Department of Psychiatry

News and Publication

Dept. data last updated on :26/03/2025

Workshop on Demystifying Gender and Transgender Healthcare

Workshop on Demystifying Gender and Transgender Healthcare

The Department of Psychiatry, in collaboration with the National Centre of Excellence for Gender Affirmative Care and Transgender Health, AIIMS, New Delhi, organized a sensitization workshop on "Demystifying Gender and Transgender Healthcare".

Keynote Speakers

The workshop featured a distinguished lecture by Dr. Micol Rothman, Professor of Endocrinology and Medical Director of the UCHealth Integrated Transgender Program, University of Colorado.

Dr. Bela Sharma, Medical Director of ATHI (Association of transgender health in India), provided an overview of transgender healthcare in India.


The workshop was attended by esteemed guests, including the Dean, Principal, Chairman, faculty members, and postgraduate students from various departments.


The workshop aimed to promote awareness and understanding of gender and transgender healthcare, fostering a sensitive and inclusive environment for individuals of diverse gender identities.

World Mental Health Day-2024

 The Department of Tahaffuzi wa Samaji Tib, Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College, Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) organized a guest lecture by Dr Mohammed Reyazuddin, Chairman, Department of Psychiatry, J.N. Medical College, AMU to commemorate the World Mental Health Day-2024. Prof. Ubaidullah Khan, Dean, Faculty of Unani Medicine emphasized that regardless of circumstances, we must approach every situation with care and thoughtfulness as a simple shift in our thinking can help us manage challenges wisely. Prof. Rubi Anjum, Chairperson of the department addressed the emotional, psychological, and social well-being related issues and urged the people to remain vigilant of the issues that are detrimental to our mental well being, as it affects how we think, feel and act. Earlier, Dr Abdul Aziz Khan welcomed the guest speaker. 

World Suicide Prevention Day-2024

 Awareness programmes planned for the World Suicide Prevention Day ALIGARH September 6: 
The Department of Psychiatry, J.N. Medical College, Aligarh Muslim University is organizing a series of events on September 10, 2024 to mark the "World Suicide Prevention Day". Dr. Mohammed Reyazuddin said that interested persons can participate in an online poster competition on mental health and suicide prevention covering any of the themes, including "Choose life, spread hope", "let's end the stigma together", "from silence to support", "suicide prevention in workplace", "suicide is not a solution", "how to help a suicidal person", etc. He Prizes will be given to the first, second and third prize winners, he added. He further added that a lecture on suicide prevention and mental health awareness will be organized at the Lecture Theatre-1, JN Medical College, on September 10, while the same day an awareness programme will be held at the Rural Health Training Centre (RHTC), Jawan, in collaboration with the Department of Community Medicine. Dr Faisal Shaan is the Coordinator of the programme. 

Lecture on Dialectical Behaviour Therapy-2024

Lecture on Dialectical Behaviour Therapy on 26  November 2024

he Department of Psychiatry, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College (JNMC), Aligarh Muslim University is organizing a guest lecture on "Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)" by Prof. Robin Edward Gerring, a distinguished academic from the University of Houston, on 26 November 2024. The Chairman of the department, Dr Mohammed Reyazuddin informed that Prof. Gerring, an expert in the field of social work and psychotherapy, will deliver the lecture at the Department of Psychiatry at 2 pm. He said the lecture will provide valuable insights into DBT, its methodologies, and its role in treating individuals with complex mental health conditions, particularly those with emotion regulation difficulties. 

Best thesis protocol competition for postgraduate students-2024

Aligarh, December 23: The Department of Psychiatry, JN Medical College, Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) organised the best thesis protocol competition for postgraduate students. The event showcased outstanding academic contributions and celebrated excellence in research.

Dr. Pragna Roy received the first prize for her thesis protocol titled “Comparative study for efficacy of L-Carnitine and N-Acetyl Cysteine on Iron overload induced oxidative stress in patients with Thalassemia: A randomized control trial”. The second prize went to Dr. Shazia Nahid for her thesis protocol titled “Comparative Evaluation of Anticariogenic Property and Staining Potential of Selenium Nanoparticles Infused Hydroxyapatite and Silver Diamine Fluoride: An In Vitro Study”.

The third prize was shared by Dr. Amrita Pandey and Dr. Neha Dhanda. Dr. Amrita Pandey’s thesis protocol was A clinical study to evaluate the effectiveness of multi-genetic pharmacogenomics-guided treatment in drug naïve schizophrenics in northern Indian population: An Open-label, randomized controlled trial”, while Dr. Neha Dhanda presented her thesis protocol on “Efficacy and safety of repeated oral ketamine in treatment resistant depression”.

The panel of judges consisted of Dr. Shahul Ameen, Consultant Psychiatrist, St. Thomas Hospital, Kerala, Dr. Mohammed Reyazuddin, Chairman, Department of Psychiatry, AMU and Dr. Nafiz Faizi, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, JNMC, AMU.

Dr. Faisal Shaan was the organizing secretary of the event.

Mementos, certificates and cash prizes were distributed to the winners in a programme hosted by Dr. Shailja Singh.


World Alzheimer’s Day . Dr.Mohammed Reyazuddin, Chairperson Department of Psychiatry inaugurated the event and emphasized on the preventive strategies and early detection of Alzheimer’s disease. He said Alzheimer’s is one of the cause of Dementia and we can only delay the onset of Dementia but can’t prevent it by adopting different strategies.

Dr  Akanksha Senior Resident give a talk on the pathophysiology and prevention of Dementia she said by adopting various strategies like Aerobic exercise, balanced diet, engage in reading and writing, speaking multiple language, treatment of Co morbidities like HTN, T2
DM obesity can help Dr. Shailja, Seminar Resident hosted the programme.

Dr. Jitendra Kumar, Assistant Professor in Department of Psychiatry in collaboration with Nursing College organized an awareness campaign in OPD block of J.N Medical College. Different Faculty members, Nursing students, PG Students, Ph.D students attended the eventDr. Deoshree Akhouri associate Professor, also gave her valuable insight on this day.


Continuing Education Initiative (ACE)

A continuing Education Initiative (ACE)  for post graduate students and faculties.

This program allows free access to information to help graduate doctors in their academies through exam oriented case based modules. Simulate videos and key resources required to upgrade clinical practice (www.ace learning Dr.Mohammed Reyazuddin .Associate Professor Chairman emphasized on the need for doing good and ethical research.

The Programme was attended by  and faculty members of the Department  Dr. Deoshree  Akhouri Associate Professor, Dr. Jitendra Kumar Assistant Professor and Dr. Faisal Shaan Assistant Professor. Programme also attended by interns, post graduate and  Ph.D students .Dr. Shailja Singh ,Seminar resident posted the program and presented the vote of Thanks.


Online CME “KETAMINE FOR DEPRESSION” on 27 Aug. 2022 (Sunday) from 08:00 pm to 09:00 pm
