Department of Radio-Diagnosis

News and Publication

Dept. data last updated on :13/08/2024

DNB Teacher


PhD teacher


DNB teacher


DNB teacher


PhD Teacher


Publications 2015 to 2020

• Total article Publications: 42.

•  Citation Index –avg  40-50

  Important publications

  • Solitary fibular metastasis from nonsmall cell lung carcinoma. Akram M, Zaheer S, Hussain A, Siddiqui SA, Afrose R, Khalid S.  J Cytology 2017;34:113-5(Peer Reviewed, Pubmed/ Medline, Scopus Indexed). DOI: 10.4103/0970-9371.203577. [Impact Factor (2016) – 0.463] [pISSN: 0970-9371; eISSN: 0974-5165]Long-standing pseudoaneurysm of proximal brachial artery mimicking soft tissue neoplasm. Naqvi SE, Khalid S, Beg MH, Haseen MA, Ali E. Indian J VascEndovascSurg2017;4:66-8. (Peer Reviewed, Scopus Indexed). [pISSN:0972-0820, eISSN: 2394-0999] DOI: 10.4103/ijves.ijves_59_16 

  • 11. Multiple primary intraspinalextradural hydatid cyst in a young patient. Sharma RM, Khalid S, Sarmast AH, Modi M, Rafeeque R. The Journal of Spinal Surgery July-September 2017;4(3):1-3. (Peer Reviewed, Indexed). [pISSN:2349-0492, eISSN:2348-6031

  • 12. A rare case of diffuse neurofibroma masquerading as a hemangioma: a radiological perspective. Siddiqui S, Khan ZA, Wahab S, Akhtar K, Ansari FH and Lampung N. Journal of Ultrasound. 2017, 20(4): 343-346 

  • 13. Encephalocraniocutaneous lipomatosis: Siddiqui S,Naaz S, Ahmad M, Khan ZA, Wahab S and Rashid BA.  A case report with review of literature.The Neuroradiology Journal 2017, Vol. 30(6) 578–582.

  • CASE REVIEW Abdominal pain after surgery. Zishan Sheikh, Mehtab Ahmad, Arvind Pallan. The BMJ 2017;357:j1481 doi: 10.1136/bmj.j1481 (Published 2017 April 06).

  • Solitary fibular metastasis from nonsmall cell lung carcinoma. Akram M, Zaheer S, Hussain A, Siddiqui SA, Afrose R, Khalid S. J Cytology 2017;34:113-5 (Peer Reviewed, Pubmed/ Medline Indexed). DOI: 10.4103/0970-9371.203577.

  • Neonatal Intestinal Obstruction :When to suspect Duplication Cyst of Bowel as the cause.RA Khan,S Wahab ,I Ghani Jnl of Neonatal Surgery 2016.

  • Danish Qaseem
    SM, Ghonge NP, Aggarwal B, Singhal S. Prospective evaluation of prostate with transrectal spectral Doppler with biopsy correlation: A clinicopathologic study.Br J Radiol. 2016; 89(1060):20150830. doi: 10.1259/bjr.20150830. Epub 2016 Feb 10. PMID: 26861745.

  • Encephalocraniocutaneouslipomatosis: A case report with review of literature: Siddiqui S, Naaz S, Ahmad M, Khan ZA, Wahab S, Rashid BA: The Neuroradiology Journal]

  • Coexistent borderline serous cystadenoma with multifocal hydatidosis in a young female: Lessons   learnt J Med Ultrason. Khalid S, Jamal F, Rafat D,Ahmed M, Narayanasamy S, Obaid A, Shadan M. 2016 Oct;43(4):553-6 [pISSN: 1346-4523; eISSN: 1613-2254] (Accepted)(Peer Reviewed, Pubmed/ Medline/Scopus Indexed). DOI  10.1007/s10396-016-0727-8 [Impact Factor (2015) - 0.559]

  • Giant cell tumor of acromion process with secondary aneurysmal bone cyst. Faizan M, Sabir AB, Khalid S, Jilani LZ, Siddiqui B, Abbas M. Clin Cancer Investig J 2016;5(4):342-4 [pISSN: 2278-1668; eISSN: 2278-0513](Peer Reviewed, Index Copernicus Indexed). DOI  10.4103/2278-0513.186102

  • Comparison of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings between Pathologically Proven Cases of Atypical Tubercular Spine and Tumour Metastasis: A Retrospective Study in 40 Patients. Mittal S, Khalid M, Sabir AB, Khalid S.  
      Asian Spine J. 2016 Aug;10(4):734-743 (Peer Reviewed, Pubmed/ Medline Indexed). DOI 10.4184/asj.2016.10.4.734.

  • Chronic pain along the lateral condyle of humerusKhalid S, Faizan M, Obaid A, Singh J.  Saudi Med J. 2016 Oct;37(10):1148-50. doi: 10.15537/smj.2016.10.15014. [ISSN (Print); (Online)][Pubmed/Medline Indexed][Impact Factor (2016) - 0.5]

  • Isolated Talonavicular Joint Tuberculosis in a Child – Rare Location of Koch’s Bacillus: Faizan M, Jilani LZ, Khalid S, Abbas M, Anwar D. A Case Report. Iran J Med Sci. 2017;42(1):85-88[ pISSN: 0253-0716; eISSN: 1735-3688] (Peer Reviewed, Pubmed/ Medline Indexed).

  • Comparison of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings between Pathologically Proven Cases of Atypical Tubercular Spine and Tumour Metastasis: A Retrospective Study in 40 Patients.Somit Mittal, Mohd Khalid,Aamir Bin Sabir, and Saifullah Khalid. Asian Spine J. 2016 Aug;10(4):734-743. English.

  • Disseminated Cysticercosis along withMultiple Ring Lesion in MRI: Saima Kirmani, Haris Manzoor Khan, Urfi and MohdKhalid. Case Report. International Journal of Current Research and Academic Review 2016 Feb 4(2):79-81.

  • Femoral artery pseudoaneurysm following trivial trauma: a rare case scenario. Haseen MA, Faizan M, Beg MH, Asif N, Khalid S. Indian J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2015 Jan-Mar;31(1):34-37

  • Localised acral hypertrophy: Khalid S, Faizan M, Ahmad I, Narayanasamy S, Haque A, Ahmad I. Oman Med J 2015 Jan;31(1):70-71. doi: 10.5001/omj.2015.14. [ISSN 1999-768X(Print); 2070-5204(Online)]

  • Lipoma arborescens: is it the cause or effect?:Khalid S, Asif N, Afrose R, Faizan M, Khalid M, Sherwani RK. Egypt Rheumatol Rehabil 2015 Jan-Mar;42(1):45-8.doi: 10.4103/1110-161X.155652

  • Entamoeba histolytica pleuropulmonary infection: Sultan A, Raza A, KhanHM, Khalid S, Akhtar A, Shameem M. Case Report. International Journal of Advances in Case Reports 2015; 2(3):171-173[ISSN - 2349 - 8005 (Online)](Peer Reviewed, Indexed).

  • Chondroblastoma presenting as Inflammatory Synovitis of the Knee Joint: Khalid S, Faizan M, Jilani L Z, Narayanasamy S, Feraz S. Journal of bone and joint diseases 2015 Jan; 30: 96-9.

  • Eosinophilic Lung Disease: A Clinical and Radiologic overview Rehan Ahmad, Farhat Tahira, Mohd.Khalid, MohammadShameem, Mohammed Azfar Siddiqui.. Indian J of Research.2015; 4:197-199.

  • Macrodystrophialipomatosa with ulnar distribution in hand: MR evaluation of a rare disorder.Siddiqui MA, Jain A, Rizvi SAA, Ahmad K, Ullah E, Ahmad I. JBR-BTR (Belgian Journal of Radiology) 2015.

Aneurysmal Bone Cyst of Iliac Bone: Siddiqui MA, Khan MJ, Zaman N, Naaz F, Ahmad M, Abbas M. Large Journal of Bone and Joint Diseases 2015.

National Voters Day Oath Taking Ceremony 2021


Online CME - 2020


Guest Lecture 2020


Guest Lecture 2018-19


Guest Lecture 2019


Lecture 2018-19




Department of Radiodiagnosis is going to organize one day CME on �TechAspire Programme� on 10th March 2017.

The Department of Radio-Diagnosis is going to conduct a 'PG Teaching programme' on "Neuro-Imaging" from March 21st to 23 - 2016 at 8-9 a.m in the seminar room located above MRI section Department of Radio-Diagnosis.

Dr. Parvez Masood, a Senior Consultant, Neuro Radiologist, from Cleveland Clinics Ohio, U.S.A has kindly consented to conduct the Teaching Programme.

All the faculty members & residents are requested to attend the same.


CME on "ONCO-IMAGING:2014" Held on 17th August-2014. Organized by Department of Radiodiagnosis J.N.Medical College, AMU & Indian Radiological & Imaging Association (Aligarh Chapter).

The Department organized a Guest Lecture on 21-08-2014, On "Imaging of the Spine" by Dr. Parvez Masood, Senior Consultant, Cleveland Clinics, Ohio, U.S.A. The lecture was attended by Residents and Faculties of various departments and was highly appreciated.