Department of Physical Education
Important Laboratories
Laboratories of the Department:
1) Sports Biomechanics Laboratory
2) Anatomical and Exercise Physiology Laboratory
3) Sports Psychology Laboratory
4) Human Performance Laboratory
1) Sports Biomechanics Laboratory
The Department of Physical Education has a well-equipped Biomechanics Laboratory. The Lab. is equipped with a high-speed video camera (USB Camera and high-resolution Cameras) with a complete kit, two different motion analysis software of 2D and 3D analysis system.
Our Physiology Laboratory is designed to assess how the human body responds and adapts to sport and exercise. This is fully equipped with a wide range of facilities to allow individuals to be assessed using the most appropriate sport-specific methods.
3) Sports Psychology Laboratory
The Department of Physical Education has a spacious psychology laboratory with a comfortable environment to encourage research etc.
4) Human Performance Laboratory
The Department has one Health and Fitness Laboratory with an extensive range of machining/equipment facilities including Treadmill and other latest types of equipment.