Department of OTO-Rhino-Laryngology (E.N.T.)
News and Publication
Prof. Mohammad Aftab - Publications
S. No. |
Name of Article |
Authors |
Date of Publishing |
Journal |
Randomized Double Blind Study for Detecting Association of Globus Pharyngeus with Dietry and daly Habits of North Indian population and Formulation a Uniform Treatment Plan |
Abdul Rehman Khan, Mohammad Aftab, Nizamuddin Sheikh, Nitin Khari |
August 2021 |
ACTA Scientific Otolaryngology |
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Correlation betwwen Video-Otoendoscopy and Tympanograms of patients with Acute Middle Ear Infections. |
Mohammad Aftab, Sachin Jain, Riddhima Malik, Pramod Kumar, Rajendra Gola, Sachin Singh |
June, 2021 |
Indian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery |
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Hearing assessment in chronic kidney disease patients: a cross sectional study |
Sachin Jain Ved Prakash Upadhyay Mohammad Aftab Ram Siya Singh Abhishek Kumar Dubey Himani Naresh Singh |
May 2020 |
International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery |
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Ototoxic effect of anti- tubercular treatment on multi-drug resistant tuberculosis |
Sachin Jain Mohammad Aftab Shivendra Pratap Singh Ved Prakash Upadhyay Abhishek Kumar Dubey Himani Naresh Singh |
January 2020 |
International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery |
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Clinical Study of effects of oral Caroverine and oral Ginko Biloba extract in cochlear synaotic tinnitus |
Sachin Jain Mohammad Aftab Kinshuk Chatterjee Dinesh Kumar Ram Siya Singh Ved Prakash Upadhyay |
January 2020 |
International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery |
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OSMF : Long term study of treated patients |
Mohammad Aftab Sachin Jain Ram Siya Singh Dinesh Kumar |
July 2018 |
International Journal of Scientific Research |
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Audiological evaluation in hypothyroid patients and effect of thyroxine replacement therapy. |
Ram Siya Singh Mohammad Aftab Sachin Jain Dinesh Kumar |
May 2018 |
Indian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery |
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Chronic Rhinosinusitis : Treatment Anuloma Viloma exercise and hypertonic saline nasal irrigation as an adjunct to maximal medical therapy |
Sachin Jain Anshul Goyal Saket Gupta Mohammad Aftab Dinesh Kumar |
January 2018 |
International Journal of Scientific Research |
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Comparative study of the placement of graft medical or lateral to handle of malleus in inlay technique of myringoplasty |
Sachin Jain Dinesh Kumar Mohammad Aftab Sushil K. Sharma |
November 2017 |
International Journal of Scientific Research |
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Interlay Myringoplasty – A combination of Underlay and Overlay Technique |
Sachin Jain Dinesh Kumar Mohammad Aftab Ram Siya Singh |
November 2017 |
International Journal of Scientific Research |
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Efficacy of steroidal vs non-steroidal agents in oral lichen planus : a randomised, open label study |
A R Singh Ashutosh Rai Mohammad Aftab Sachin Jain Mangal Singh |
August 2016 |
The Journal of Laryngology &Otology |
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Comparative study of efficacy of curcumin vs Inj Triamcinolone acetonoide/ hyaluronidase in the treatment of oral submucous fibrosis. |
Dr. Prabhat Srivastava Dr. Ashutosh Rai Dr. Mohd. Aftab Dr. Sachin Jain Dr. Mangal Singh |
January 2017 |
U.P. Journal of Otorhinolaryngology &Head and Neck Surgery |
Prof. S.C. Sharma - Publications
Research Publications
Beig S, Khalid S, Sharma SC. Radiographic imaging of mastoid in chronic otitis media: need or tradition? Int J Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2020;6:1592-6.
Abu Sayeed, Mehtab Alam, S.C. Sharma, S.A. Hasan - Mitomycin-C in Post-endoscopic septoplasty Synechiae:- Does it really helps? Indian J. Otolaryngol and Head Neck Surg.
Abu Sayeed, Aftab Ahmed, S.C. Sharma, S.A. Hasan - Ivermectin: A Novel Method of Treatment of Nasal and Nasopharygeal Myiasis. Indian J. Otolaryngol and Head Neck Surg.
Sabeeh Beig, S.C. Sharma, Mohd. Khalid. - Revisiting Correlation Between pre Operative High Resolution Computed Tomography and Operative Findings in Attico Antral Disease. Indian Journal of otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery,
Abdur Rehman, S.C. Sharma, A Case Report- "Tuberculous Otitis Media with Facial palsy in Pulmonary Tuberculosis Treated Patient, Journal of Head Neck & Spine Surgery, Vol.
Issue (3) Page No. 1, January,5 2018.
Abdur Rehman, S.C. Sharma, Amir Shakeel, Shahnawaz Alam, Md. Anas, Correlation between Otoacoustic Emmission and Pure Tone Audiometry in Diagnosing a Case of Presbycusis, Annals of International Medical and Dental Research (AIMDR) Vol. (3) Issue
(6) Page No. 7, October 2017.
Mehtab Alam, S.C. Sharma, Syed Abrar Hasan, Title- Does Eustachian tube patency affects the outcome of graft uptake rate and average audiological gain in intact canal wall down Mastoidectomies. International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health- 2016
Zafar Iqbal, S.C. Sharma, Hiba Sami, Amit Kumar, A Case Report- Unsual pseudomyiasis with Musca domestica (housefly) larvae in a child with chronic otitis media. Indian Journal of Otology, (2016, P. 132)
Aftab Ahmed, S.C. Sharma, Middle Ear Risk [MERI] as Prognostic Factor in Tympanomastoidectomy with Tympanoplasty, Madridge Journal of Otorhinolaryngolgy, (May 2016 Vol. 1- Issue 1)
Zafar Iqbal, S.C. Sharma, S. F. Hashmi, Clinical significance of BERA (Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry) in children with Sensorineural Hearing loss affected by Pyogenic Meningitis and application of BERA in prognosis of hearing loss. Global Journal for Research Analysis.
Zafar Iqbal, S.C. Sharma. Proboscis Laterails- A Case Report, International Journal of Scientific Research.
Veena Maheshwari, S.C. Sharma, Varsha Narula, Sachin Verma, Anshu Jain, Kiran Alam, Prognostic and Predictive Impact of Ki-67 in Premalignant and Malignant Squamous Cell Lesion of Oral Cavity, Indian Journal of Head and Neck Surgery, 10.5005/JP
S.A.R. Rizvi, S.C. Sharma, S. Tripathy, S. Sharma, Management of Traumatic Dacryocystitis and Failed Dacryocystorhinostomy Using Silicon Lacrimal Intubation Set. Indian J of Otolaryngol and Head Neck Surg (July-September 2011 Vol.63(3) 264-268)
S.C. Sharma, V. Maheshwari, Anshu Jain, et al Apoptosis in Premalignant and Malignant Squamous cell Lesions of the oral Cavity: A light microscopic study- Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology (April-June 2009 Vol.52(2) 164-166)
S.C. Sharma, V. Maheshwari, Anshu Jain, Diagnostic and Prognostic Significance of p53 Protein Expression in Squamous Cell Lesions of the Oral Cavity. The Internet Journal of Otorhinolaryngolgy (July 2008 Vol. 7 1-9)
S.C. Sharma, V. Maheshwari et al- Primary Lymphoma of the Parotid Gland – a rare Entity, Indian Medical Gazette. (March. 2008, 114-115).
S.C. Sharma, S.A.Patigaroo: Large Intraoral extension of Pleomorphic adenoma of submandibular gland; Indian Medical Gazette. (Feb. 2010 No. 2, 72-75).
S.C. Sharma, V. Maheshwari, K Alam, A. Jain Myopericytoma of Neck Region- a case Report. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. April-June 2008.
Sharma, S.C., veena Maheshwari, M. Ashraf. A Frontal Sinus Carcinoma – A case report. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. Article no. 51/2004.
Sharma, S.C., M. Ashraf, Veena Maheshwari and A. Jindal. Malignant melanoma of the nasal cavity. Indian Journal of Otolaryngologyn and Head and Neck Surgery, 2004; Vol. 56 (223 ):3.
Sharma, S.C., S. Kumar. N.H. Dar, M. Ashraf and Veena Maheshwari Ossifying fibroma of Nose. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 2004 ; Vol.56 (37):1.
Sharma, S.C., Q.G. Ahmad, R.A. Siddiqui and A.H. Khan. Interposition Arthroplasty in temporomandibular joint ankylosis. Indian journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 2004; Vol.56-57.
Sharma, S.C., L.M. Bariar, M. Ashraf Faisal. Clinicoradiological Study of Corrective Septorhinoplasty using Autologous Bone Grafts. Indian Journal of Bio research Vol.50 no. 5.pp 102-107 , 2003.
Sharma, S.C., Rehman Asif Siddiqui, Hammad Usmani, A. Qadir. Ondansetron and Dexamthasone in Middle ear Procedures, 2003; Vol. 55(97) No. 2.
Sharma, S.C., P.K. Varshney and Anil Kumar. Prognostic value of trace elements (cooper and zinc) in head and neck cancer. Indian Journal of bio Research, 2003; Vol. 50: 8-16.
Sharma, S.C., L.M. Bariar, Imran Ahmad. An otorhinological study of patients with clift lip and palate. 2001 . Vol. 53 (250)3.
Varshney, Saurabh; Sharma, S.C.; Gupta, Pratima: clinical study of tubtcular cervical lymphadenopathy. Indian L. of Clinical Practice. Vol.6; nov.2; july, 1995.
S.P. Tyagi, Veena Maheshwari and Sharma, S.C. Amelobastoms presenting as a nasal polyp. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 1993; Vol.2: 99- 100.
Sharma, S.C.; Rajendra, T. and Sharma, A.K.: Tuberculous otitis media case report. Indian J. of otolaryngology and Head and neck Vol.nov. 4: Dec. 1992.
Singh, S.K.; Hasan, S.A.; Sharma, S.C. and Chandra, K.: Serum lactate dehydrogenase in head & Neck malignancy patieets. Indian J. of pharmacol. 36(3); 98: 1992.
Hashmi, S.F.; Aslam, M.; Hasan, S.A. and Sharma, S.C.: A comparative study of radiology and Echosonography in maxillary sinus disease. Indian Journal of Radiologacal & imaging Association. 2; 2May: 1992.
Sharma, S.C.and Bano, S.: An unusual foreign body in nasopharynx. Indian J. of otolaryngology, Head & Neck. Vol.1; March 1992.
Singhal, Sumeet; Sharma, S.C. and Singhal, K.C.: Adverse reaction to gentamicin in patients with ear, nose or throat infection. Indian J. of pharmacol.36; 189-192: 1992.
Kumar, Anil; Sharma, S.C. et al.: Beneficial effect of oral zinc in the treatment of OSMF. Indian J. of Pharmacol. 23; 236-241 : 1991.
Hashmi, S.F.; Sharma, S.C.; Hasan, S.A. and Aslam, M.: Ultrasonography – A complementary diagnostic tool in chronic maxillary sinusitis. Pakistan Journal of otolaryngology. 7; 95-98: 1991.
Tyagi, S.P.; Tyagi, N.; Maheshwari, V. and Sharma, S.C.: benign Lymphoid hyperplasia presenting as a nasal polyp. Pakistan Journal of Otolaryngology. 7; 118-119: 1991.
Sharma. S.C.; oral submucous fibrosis. Indian J. of pharmacol. Dec. 1991 : 23 (Suppl.).
Sharma, S.C.: Sharma A.K. and Singhal, K.C.: Cisplatin and 5-fu infusions in advanced head and neck CA. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica. 11(3); 288: 1990.
Sharma. S.C.; and Bhargava, R. and Singhal, K.C.: Double blind study to assess the efficacy of septilin in acute rhinitis. Indian J. of Pharmacol.22; 103-106, 1990.
Sharma. S.C.; and singhal, K.C.: Cochlear toxicity of streptomycin in man. Indian J. physiol. & pharmacol. 33; 2: 1989.
Sharma, S.C. and Sharma, A.K.: Combined Modality therapy for advanced head and neck cancer. Indian J. of physiol. & pharmacol. 5(Suppl. 1); 33: 1989.
Mansoor, T.; Gahlout, T.V.S. and Sharma , S.C.: Hydatid cystunusual presentation. Surgery. 2; 1989.
Sharma, S.C. and Mansoor, T.:Aspiration cytology of head and neck masses Journal of current Medical Practice. 33; 1: 1989.
Sharma S.C. Ependymoma. Indian Journal of Otolary of Otolaryngology. Vol.37 No.2 1985(58).
Dr. Aftab Ahmed - Publications
Dr. Mehtab Alam - Publications
1. Alam, M., Chandra, K. Ears with Cholesteatoma: Outcomes of Canal Wall Up and Down Tympano-mastoidectomies – A comparative prospective study.
Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery (2021).
Alam, M., Sultan, A. & Chandra, K. Microbiological assessment of Chronic Otitis Media:
Aerobic Culture isolates and their antimicrobial susceptibility patterns.
Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery (2021).
3. Alam, M., Beig, S., Sultan, A. et al. Bacteriological and Antibiotic Sensitivity Profile of Cholesteatomatous Otitis Media in Pediatric and Adult Population: Prevailing Scenario in Northern India. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (2020).
4. Sayeed A, Alam M, Sharma SC, Hasan SA. Mitomycin-C in Post-endoscopic Septoplasty Synechiae: Does it Really Helps? Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2019 Nov;71(Suppl 3):2091-2095.
5. M Alam, S C Sharma, S A Hasan. Does Eustachian tube patency affect the outcome of graft uptake rate and average audiological gain in Intact canal wall and Canal wall down mastoidectomies – A study of 50 patients. Int J Med Sci Public Health. 2017; 6(2): 418-421.
6. Alam M, Hasan SA, Chandra K. Zygomatico-coronoid pseudo-arthrosis due to osteochondroma of coronoid process - An unusual cause of restricted jaw opening. Iranian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology, Vol.33(3), Serial No.116, May 2021
7. Alam M, Beig S, Chandra K, Shamim H. Facial palsy due to Intraparotid schwannoma invading the stylomastoid foramen.
Indian J Otol. 2020; 26:277-9.
8. Humra Shamim, Kamlesh Chandra and Mehtab Alam. Extranasopharyngeal Angiofibroma of Nasal Septum: A Rare Clinical Presentation at an Unusual Site. Global Journal of Otolaryngology volume 21 Issue 5- March 2020 DOI: 10.19080/GJO.2020.21.556075.
9. Alam M, Aslam M, Singh PK, Hashmi SF, Hasan SA. Giant Primary Sinonasal Mucosal Melanoma: A Rare Malignancy. Gulf J Oncolog. 2017 May;1(24):43-47. PMID: 28798001.
10. Alam M, Hasan SA, Hashmi SF, Singh PK. Isolated Congenital Midline Upper Lip Sinus in A 5-year-Old Child: A Rarity. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2017;69(4):568-570. doi:10.1007/s12070-016-1044-7.
11. Sheikh Abdul Zeeshan, Mehtab Alam, Kamlesh Chandra. Acquired atresia of External auditory canal with canal Cholesteatoma: A Case Report. International Journal of Current Advanced Research Volume 6; Issue 12; December 2017; 8388-92.
12. Alam M, Hasan SA, Hashmi SF. Unusual Presentation of Hydatidosis - Neck Lump Causing Costo-Vertebral Erosion. Iran J Otorhinolaryngol. 2016;28(88):363-367.
13. Alam M, Hasan SA, Hashmi SF, Singh PK. Facial Palsy due to Parotid Abscess: An Unusual Complication. Turk Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2016;54(4):168-171. doi:10.5152/tao.2016.1671.
14. Hidayat Ullah, Shakeel Mohammad, Hasan Syed Abrar, Mehtab Alam. Bilateral facial paralysis - Can it be Bell’s? Int. Adv. Otol. 2009; 5:(3) 408-411.
15. Mehtab Alam, Sabeeh Beig, Humra Shamim, Kamlesh Chandra. Epithelial Myoepithelial Carcinoma Masquerading as Simple Parotid Cyst in a Middle Aged Male. ndian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery
16. Tausif Ahmad, Abdur Rahman, Aftab Ahmed, Mehtab Alam, Shruti Chand. Study to assess proper timing of laryngoscopy in post-thyroid surgery patients to detect recurrent laryngeal nerve injury. Asian Journal of Medical Sciences | Dec 2021 | Vol 12 | Issue 12
Dr. Saadia Islam - Publications
Dr. Abdur Rahman - Publications