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List of Publications (26)
1) History & Evolution of Endosseous Implants” THE CUSP(2009) Vol. 7, No. 1, 36-42.
2) “CAD/CAM Dentistry – An Era of Digitalisation THE CUSP(2010) Vol. 7, No. 2,20 -25.
3) An Occlusive Guard for Management of Neuropathologic Chewing Causing Self inflicted tongue trauma in comatose patients. ANAESTHESIA UPDATE. VOL 13, No. 1, June 2010, 57-59.
4) Endodontic management of radiculous maxillary first premolar: A case report, Indian Dental Journal, Vol.3 ,2011,19-21.
5) Drill free dentistry, Indian Dental Journal Vol.4,2012, 38-42.
6) ‘Efficacy of Propofol and Midazolam in conscious sedation for implant and periodontal surgery Volume 1/ Issue 6, December 2012 . Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences
7) Immediate implant placement in an extraction socket in the anteriorzone: a clinical case report. Journal of Dental esthetic and function.Vol.2 , Issue1, Jan-june, 2013.
8) Restoring Ailing Multirooted Abutment Through Hemisection : A Case Report , Journal of Nepal Dental Association. ,Vol14 ,No.2, Aug-Dec 2014.
9) A Simple Technique of fabricating a rotary abrasive wheel for finishing soft prosthetic appliances. Vol.1 , Issue6, 2014:79-80. International Journal of Dental and Health Sciences.
10) A Simple Chairside Technique of Removing Crown and Fixed Partial Denture Restorations. Journal of Dental Material and Technique( IRAN ). Vol.4 , Issue1, Jan, 2015.
11) Impressions in Fixed Partial Dentures: A Review . Research & Reviews : A Journal of Dentistry. Vol.6 , Issue 1, 2015 :23-32.
12) Prosthetic Rehabilitation of Patients receiving Radiotherapy : Current trends . Journal of Dental Herald. Vol.2 , Issue 2 ,April 2015 : 21-23.
13) Role of Oral Care to prevent Ventilator Associated Pneumonia in Mechanically ventilated I.C.U. Patients . Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia (PUBMED) Vol.10, Issue1, 2016, 95-97
14) BOTULINUM TOXIN :- Dentistry insight British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research Vol. 12, Issue 3,2016, 1-13 (PUBMED indexed)
15) Evaluation and comparision of transverse and impact strength of high impact denture base resins. Indian journal of dental research (PUBMED indexed) Vol. 27 : 61-65, 2016.
16) Prosthetic management of cleft Palate: a case report . Univ.journal of Dental Sciences ;No. 3, Vol.2, 102-104 , 2017
17) Magnet retained mandibular overdenture : A Preventive Prosthodontics Paradigm. International journal of current Research ; No.12,Vol.9, 62051-056 ,2017.
18) Application of nanotechnology in Dental Implants. IOSR-JDMS; No.11, Vol.16, 77-81, 2017.
19) Materials used for Maxillofacial Prosthesis IOSR-JDMS; No.10,Vol.16, 87-89, 2017.
20) A new approach for Ridge preservation: Socket shield technique : A Review. IOSR-JDMS; No.10, Vol.16, 94-95 , 2017.
21) T-SCAN an adjunct tool In Neuromuscular Dentistry. European journal of pharmaceutical & medical research; No.2, VOL.5,197-199, 2018.
22) Evaluation of Golden proportion between maxillary anterior teeth in the population of Aligarh,U.P., INDIA . European journal of pharmaceutical & medical research; No.4, VOL.5,354- 356,2018.
23) An insight into prosthetic Composites . European journal of Biomedicaland Pharmaceutical sciences ; Vol.5, Issue 4,360- 363,2018.
24) Measures to combat and decrease risk factors and occupational hazards in professional dental practice. European journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical sciences . ; Vol.5, Issue 4,364- 369,
25) Rehabilitation in cleft lip and palate patient with oro nasal fistula. Saudi journal of oral and dental research Vol.4(9),580- 583,2019.
26) To assess fit at the implant abutment interface – a comparative invitro study . Journal of critical reviews Vol. 7(8) ,2318-2328, 2020.