Department of Prosthodontics/Dental Material
News and Publication
Faculty Publications
Prof. Geeta Rajput
- To assess fit at the implant abutment interface-A comparative in vitro study journal of critical reviews vol 07 issue 8 2020
- Correlation of Fluoride Concentration in Saliva after the Use of Highly Fluoridated Tooth Paste Containing Nano Silver Fluoride Particles: A Cross over Randomized Controlled Double Blinded Trial Journal of Prosthodontics Dentistry, 2020-Vol. 15, Issue-2
- Age groups affected by Covid-19 virus in India: An observational study International Journal of Applied Dental Sciences 2020; 6(3): 27-30
- Evaluation of color stability of different heat cure acrylic denture base resins in five different beverages: an invitro spectrophotometric study University J Dent Scie 2019; Vol. 5, Issue 2 pg 27- 32
- Fabrication of custom ocular prosthesis: A case report
J Dent Scie 2018; Vol. 1, Issue 4 pg 54-56
- Prosthetic Rehabilitation of an Enucleated Eye Defect with Custom Made Ocular Prosthesis: A Case Report
International Journal of Health Sciences and ResearchVol.7 Issue: 1;January 2017 pg. 297-302
- Occlusal splints used in prosthetic management IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS)
Volume 16, Issue 11 Ver. XII (Nov. 2017), PP 96-99
- Quest journals; Journal of Medical and Dental science &research : A feeding appliance for and infant with cleft palate – A case report
Volume 3~ Issue 10 (2016) pp.: 01-04
- Lightness of imperative for Rightness of function.
Clinical Dentistry; May 2015,Vol.Issue 22-26
- Restoring ailing multirooted abutment through hemisection : A case report, journal of Nepal Dental Association
Vol.14, No. 2 ; August-December, 2014
- Prosthodontic rehabilitation in ectodermal dysplasia)
Guident, Vol. 6; Issue 7; June 2013
- History and evaluation of endosseous implants, (THE CUSP); 2009, Vol. 7, No. 1
- Rehabilitation of traumatic loss of finger using silicone elastomers: A case report Journal of pierre Fauchard Academy
- Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society Vol.9,2009, issue 2 (TMJ pain treated with Occlusal appliance therapy)
- An overview of finite element analysis in implant dentistry
European journal of pharmaceutical and medical research
ejpmr, 2018,5(1), 422- 424
- The Cusp: - IDA Aligarh Vol.9(2) 2012 (Management of Trigeminal Neuralgia)
- U.P. State Dental Journal Biocompatibility of dental materials
(Part – II), Vol.20, No. 4
- U.P. State Dental Journal Vol. 17,1999 Overdenture- A case report
Dr. Gaurav Singh
- Combating gag reflex in edentulous patient using glossopharyngeal nerve block- a case report research and review : a journal of dentistry
- Botulinum toxin: dentistry insight. British journal of medicine and medical research;12(3), 2016
- Impressions in FPD: A REVIEW Research and Reviews: A journal of dentistry -
- Non surgical gingival retraction – past and current trednds. Guident Vol-7, Issue-11, October 2014
- Zirconia as an implant materialindian dental journal 201;vol (02) 42-47.
- Computer aided designing/ Computer aided machining dentistry (THE CUSP) 2010;Vol.7,No.2
- Correlation of Fluoride Concentration in Saliva after the Use of Highly Fluoridated Tooth Paste Containing Nano Silver Fluoride Particles: A Cross over Randomized Controlled Double Blinded Trial Journal of Prosthodontics Dentistry.2020-Vol. 15, Issue-2.
- Age groups affected by Covid-19 virus in India: An observational study International Journal of Applied Dental Sciences 2020; 6(3): 27-30
- Drill free dentistry (Indian dental journal) Vol. – 04, 2012
- Silicon ear prosthesis; a case report. (clinical dentistry) 2011, vol.d11, vol.V/issue-6
- Rehabilitation with prosthetic ear; a case report. (Indian Journal of public health research and development) 2011; vol.02,no-02.
- Identification of humans through bones and skull. Medico legal updates) 2011;vol.11 no-02
- Computer aided designing/ Computer aided machining dentistry (THE CUSP) 2010;Vol.7,No.2
- History and evaluation of endosseous implants, (THE CUSP) 2009, Vol. 7,No.1
- “Art & Science of shade selection in fixed Prosthodontics”-A Review (The Cusp. An official Publication of IDA, Aligarh Branch) 2005; 2:35-37
- “Biocompatibility of Dental Materials-II” (Journal of U.P. State Dental Association) 2002;20/04:101-104.
- Publication
1. “Biocompatibility of Dental Materials-I” (Journal of U.P. State Dental Association) 2002; 20/3: 77-80.
2. “Biocompatibility of Dental Materials –II” (Journal 0f U.P. State Dental Association) 2002; 20/04: 101 – 104.
3. “Art & Science of shade selection in Fixed Prosthodontics”-A Review (The Cusp. An official Publication of IDA, Aligarh Branch) 2005; 2; 35-37.
4. “Rehabilitation of acquired palatel detect with interim obturator Prosthesis” (Dent-innova (May 2007, Vol. 1)).
5. “History & Evaluation of end osseous Implants” (The Cusp. An Official Publication of IDA, Aligarh Branch), 2010; Vol. 7/1, 36-42
6. “ Computer Aided Designing/ Computer Aided Machining Dentistry”- An era of digitalizing. (The Cusp. An official Publication of IDA, Aligarh Branch) 2010; Vol. 7/2
7. “Identification of Humans through Bones and skull” (Medico legal update ) 2011; vol. 11 No. 2.
8.“Rehabilitation with a Prosthetic Ear”; A case report. (Indian Journal Of Public Health Research & Development) 2011; Vol. 2, No. 2.
9.Silicon Auricular Prosthesis: A case report ; (Clinically Dentistry) 2011, Vol. V / issue - 6.
10...“Endodontics management of Ridiculous mandibular first Pre molar”Indian Dental Journal, 2011; 19-21: Vol. 3
11. “Drill free Dentistry”, Indian Dental Journal,2012; 38 – 42
12.“ Non surgical Gingival Retraction - Past And Current Trends”
13.(Guident, vol. 7 issue 11, October 2014, 26 – 30.
14. “Restoring ailing multirooted abutment through hemisection: Case report”.journal of Nepal Dental Association- JNDA;vol.14 No2,Aug-Dec 2014, 57-59 .
15. “Non surgical gingival retraction( Post And Current Trends Guident2014;7(11):26-30
16.. “Botulinum Toxin: Dentistry Insight.British Journal Of Medicine And Medical Research 2016;12(3) Dr Sakshi Madhok, Dr Gaurav Singh ,Abhinav Gupta .
17.. “Combating Gag Reflex In An Edentulous Patient Using Glosopharyngeal Nerve Block :A Case Report: Research And Reviews2016;7(2) 34-37 .Dr Sakshi Madhok, Dr Gaurav Singh, Dr Geeta Rajput.
18. Gagging And Management .”Research And Review: Journal Of Dentistry2016;7(2)38-44. Dr Sakshi Madhok , Dr Gaurav Singh
20A Feeding Appliance for an Infant with Cleft Palate – A Case Report: Quest Journals Journal of Medical and Dental Science Research Volume 4~ Issue 5 (2017) pp: 01-04.
21Fabrication of Complete Dentures for A Patient with Resorbed Mandibular Anterior Ridge Using All Green Technique. Quest Journals Journal of Medical and Dental Science Research Volume 4~ Issue 5 (2017) pp.: 83- 87
22. Nutritional status and oral health related quality of life In edentulous geriatric patients University J Dent Scie 2017; No. 3, Vol. 2
Dr. Abhinav Gupta
1) History & Evolution of Endosseous Implants” THE CUSP(2009) Vol. 7, No. 1, 36-42.
2) “CAD/CAM Dentistry – An Era of Digitalisation THE CUSP(2010) Vol. 7, No. 2,20 -25.
3) An Occlusive Guard for Management of Neuropathologic Chewing Causing Self inflicted tongue trauma in comatose patients. ANAESTHESIA UPDATE. VOL 13, No. 1, June 2010, 57-59.
4) Endodontic management of radiculous maxillary first premolar: A case report, Indian Dental Journal, Vol.3 ,2011,19-21.
5) Drill free dentistry, Indian Dental Journal Vol.4,2012, 38-42.
6) ‘Efficacy of Propofol and Midazolam in conscious sedation for implant and periodontal surgery Volume 1/ Issue 6, December 2012 . Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences
7) Immediate implant placement in an extraction socket in the anteriorzone: a clinical case report. Journal of Dental esthetic and function.Vol.2 , Issue1, Jan-june, 2013.
8) Restoring Ailing Multirooted Abutment Through Hemisection : A Case Report , Journal of Nepal Dental Association. ,Vol14 ,No.2, Aug-Dec 2014.
9) A Simple Technique of fabricating a rotary abrasive wheel for finishing soft prosthetic appliances. Vol.1 , Issue6, 2014:79-80. International Journal of Dental and Health Sciences
10) A Simple Chairside Technique of Removing Crown and Fixed Partial Denture Restorations. Journal of Dental Material and Technique( IRAN ). Vol.4 , Issue1, Jan, 2015.
11) Impressions in Fixed Partial Dentures: A Review . Research & Reviews : A Journal of Dentistry. Vol.6 , Issue 1, 2015 :23-32.
12) Prosthetic Rehabilitation of Patients receiving Radiotherapy : Current trends . Journal of Dental Herald. Vol.2 , Issue 2 ,April 2015 : 21-23.
13) Role of Oral Care to prevent Ventilator Associated Pneumonia in Mechanically ventilated I.C.U. Patients . Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia (PUBMED) Vol.10, Issue1, 2016, 95-97
14) BOTULINUM TOXIN :- Dentistry insight British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research Vol. 12, Issue 3,2016, 1-13 (PUBMED indexed)
15) Evaluation and comparision of transverse and impact strength of high impact denture base resins. Indian journal of dental research (PUBMED indexed) Vol. 27 : 61-65, 2016.
16) Prosthetic management of cleft Palate: a case report . Univ.journal of Dental Sciences ;No. 3, Vol.2, 102-104 , 2017
17) Magnet retained mandibular overdenture : A Preventive Prosthodontics Paradigm. International journal of current Research ; No.12,Vol.9, 62051-056 ,2017.
18) Application of nanotechnology in Dental Implants. IOSR-JDMS; No.11, Vol.16, 77-81, 2017.
19) Materials used for Maxillofacial Prosthesis IOSR-JDMS; No.10,Vol.16, 87-89, 2017.
20) A new approach for Ridge preservation: Socket shield technique : A Review. IOSR-JDMS; No.10, Vol.16, 94-95 , 2017.
21) T-SCAN an adjunct tool In Neuromuscular Dentistry. European journal of pharmaceutical & medical research; No.2, VOL.5,197-199, 2018.
22) Evaluation of Golden proportion between maxillary anterior teeth in the population of Aligarh,U.P., INDIA . European journal of pharmaceutical & medical research; No.4, VOL.5,354- 356,2018.
23) An insight into prosthetic Composites . European journal of Biomedicaland Pharmaceutical sciences ; Vol.5, Issue 4,360- 363,2018.
24) Measures to combat and decrease risk factors and occupational hazards in professional dental practice. European journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical sciences . ; Vol.5, Issue 4,364- 369,
25) Rehabilitation in cleft lip and palate patient with oro nasal fistula. Saudi journal of oral and dental research Vol.4(9),580- 583,2019.
26) To assess fit at the implant abutment interface – a comparative invitro study . Journal of critical reviews Vol. 7(8) ,2318-2328, 2020.
- Afroz S, Arakaki R, Iwasa T, Oshima M, Hosoki M, Inoue M, Baba O, Okayama Y, Matsuka Y. CGRP Induces Differential Regulation of Cytokines from Satellite Glial Cells in Trigeminal Ganglia and Orofacial Nociception. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2019, 20, 711.
- Iwasa T, Afroz S, Inoue M, Arakaki R, Oshima M, Raju R, Waskitho A, Inoue M, Baba O, Matsuka Y, IL-10 and CXCL2 in trigeminal ganglia in neuropathic pain, Neuroscience Letters (2019),
- Afroz S, Naritani M, Hosoki H, Matsuka Y, Posterior disc displacement of the temporomandibular joint: A rare case report. Cranio 28:1-6, 2018. doi: 10.1080/08869634.2018.1509823. [Epub ahead of print]
- Afroz S, Naritani M, Hosoki H, Takechi K, Okayama Y, Matsuka Y, Prevalence of Posterior disc displacement of the temporomandibular joint in patients with the temporomandibular disorders: a systematic review with meta- analysis. Journal of Orofacial Pain and Headache. J Oral Facial Pain Headache 32(3):277–286, 2018. doi: 10.11607/ofph
- Yan H, Afroz S, Dalanon J, Goto N, Hosoki M, Matsuka Y. Metal allergy patient treated by titanium implant denture: A case report with at least 4-year follow. Clin Case Rep 28:6, 1972-1977, 2018. doi: 10.1002/ccr3.1753. eCollection 2018 Oct.
- Chimeddulam G, Nishigawa K, Naito Y, Dalanon J, Afroz S, Hayama R, Oshima M, Tomotake Y, Ichikawa T, Matsuka Y, Radiographic Investigation of the Marginal Bone Loss on Dental Implants. J Oral Health Biosci 31:13-24, 2018.
- Hayama R, Kanemitsu Y, Goda C, Abe S, Okura K, Afroz S, Goto N, Raju R, Dalanon J, Oshima M, Marianito M. Rodis O, Okayama Y, Kawano F, Matsuka Y. Quality of life and job satisfaction among female dentists in Japan. J Oral Health Biosci 31:1-8, 2018.
- Omoto K, Iwasa T, Afroz S, Ueda M, Okura K, Matsuka Y, Preliminary study of neural excitation with positron emission tomography after tooth mechanincal stimulation. J Jap Assoc Oral Rehabil 29:1:35-40, 2016.
- Dalanon J, Gabinete IG, Javier HN, Galang KJ, Perales A, Sorela C, Belarmino, Renelson Esguerra MP, Docor R, Afroz S, Iwasa T, Rodis O, Suzuki Y, Okura K, Matsuka Y, Technology acceptance model in the use of a patient management software in a dental school in the Philippines, IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861.Volume 17, Issue 2 Ver. 8 February. (2018), PP 65-69 DOI: 10.9790/0853-1702086569
- Afroz S, Rathi S, Rajput G, Rahman S A. Dental Esthetics and Its Impact on Psycho-Social Well-Being and Dental Self Confidence: A Campus Based Survey of North Indian University Students. J Indian Prosthodont Soc DOI 10.1007/s13191-012-0247-1
- Afroz S, Tripathi A, Chand P, Sidhartha R S. Stress pattern generated by different post and core materials- a photoelastic study IJDR-987-10 accepted for publication.
- Afroz S, Singh S V, Mehrotra D, Chand P. Prosthodontic rehabilitation after segmental mandibulectomy J Indian dent assoc. 2009: 3(8):264-266
- Verma AK, Afroz S, Arya D, An overview of currently used dental luting cements. The Cusp 2009 vol 6 no2: 49-52.
- Afroz S, Chand P. Collarless metal ceramic restoration to obscure umbrella effect. Indian J dent Res. 2010;21(4):600-2.
- Afroz S, Rahman S, Rajawat I, Verma AK. Neutral zone and oral submucous fibrosis. Indian J dent Res. 2012;23(3):407-10.
- Eskala Sa Mga Mukha Ng Pagsakit – Rebisado (FPS-R)- Facial pain scale, International association for study of pain, Translation credit: JunhelDalanon, ShaistaAfroz, YoshizoMatsuka.
- Timbangan Sa Mga Nawng Sa Kasakit – Girebisar (FPS-R) Facial pain scale, International association for study of pain, Translation credit: JunhelDalanon, ShaistaAfroz, YoshizoMatsuka.
- Matsuka Y, Afroz S, Dalanon JC, Iwasa T, Waskitho A, Oshima M. The role of chemical transmitters in neuron-glia interaction and pain in sensory ganglion. NeurosciBiobehav Rev. 2020;108:393–399. doi:10.1016/j.neubiorev.2019.11.019
Dr. Shraddha Rathi
- Oxidation heat treatment affecting metal- ceramic bonding
Indian Journal of Dental Research 2011; 22(6)
- Dental Esthetic and Its Impact on Psycho-Social Well-Being and Dental Self Confidence: A campus Based Survey of North Indian University Students.
The Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society 2013; 13(4): 455-60
- An Interdisciplinary management of severely resorbed maxillary anterior ridge complicated by traumatic bite using a ridge splitting technique: A case report
Journal of Indian Society of Periodontics 2015; 19(1)
- Pre-prosthetic Orthodontics in an adult patient with multiple anterior edentulous spaces and loss of vertical dimension-A case report.
Journal of Clinical Orthodonitcs 2018; LII(5):297-302
- Detrimental Effect of Inhalers on Stomatognathic System-A Review
Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences 2017; 16(12) :96-98
- Resilient liners in Prosthetic dentistry: An Update
International Journal of Applied Dental Sciences 2018; 4(3):34-38
- Nanoscale modifications of dental implants: An emerging trend
International Journal of Applied Dental Sciences 2018;4(2): 149-153
- Chapter 14: Material Selection for Single Tooth Crown Restorations.
Application of Nano-composite Materials in Dentistry 2019 ( Elsevier)
- Osseo Densification-A Novel Approach For Bone Preservation
International Journal of Current Advanced Research 2019; 8(8)
- Implant prosthetic rehabilitation of a complex case of mandibular partial edentulism with severe anterior crowding and deficient bone width in the edentulous region: A multi-disciplinary case report
International Journal of Applied Dental Sciences 2020; 6(3): 761-765
- Effect of nutrition in edentulous geriatric patients
Journal of Oral Research and Review 2018;10:33-8
- Significance between vertical dimension of occlusion and length in North Indian Population
European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research 2018,5 (6): 628-630
- Use of Magnets in Orbito-palatal prosthesis: A case report
The CUSP 2013; 10(1): 43-44
- Social meaning of dentofacial attractiveness-An investigation into its effect and determinants
Indian Dental Journal 2011; 27-32
- Restoring function and esthetics of a young adult with amelogenesis imperfecta using fixed- removable prosthesis
Dental Practice 2010
- Social Meaning and Acceptability related with dentofacial attractiveness- A brief review
The Southern African Dental Technology Journal 2013, 3(3)
Dr. Pankaj Prakash Kharade
- Kharade P, Dholam K, Gorakh A. A technique for fabrication of cranial prostheses using high-temperature vulcanizing silicone material." J Prosthet Dent. 2016 Dec 23. pii: S0022-3913(16)30541-8. doi: 10.1016/j.prosdent.2016.10.010.
- Kharade P, Banerjee A, Gupta T. Simple, time saving chairside device for radiographic diagnosis of vertical bone height & soft tissue thickness for implant placement- Clinical Report. Gen Dent. 2012 Jan-Feb;60(1):e22-5. American Pubmed indexed journal.
- Kharade P, Sharma S, Banerjee A, Gupta T. Indirect resin-bonded fibre reinforced composite anterior bridge- A case report. Gen Dent. 2012 May-Jun;60(3):e170-2. American Pubmed indexed journal.
- Kharade P, Sharma S. Management of velopharyngeal disorder with pharyngeal obturator- A case report. Gen Dent. 2013 Nov-Dec; 61(7):e26-8. American Pubmed indexed journal.
- Kharade P, Sharma S. Simple method of fabrication & characterization of cast partial framework obturator for life like appearance- A case report. Gen Dent. 2013 Sep-Oct; 61(6):42-5. American Pubmed indexed journal.
- Sharma S., Tewari R. K., Mishra S. K., Kharade P. A rare case of unilateral mandibular second molar with three distal roots diagnosed with spiral computed tomography- Case report. Endo. Pract. Today;2012; 6(4): 301-5.
- Tewari RK, Mishra SK, Sharma S, Kharade P. Nonsurgical Endodontic Retreatment: A Case of Dental Quackery. Int J Exper Dent Sci, 2012;1(1):34-36.
- Kharade P, Banerjee A, Gupta T. Surgical guide in precise implant placement. Dental Practice; 2011 Jan-Apr;10(1):38-41.
- Kar R, Kharade P, Kundu M, Banerjee A, Gupta T. Maxilllofacial rehabilitation of head & neck cancer patients. Indian Medical Journal;105(9):292-3.
- Kharade P, Banerjee A, Gupta T. Platform switching- minimizing periimplant crestal bone loss. Clinical Dentistry, 2011 June;5(6):20-25.
- Kharade P, Kar R, Banerjee A. Prosthodontic rehabilitation of edentulous epileptic patient- A case report. Clinical Dentistry, 2011 Dec;5(12):74-77.
- Sharma S, Kharade P, Tewari R K, Soni V, Banerjee A, Gupta T. "Ace conservative management of dual midline diastema - a case report" . Clinical Dentistry, 2014 ; Sept., Vol. 8: 9-13.
- Dr. Pankaj Kharade, Dr. Kanchan Dholam, Mr. Pravin Bhirangi. Simple prosthesis for a cancer patient with segmental mandibulectomy and free fibula flap reconstruction : A clinical report. Gen Dent. 2015 Jul-Aug; 61(7):e23-25.
- Mittal S. Kharade P, Kumar B, Gupta-Mittal C. The future of Implant dentistry- An Editorial commentary. Journal of Implant and Advanced Clinical Dentistry;39. (American journal).
- Sharma S., Tewari R. K., Mishra S. K., Kharade P, Trivedi H. Multivisit in-office vital bleaching as a conservative treatment option for dental fluorosis. Clinical Dentistry,2015:7; 28-31.
- Kharade P, Dholam K, Bachher G, Bhirangi P, Ahire G. Interim rehabilitation of a compromised edentulous maxillectomy patient. JIDA. May 2015, Vol 9, Issue 5; 23-26.
- Kharade P, Verma M, Sharma S, Tewari R K, Rajput G. Lightness is Imperative for Rightness of Function. Clinical Dentistry May 2015, Vol , Issue 22-26.
- Dholam K, Kharade P. Abstract-Association of history of dental extraction in patients with carcinoma of the alveolus of the maxilla and mandible- an audit. Asia-Pac J Clin Oncology 2014;10(Suppl. 9): 1–264.
- Kharade P, Dholam K, Bachher G, Bhirangi P, Ahire G. Palatal Augmentation Prosthesis- A boon for management of partial glossectomy patients to improve speech & swallowing. . Clinical Dentistry,2015 July;9(1):8-11.
- Kharade P, Verma M, Sharma S. Anterior indexing technique for orbital prosthesis fabrication. J Prosthet Dent 2017.
- “Effect Of various Die Spacer thickness On Crown Retention” – L. A. Publications, Germany (February 18, 2014). ISBN-13: 978-3848430574.
- “Extra oral prosthetic rehabilitation an Overview” – L. A. Publications, Germany (February 18, 2014). ISBN-13: 978-3659745447.
- “Rehabilitation of Maxillofacial Defects with Prosthesis- An Outline” – L. A. Publications, Germany (February 18, 2014). ISBN-13: 978-3659760860.
- Kharade P. A technique for fabrication of cranial prostheses using high-temperature vulcanizing silicone material- Editorial commentary. Open journal of Prosthetics & Orthotics.
- Kharade P, Verma M, Islam S, Sharma S, Bodh R. "Fibular Graft- Effective Panorama for Prosthetic Rehabilitation of Resected Mandible" accepted for publication in Journal of Craniofacial Surgery
Dr.Sabzar Abdullah
ejpmr, 2018,5(4),
- Association of oral health-related behaviour and dental caries among 6 -7 year old school childrens of wilsoniapakwaraMoradabad:Across sectional study
University J Dent Scie 2020; Original Research Paper Vol. 6, Issue 3
- Nutritional status and oral health-related quality of life In edentulous geriatric patients
University J Dent Scie 2017; No. 3, Vol. 2
- palatal drug retaining appliance for the control of fungal infection in the oral cavity: a case report
university j dent scie journal of university dental sciences2018; no. 4, vol. 1.
- Evaluation of color stability of different heat cure acrylic denture base resins in five different beverages: an invitro spectrophotometric study
University J Dent Scie 2019; Vol. 5, Issue 2
- Occlusal Splints Used in Prosthetic Management of Tmj Disorders: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences
IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS)
e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861.Volume 16, Issue 11 Ver. XII (Nov. 2017), PP 96-99
- Significance of intercanthal distance in the selection of the width of maxillary anterior teeth size in the Kashmiri population
Int J Health Sci Res. Feb 2015; 5 (2):213-216.
- Denture Identification Methods: A Review.
Int J Health Sci Res. 2013; 3 (4):100-104.
- Age groups affected by Covid-19 virus in India: An observational study
International Journal of Applied Dental Sciences 2020; 6(3): 27-30
Correlation of Fluoride Concentration in Saliva after the Use of Highly Fluoridated Tooth Paste Containing Nano Silver Fluoride Particles: A Cross over Randomized Controlled Double Blinded Trial
A programme on International Women's Day was organized on 8.3.2017