Newsletter)
12. Personality Development in the light of Quran and Hadith by Er. Muhammad Matloob Khan (formerly General
Manager, Birla Renusagar Power Division) ISBN: 978-93-84354-85-5
13. Quran Aur Insan by Brigadier Mukhtar Alam ISBN:978-93-845354-98-5
14. Husne Akhlaq Aur Hum by Dr. Mohammad Mubeen Saleem, K. A. Nizami Centre for Quranic Studies, AMU, Aligarh
ISBN: 978-93-84354-99-2
15. Aligarh Aur Deeni Talim by Prof. Khaliq Ahmad Nizami ISBN:978-93-84354-46-6
16. Gods Word, Mans Interpretations: A Critical Study of the 21st Century English Translations of the Quran by
Professor Abdur Raheem Kidwai ISBN: 9789387486294
17. 21st Century Quranic Studies in English: A Bibliography by Sajid Shaffi ISBN: 9789387486355
18. Idara-e-Sir-Syeed Aligarh MuslimUniversity Ke Mashahir ki Qurani Khidmat by Professor Abu Sufyan Islahi Dept. of
Arabic, AMU, Aligarh ISBN 978-93-87497-06-1
19. How to Study the Quran: Sayyid Abdul Hasan Ali Nadwis Approach by Dr. Abdul Kader Choughley ISBN: 978-0-620-
20. Sayyid Abdul Hasan Ali Nadwis Contribution to Quranic Studies by Dr. Abdul Kader Choughley
21. The Quran for You (100 Quranic sayings) Compiled by Dr. Nazeer Ahmad Abdul Majeed
22. The Quranic Guidance on Tolerance and Peaceful Co-existence by Dr. M. Tariq Ayubi Nadvi forwarded by Professor Abdur Raheem Kidwai ISBN:978-93-88928-04-5
23. Proceeding of National Seminar on Teaching of the Quran in Madrasas: Issues in Syllabus and Methodology, 2018 (in English and Urdu languages) ISBN: 978-93-87497-50-4
24. Academic Research on the Quran: A Critical Bibliography, 2019 by Sajid Shaffi ISBN: 978-93-88653-24-4
25. Madarsatul Islah ka Fuzala by Professor Abu Sufyan Islahi ISBN:978-9388928-03-8
26. Nadwi Fuzla ki Qurani Khidmaat by Dr. Tariq Ayyubi ISBN: 978-93-88928-05-2
27. Shia Fuzala Ki Qurani Khidmaat by Dr. Raza Abbas ISBN: 978-93-88928-07-6
28.. Jamte Islami Ke Fuzla Ki Qurani Khidmaat by Dr. Ziauddin ISBN: 978-93-88928-08-3
29. Ahlay Hadith Fuzla ki Qurani Khidmaat by Mr. Rafeeq Ahmad Salafi ISBN:-88928-13-7
30. Quran Interpretation in Urdu a Critical Study By Dr. Nazeer Ahmad Ab. Majeed ISBN: 978-93-89166-89-7
31. Proceeding of National Seminar on Model Syllabus for Teachings of the Quran in Madrasas: Issues in Syllabus and Methodology,(in English and Urdu languages) ISBN: 978-93-88928-32-8, 2019
32. Waleed al-Amri’s The Luminous Qur’an: Critical Views 2019 by Dr. Gowhar Quadir Wani ISBN: 978-93-88928-70-0, 2019
33. Rise and Fall of Muslims: Its Impact on the World: by Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi Edited by Dr. Abdul Kader Choughley, South Africa ISBN: 978-93-88928-48-9,
34. How the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) Earned and Spent Money ?A Critical Study by Professor Yasin Mazhar Siddqui, Ex- Chairman, Dept. of Islamic Studies, AMU ISBN:978-93-88928-63-2
35. Recent Trends in Quranic Scholarship by Dr. Tauseef Ahmad Parray, ISBN: 978-93-89662-79-5, 2020
36. Barelvi Fuzala ki Quranic Khidmat by Dr. Aiyyoob Akram, ISBN: 978-93-88928-95-3
37. Hind-o-Pak ke Mashir ki Quranic Khidmat 2020 by Dr. Ziauddin, ISBN: 978-93-88928-99-1
38. Proceeding of the National Seminar” Hindustan Men Mutali’s Qur’an Majeed Mu’asir Manzarnamah, 2020 Edited by Dr. Mohammad Mubeen Saleem, ISBN: 978-93-90167-12-8,
39. Fuzala-e-Deoband Ki Qurani Khidmaat, 2020, by Dr. Mohammad Mushtaq Tijarwi, ISBN: 978-93-90167-31-9
40. Hindustan Mein Uloom Quranic Ka Nashunuma, 2020 By (Late) Professor Khaliq Ahmad Nizami
41. Maulana Abul Hasan Nadwi ki Quran Fahmi, 2020 by Dr. Tariq Ayyubi Nadwi ISBN: 978-93-90167-39-5
42. Gunahun ke Nuqsanat: Quran Majid aur Hadith ki Roshmi Mein, by Dr. Mohammad Mubeen Saleem, ISBN: 978-93-90167- 33-3, 2020
43. Allamah Ehsanullah Abbasi ki Quran Fahmi by Dr. Fiaza Abbasi, ISBN:, 978-93-90167-58-6, 2020
44. Ulum al Quran ek Jayeza“ by Dr. Abu Saad Azmi, ISBN:, 978-93-90167-75-3, 2021
45. Prophet Muhammad’s (phuh) Life: In Light of the Qur’an Edited by Dr. Abdul Kader Choughley, South Africa, ISBN: 978-93- 90167-78-4, 2021
46. Quran Shareef ke Hindi Translation by Dr. Rizwanul Haque, 2021, ISBN:, 978-93-90167
47. The Quranic Directives for Ideal Society by Professor Tawqeer Alam Falahi 2021, ISBN: 978-93-90167-
48. Abdul Majid Daryabadi’s: Tafsir-ul-Qur’an A Critical Study by Edited by Dr. Gowhar Quadir Wani and Dr. Abdul Kader Choughley, 2021, ISBN:, 978-93-90167- 79-1
49. Encounter between Faith and Materialism: An Analytical Study of Surah Al-Kahf” Edited by Dr. Abdul Kader Choughley
ISBN:, 978-93-90167- 81-4, 2021
50. How to Study the Quran: Sayyid Abdul Hasan Ali Nadwi’s Approach, by Dr. Abdul Kader Choughley, South Africa
ISBN: 978-93-90167-85-2
51. Fazlur Rahman Ansari Aligarh Years: 1933-1947 by Dr. Abdul Kader Choughley, South Africa ISBN: 978-81-952534-0-1
52. Tradition of Tafsir (Qur’anic Exegesis) in the Indian Subcontinent by Dr. Abdul Kader Choughley, South Africa ISBN:, 978-81-952634-3-2
53. Syed-ul Ulama Maulana Syed Ali Naqvi Ki Quran Fahmi by Dr. Raza Abbas, Assistant Professor, Shia Theology, Women’s College, AMU ISBN:, 978-93-90167-85-3
54. Qur’ani Maqalat (Chand Aham Mabahis) by Professor Altaf Ahmad Azmi Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi ISBN:, 978-81-952657-1-8
55. Quran Kareem or Seerat by Zaryab Ahmad Falahi, Azamgarh ISBN:, 97893-91601-07-2
56. Molana Ashraf Ali Thanwi ki Quraani Khidmaat by Ubaid Iqbal Asim, AMU, Aligarh ISBN:, 978-93-91601-24-9
57. Proceeding of the National Seminar on "How to Understand the Quran: Norms and Prerequisites", Edited by Dr. Mohammad Mubeen Saleem, K.A. Nizami Centre for Quranic Studies ISBN:, 978-81-954082-4-5
58. Barelvi Fuzala ki Qurani Khidmat by Dr. Aiyyoob Akram ISBN: 978-93-88928-95-3,
59. Hind-o-Pak ke Mashahir ki Qurani Khidmat by Dr. Ziauddin ISBN: 978-93-88928-99-1,
60. Fuzala-e-Deoband Ki Qurani Khidmat by Dr. Mohammad Mushtaq Tijarwi ISBN: 978-93-90167-31-9,
61. Hindustan Mein Uloom Qurani Ka Nashw-Numa, by Prof. K. A. Nizami
62. Maulana Abul Hasan Nadwi ki Quran Fahmi, Dr. Tariq Ayyubi Nadwi, ISBN: 978-93-90167-39-5,
63. Gunahun ke Nuqsanat: Quran Majid aur Hadith ki Roshni Mein, Dr. Mohammad Mubeen Saleem, ISBN: 978-93-90167-33-3,
64. Allamah Ehsanullah Abbasi ki Quran Fahmi, Edited by Dr. Gowhar Qaudir Wani and Dr. Fiaza Abbasi, ISBN:, 978-93-90167-58-6,
65. Ulum al - Quran: Eek Jayeza by Dr. Abu Saad Azmi ISBN:, 978-93-90167-75-3
66. Maulana Abdul Majid Daryabadi ki Quran
Fahmi By Naimur Rahman Siddqui ISBN:, 978-93-91601-44-7,
67. Rahnuma Ayat Qurani, Dr. Haris Mansoor
ISBN: 978-93-90167-49-2
Mashahir-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat ki Qurani Khidmaat, By Mohammad Haneef Khan Rizvi
Bareilvi, ISBN: 978-93-91601-45-4,
69. Dil jot ha Zulmat Kadah, Ma’ah-e-Munawwar hogaya, Dr. Haris Mansoor ISBN: 978-93-91601-09-6,
70. Qurani Ulum ka Irtiqa Ahd-i-Islami ke Hindustan mein, Professor Zafarul Islam ISBN: 978-93-91601-03-4,
71. Islam Aur Aurat, Translated by Dr. Mohd. Haris Bin Manoor ISBN: 978-93-91601-70-6,
72. Waleed al-Amri’s The Luminous Qur’an: Critical Views by Dr. Gowhar Quadir Wani, ISBN: 978-93-88928-70-0,
73. Rise and Fall of Muslims: Its Impact on the World: by Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi Edited by Dr. Abdul Kader Choughley ISBN: 978-93-88928-48-9,
74. How the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) Earned and Spent Money: A Critical Study, by Professor Yasin Mazhar Siddqui ISBN: 978-93-88928-63-2,
75. Recent Trends in the Quranic Scholarship, by Dr. Tauseef Ahmad Parray ISBN: 978-93-89662-79-5,
76. Prophet Muhammad’s (phuh) Life: In the Light of the Qur’an By Abdul Majid Daryabadi Edited by Dr. Abdul Kader Choughley ISBN:, 978-93-90167-78-4,
78. The Quranic Directives for Ideal Society by Professor Tawqeer Alam Falahi ISBN:, 978-93-90167-83-8
79. Contributions of Dar al-Ulum Deoband to Tafsir by Dr. Abdul Kader Choughley ISBN: 978-93-91601-83-6,
80. Contemporary Islamic Scholarship in South Asia: An Assessment by Dr. Abdul Kader Choughley ISBN: 978-93-91601-89-8,
81. Humanness of Prophets: the Quranic Prophetology by Dr. Abdul Kader Choughley ISBN: 978-93-91601-37-6,
82. Islamic Intellectual Tradition in the Indian Sub-Continent: Essays in the Honour of Dr. Abdul Kader Choughley Edited by Dr. Tauseef Ahmad Parray and Dr. Muhammad Yaseen Gada ISBN: 978-93-91601-18-8,
83. Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi: Life and Legacy by Dr. Abdul Kader Choughley ISBN: 978-93-91601-25-6,
84. Proceeding of the National Seminar” Hindustan Mein Mutalai Qur’an Majeed: Mu’asir Manzarnamah by Edited by Dr. Mohammad Mubeen Saleem ISBN: 978-93-90167-12-8,
85. How to Promote the Study of the Quran among Women Edited By Dr. Nazeer Ahmad Ab. Majeed and Dr. Arshad Iqbal ISBN: 978-93-91601-69-0,
86. Quran Shareef ke Hindi Tarjume ISBN:, 978-93-90167-82-1, Dr. Rizwanul Haque
87. Tarjumani Rahmani (Vol. I) (Hindi) by Professor Abdur Raheem KidwaiISBN:, 978-93-91601-81-2,
88. Allah ki Kitab ki Panch Magay BY Professor Dr. Fazlur Rahman Gunnouri ISBN:, 978-93-91601-28-7,
89. Tarjuman Rahmani (Vol. II) (Hindi) by Professor Abdur Raheem Kidwai ISBN:, 978-93-91601-19-5,
90. Islam ke 60 Mahaan Sabaq (Hindi) by Professor Abdur Raheem Kidwai ISBN:, 978-93-91601-63-8,