Department of Law - Murshidabad

Seminar/conference/workshop Events

Dept. data last updated on :18/03/2025
One-Day National Webinar - Higher Education In Law, Prospects and Preparations

The Department of Law, Aligarh Muslim University Centre at Murshidabad organized a one-day webinar with the topic Higher Education In Law, Prospects and Preparations, on 14h of July 2021. The Patron was Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor, Professor Tariq Mansoor. Co-Patron was Mr. Abdul Hamid (IPS) Registrar AMU. Dr. Nigamananda Biswas was the Programme Director, Professor Mohammad Tariq, Dept of Law, AMU, Aligarh was the Keynote Speaker. Mr. Panchrishi Dev Sharma, Assistant Professor, Dept of the Law, University of Lucknow was the Guest Speaker. Organizing Members of the webinar were Mr. Mohammad Saleem, Assistant Professor & Mr. Asif, Course Coordinator, Dept of Law, AMU Center, Murshidabad.

National Constitution Day 2020
