Department of Post Harvest Engineering and Technology

Completed Research Projects

Dept. data last updated on :16/08/2024

Project Title :

Assessment of harvest and postharvest losses of major crops and commodities in India

Funding Agency :

Ministry of Food Processing Industries, GoI, New Delhi

Funding Amount :

9.65 lacs

Principal Investigator :

Dr. Mohammad Ali Khan

Co- Principal Investigator :

Related Publication :

Awards :

Project Title :

Minimization of Environmental Impacts of Slaughter House Waste by Value Addition as Pet Foods

Funding Agency :

Ministry of Environment and Forests

Funding Amount :


Principal Investigator :

Dr. Mohammad Ali Khan

Co- Principal Investigator :

Er. Abhaya Kumar Srivastava

Related Publication :

'Development of Dog Food Varieties Utilizing Agro-waste and Their Comparative Quality Evaluation'. Published in Proceeding of International Conference on Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Environment, 29-30 October, 2010, ISBN: 978-93-80697-25-3. Quality evaluation and shelf life studies of pet food developed from broken rice, buffalo tripe and bone meal. Theriogenology Insight (An International journal of Reproduction in all Animals), 2012, Volume 2, No. 2, pp 109-115, (ISSN Print: 2249-6610 Online: 6610-3371). 'Physicochemical Study of Pet Food Developed from Buffalo Meat By-Products', International Journal of Science Inventions Today, (ISSN: 2319-5436) 2014, 3(2), 161-168.

Awards :

Project Title :

Performance Evaluation of Modern Small Scale Production Technology of Jaggery and Development and Shelf Life Studies of Some Jaggery and Khandsari based Value Added Ready-To-Eat/Serve Products

Funding Agency :

ICAR, New Delhi

Funding Amount :


Principal Investigator :

Abhaya Kumar Srivastava

Co- Principal Investigator :

Prof. P.K.Srivastava

Related Publication :

Effect of incorporation of jaggery (gur) on some physico chemical and sensory properties of papaya candy, Beverage & Food World 34(9):62-64, 2007

Awards :

Project Title :

Studies on effect of thermohygrometric condition on quality of fermented sausage developed from buffalo meat

Funding Agency :

ICAR, New Delhi

Funding Amount :


Principal Investigator :

Dr. Saghir Ahmad

Co- Principal Investigator :

Prof. P.K.Srivastava

Related Publication :

Awards :

Project Title :

Development of Suitable Technologies for Mechanization of Production and Processing Operations of Chicory Crop Grown in Western U.P.

Funding Agency :

ICAR (NATP Project)

Funding Amount :


Principal Investigator :

Prof. P.K. Srivastava

Co- Principal Investigator :

Er. A.K. Srivastava and Er. Samsher

Related Publication :

1. Dagur, H.S., Chandra, S., Samsher, Srivastava, A.K. and Srivastava, P.K. (2007). Development and performance evaluation of improved post harvest equipment for processing of chicory crop. Beverage & Food World 34(3):39-42 2. Chandra, S., Dagur, H.S., Samsher, Srivastava, A.K. and Srivastava, P.K (2007). Physico-chemical characteristics and shelf-life stability of chicory pickles. Beverage & Food World 34(1):57-60, 62. 3. Srivastava, P.K., Samsher, Srivastava, A.K., Dagur, H.S. and Chandra, S. (2006). Comparative studies on physico-chemical, organoleptic and textural characteristics of chicory pickles. Beverage & Food World 33(12):30-33. 4. Srivastava, P.K., Samsher, Srivastava, A. K. and Dagur, H.S (2003). Present status and future prospects of mechanization in production and processing operations of chicory crop-an export worthy admixture/substitute of coffee. Agril. Engg. Today 27(5-6):1-7

Awards :

Project Title :

Design Development, Evaluation and Adoption of Low Cost Green House Suitable for Horticultural Crops of Aligarh Region

Funding Agency :


Funding Amount :


Principal Investigator :

Prof. P.K. Srivastava

Co- Principal Investigator :

Er. A.K. Srivastava

Related Publication :

Awards :

Project Title :

Studies on Effects of Smoking and Cooking on Physico-chemical, Textural and Organoleptic Qualities and Shelf Life of Buffalo Meat and Its Ready To Eat Products

Funding Agency :


Funding Amount :


Principal Investigator :

Prof. P.K. Srivastava

Co- Principal Investigator :

Dr. Saghir Ahmad

Related Publication :

Awards :

Project Title :

All India Coordinated Research Project on Post Harvest Technology

Funding Agency :

ICAR, New Delhi

Funding Amount :


Principal Investigator :

Dr. Mohammad Ali Khan

Co- Principal Investigator :

Dr. Saghir Ahmad, Er. Abhaya Kumar Srivastava

Related Publication :

Awards :