Department of Radio-Diagnosis
News and Publication
DNB Teacher
PhD teacher
DNB teacher
DNB teacher
PhD Teacher
Publications 2015 to 2020
• Total article Publications: 42.
• Citation Index –avg 40-50
Important publications
Aneurysmal Bone Cyst of Iliac Bone: Siddiqui MA, Khan MJ, Zaman N, Naaz F, Ahmad M, Abbas M. Large Journal of Bone and Joint Diseases 2015.
Solitary fibular metastasis from nonsmall cell lung carcinoma. Akram M, Zaheer S, Hussain A, Siddiqui SA, Afrose R, Khalid S. J Cytology 2017;34:113-5(Peer Reviewed, Pubmed/ Medline, Scopus Indexed). DOI: 10.4103/0970-9371.203577. [Impact Factor (2016) – 0.463] [pISSN: 0970-9371; eISSN: 0974-5165]Long-standing pseudoaneurysm of proximal brachial artery mimicking soft tissue neoplasm. Naqvi SE, Khalid S, Beg MH, Haseen MA, Ali E. Indian J VascEndovascSurg2017;4:66-8. (Peer Reviewed, Scopus Indexed). [pISSN:0972-0820, eISSN: 2394-0999] DOI: 10.4103/ijves.ijves_59_16
11. Multiple primary intraspinalextradural hydatid cyst in a young patient. Sharma RM, Khalid S, Sarmast AH, Modi M, Rafeeque R. The Journal of Spinal Surgery July-September 2017;4(3):1-3. (Peer Reviewed, Indexed). [pISSN:2349-0492, eISSN:2348-6031]
12. A rare case of diffuse neurofibroma masquerading as a hemangioma: a radiological perspective. Siddiqui S, Khan ZA, Wahab S, Akhtar K, Ansari FH and Lampung N. Journal of Ultrasound. 2017, 20(4): 343-346
13. Encephalocraniocutaneous lipomatosis: Siddiqui S,Naaz S, Ahmad M, Khan ZA, Wahab S and Rashid BA. A case report with review of literature.The Neuroradiology Journal 2017, Vol. 30(6) 578–582.
CASE REVIEW Abdominal pain after surgery. Zishan Sheikh, Mehtab Ahmad, Arvind Pallan. The BMJ 2017;357:j1481 doi: 10.1136/bmj.j1481 (Published 2017 April 06).
Solitary fibular metastasis from nonsmall cell lung carcinoma. Akram M, Zaheer S, Hussain A, Siddiqui SA, Afrose R, Khalid S. J Cytology 2017;34:113-5 (Peer Reviewed, Pubmed/ Medline Indexed). DOI: 10.4103/0970-9371.203577.
Neonatal Intestinal Obstruction :When to suspect Duplication Cyst of Bowel as the cause.RA Khan,S Wahab ,I Ghani Jnl of Neonatal Surgery 2016.
Danish Qaseem
SM, Ghonge NP, Aggarwal B, Singhal S. Prospective evaluation of prostate with transrectal spectral Doppler with biopsy correlation: A clinicopathologic study.Br J Radiol. 2016; 89(1060):20150830. doi: 10.1259/bjr.20150830. Epub 2016 Feb 10. PMID: 26861745.Encephalocraniocutaneouslipomatosis: A case report with review of literature: Siddiqui S, Naaz S, Ahmad M, Khan ZA, Wahab S, Rashid BA: The Neuroradiology Journal]
Coexistent borderline serous cystadenoma with multifocal hydatidosis in a young female: Lessons learnt J Med Ultrason. Khalid S, Jamal F, Rafat D,Ahmed M, Narayanasamy S, Obaid A, Shadan M. 2016 Oct;43(4):553-6 [pISSN: 1346-4523; eISSN: 1613-2254] (Accepted)(Peer Reviewed, Pubmed/ Medline/Scopus Indexed). DOI 10.1007/s10396-016-0727-8 [Impact Factor (2015) - 0.559]
Giant cell tumor of acromion process with secondary aneurysmal bone cyst. Faizan M, Sabir AB, Khalid S, Jilani LZ, Siddiqui B, Abbas M. Clin Cancer Investig J 2016;5(4):342-4 [pISSN: 2278-1668; eISSN: 2278-0513](Peer Reviewed, Index Copernicus Indexed). DOI 10.4103/2278-0513.186102
Comparison of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings between Pathologically Proven Cases of Atypical Tubercular Spine and Tumour Metastasis: A Retrospective Study in 40 Patients. Mittal S, Khalid M, Sabir AB, Khalid S.
Asian Spine J. 2016 Aug;10(4):734-743 (Peer Reviewed, Pubmed/ Medline Indexed). DOI 10.4184/asj.2016.10.4.734.Chronic pain along the lateral condyle of humerus. Khalid S, Faizan M, Obaid A, Singh J. Saudi Med J. 2016 Oct;37(10):1148-50. doi: 10.15537/smj.2016.10.15014. [ISSN (Print); (Online)][Pubmed/Medline Indexed][Impact Factor (2016) - 0.5]
Isolated Talonavicular Joint Tuberculosis in a Child – Rare Location of Koch’s Bacillus: Faizan M, Jilani LZ, Khalid S, Abbas M, Anwar D. A Case Report. Iran J Med Sci. 2017;42(1):85-88[ pISSN: 0253-0716; eISSN: 1735-3688] (Peer Reviewed, Pubmed/ Medline Indexed).
Comparison of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings between Pathologically Proven Cases of Atypical Tubercular Spine and Tumour Metastasis: A Retrospective Study in 40 Patients.Somit Mittal, Mohd Khalid,Aamir Bin Sabir, and Saifullah Khalid. Asian Spine J. 2016 Aug;10(4):734-743. English.
Disseminated Cysticercosis along withMultiple Ring Lesion in MRI: Saima Kirmani, Haris Manzoor Khan, Urfi and MohdKhalid. Case Report. International Journal of Current Research and Academic Review 2016 Feb 4(2):79-81.
Femoral artery pseudoaneurysm following trivial trauma: a rare case scenario. Haseen MA, Faizan M, Beg MH, Asif N, Khalid S. Indian J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2015 Jan-Mar;31(1):34-37
Localised acral hypertrophy: Khalid S, Faizan M, Ahmad I, Narayanasamy S, Haque A, Ahmad I. Oman Med J 2015 Jan;31(1):70-71. doi: 10.5001/omj.2015.14. [ISSN 1999-768X(Print); 2070-5204(Online)]
Lipoma arborescens: is it the cause or effect?:Khalid S, Asif N, Afrose R, Faizan M, Khalid M, Sherwani RK. Egypt Rheumatol Rehabil 2015 Jan-Mar;42(1):45-8.doi: 10.4103/1110-161X.155652
Entamoeba histolytica pleuropulmonary infection: Sultan A, Raza A, KhanHM, Khalid S, Akhtar A, Shameem M. Case Report. International Journal of Advances in Case Reports 2015; 2(3):171-173[ISSN - 2349 - 8005 (Online)](Peer Reviewed, Indexed).
Chondroblastoma presenting as Inflammatory Synovitis of the Knee Joint: Khalid S, Faizan M, Jilani L Z, Narayanasamy S, Feraz S. Journal of bone and joint diseases 2015 Jan; 30: 96-9.
Eosinophilic Lung Disease: A Clinical and Radiologic overview Rehan Ahmad, Farhat Tahira, Mohd.Khalid, MohammadShameem, Mohammed Azfar Siddiqui.. Indian J of Research.2015; 4:197-199.
Macrodystrophialipomatosa with ulnar distribution in hand: MR evaluation of a rare disorder.Siddiqui MA, Jain A, Rizvi SAA, Ahmad K, Ullah E, Ahmad I. JBR-BTR (Belgian Journal of Radiology) 2015.
National Voters Day Oath Taking Ceremony 2021
Online CME - 2020
Guest Lecture 2020
Guest Lecture 2018-19
Guest Lecture 2019
Lecture 2018-19
Department of Radiodiagnosis is going to organize one day CME on �TechAspire Programme� on 10th March 2017.
The Department of Radio-Diagnosis is going to conduct a 'PG Teaching programme' on "Neuro-Imaging" from March 21st to 23 - 2016 at 8-9 a.m in the seminar room located above MRI section Department of Radio-Diagnosis.
Dr. Parvez Masood, a Senior Consultant, Neuro Radiologist, from Cleveland Clinics Ohio, U.S.A has kindly consented to conduct the Teaching Programme.
All the faculty members & residents are requested to attend the same.
CME on "ONCO-IMAGING:2014" Held on 17th August-2014. Organized by Department of Radiodiagnosis J.N.Medical College, AMU & Indian Radiological & Imaging Association (Aligarh Chapter).
The Department organized a Guest Lecture on 21-08-2014, On "Imaging of the Spine" by Dr. Parvez Masood, Senior Consultant, Cleveland Clinics, Ohio, U.S.A. The lecture was attended by Residents and Faculties of various departments and was highly appreciated.