Department of Post Harvest Engineering and Technology
News and Publication
World Food Day Celebrations and Freshers' Orientation Programme 2022 Press Coverage
World Food Day Celebrations and Freshers' Orientation Programme 2022 Press Coverage
World Food Day Celebrations and Freshers' Orientation Programme 2022 Press Coverage
World Food Day Celebrations and Freshers' Orientation Programme 2022 Press Coverage
Dr. Mohammad Ali Khan (Ex-Chairman) Department of Post Harvest Engg. & Tech. AMU, Aligarh and Er. Krishna Kumar Patel, Scientist, All India Coordinated Research Project on Post Harvest Technology in this department attended an orientation meeting on Post Harvest Loss Assessment Methodology at Durgapura Centre of All India Coordinated Research Project on Post Harvest Technology, Jaipur, Rajasthan during 03-09-2012 to 04-09-2012.
Er. Krishna Kumar Patel, Scientist, All India Coordinated Research Project on Post Harvest Technology in this department attended and presented a paper in 47th Annual Convention of Indian Society of agricultural Engineers and International Symposium held at ANGR Agricultural University, Rajendra Nagar, Hyderabad during 28th to 30th January 2013.
Dr. Saghir Ahmad, Assistant Professor and Er. Krishna Kumar Patel, Scientist, All India Coordinated Research Project on Post Harvest Technology in this department attended annual workshop of AICRP on PHT held at MPUAT, Udaipur in September, 2013.
Dr. Mohammad Ali khan and Presented a paper in 48th Annual Convention of ISAE and Symposium on Engineering College of Technology and Engineering held at MPUAT, Udaipur during February, 21-23, 2014.
Dr. Mohammad Ali khan Attended Coordination Committee meetings at CIPHET Ludhiana during 7-9 March, 2014
ICMR Senior Research Fellowships
Vedant Educator Excellence Award:
Expert Lecture:
Aligarh Muslim University's Associate Professor, Dr. Z R A A Azad, and Assistant Professor, Mr. Faizan Ahmad from the Department of Post Harvest Engineering and Technology delivered expert lectures at the Department of Food Technology, Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET), Bundelkhand University, Jhansi.
While Dr. Azad spoke on 'Meat Processing and Preservation and Food Standards and Quality Management, Mr. Ahmad's lecture was on 'Heat Transfer and Mechanical Operations in Food Processing.
They were invited under the TEQIP-III program to motivate and prepare the students for the GATE-2019 examination.
World Food Day Celebrations and Freshers' Orientation Programme 2022
Press Release World Food Day 2022
The Department of Post Harvest Engineering and Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, AMU, Aligarh observed the World Food Day 2022 and organized the Freshers’ Orientation Programme on 10 November 2022. World Food Day is an annual event that is observed on 16 October to highlight the plight of millions of people worldwide who cannot afford a healthy diet and the need for regular access to nutritious food. The theme for 2022 is Leave NO ONE behind.
This World Food Day, the world faces a global food security crisis of catastrophic proportions. The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the deepening climate crisis, spiking prices for energy, food and fertilizer, and armed conflicts, including the war in Ukraine, have plunged millions into unprecedented levels of hunger and malnutrition. On this occasion, the Chairman of the Department Prof. Sadaf Zaidi welcomed the Chief Guest Prof. Rais Ahmad, Dean, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, AMU, Aligarh and the Guest of Honour Prof. Syed Akhlaq Ahmad, Coordinator, Center for Food Science and Technology, AMU, Aligarh. In his opening remarks Prof. Zaidi spoke about the importance of food security. He highlighted the fact that though progress has been made towards building a better world, but too many people have been left behind who are unable to benefit from human development, innovation or economic growth. He emphasized that the world is producing enough to feed the human race but crippling food losses and food waste are pushing millions into hunger and deprivation and adversely affecting the environment. He exhorted the audience to pay due attention to minimize household food waste and thereby contribute in the eradication of hunger. Prof. Rais Ahmad underlined the importance of creating awareness about the issues of food security and stressed the building of a sustainable world through the collective efforts of all the stakeholders where everyone regardless of their age, gender, region, culture, diversity and circumstances has regular access to enough safe and nutritious food. Prof. Akhlaq Ahmad, said that the World Food Day is a reminder and hope that hunger can be eradicated. He asked the youngsters to take a pledge to not waste food. On this occasion, Dr. Rayeesul Islam, Assistant Professor, Mr. Pir Mohammad Junaid, Ph. D. Scholar and Mr. Atif Hasan, M. Tech. student made Power Point presentations highlighting the different aspects of World Food Day. Dr. Faizan Ahmad, Assistant Professor, provided a helping hand to the students. A very moving short play on the theme of the World Food Day 2022, “Leave NO ONE behind”, was enacted by the students of M. Processing and Food Engineering. The vote of thanks was delivered by Dr. Nazia Tabassum, Assistant Professor in the Department and the function was ably compered by Ms. Kulsum Sherwani and Ms. Tanzeel Fatima, students of M. Tech. in Processing and Food Engineering.
The other activities of the day included a Freshers’ Orientation Programme in which the newly admitted students of the first year M. Tech. in Processing and Technology were given an overview of the facilities in the Department and the University and the academic expectations to prepare them for the challenges ahead. This was followed by a Quiz, Poster Making Competition, and Slogan Writing Competition on the theme of the World Food Day 2022, in which the students of B. Tech. in Food Technology also participated. Later, the Chairman of the Department, Prof. Sadaf Zaidi distributed the certificates to the winners.