Monthly attendance report of students of M.Tech.(PFE) III Sem. 2019-20 Monthly attendance report of students of M.Tech.(PFE) III Sem. 2019-20 | | 06/09/2019 |
Attendance report of students of M.Tech. (AFPE) III & IV Sem. from 07.01.2019 to 16.04.2019 Attendance report of students of M.Tech. (AFPE) III & IV Sem. from 07.01.2019 to 16.04.2019 | | 29/07/2019 |
Attendance M.Tech. APFE I and III Semester, 2018-19 Attendance M.Tech. APFE I and III Semester, 2018-19 | | 09/12/2018 |
Attendance report of students of M.Tech. (AFPE) I Sem. from 09.08.2019 to 31.08.2019 Attendance report of students of M.Tech. (AFPE) I Sem. from 09.08.2019 to 31.08.2019 | | 15/09/2019 |
Attendance of M.Tech I and III Semester Students of session 2024-25: August 2024 | | 21/09/2024 |
Attendance of M.Tech I and III Semester-September-2024 | | 13/11/2024 |
Attendance M.Tech I and III Semester_2024-25 till 20.11.2024 | | 23/11/2024 |
List of Detainees, MTech I and III Semester_2024-25 | | 23/11/2024 |