Department of Social Work
Training and Placement
Dept. data last updated on :13/02/2025
Student Progression to Higher Education Session 2022-23
List of Students Undertaking Field Projects / Research Projects / Internships during the Academic Year 2022-23
Students' Feedback Towards the Faculty, Teaching, Learning and Evaluation
Students Placement for Field Work for the Session 2022-23
Students Placement for Field Work for the Session 2022-23
ATR Feedback
Internships undertaken by the MSW Students

Department of Social Work ranked No 9 in Outlook's annual ranking of India’s top Social Work Institutes for 2020 and 2021
Department of Social Work ranked No 1 in Best Average Annual Salary
11 MSW Students selected by Uttar Pradesh Rural Livelihood Mission (UPSRLM), Department of Rural Development, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh
11 passing out MSW students, Session 2020-21 have been selected as YOUNG PROFESSIONAL through campus Recruitment by Uttar Pradesh Rural Livelihood Mission (UPSRLM), Department of Rural Development, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh.
Department of Social Work ranked top 10 among social work schools in India: India Today MDRA 2019

Mentoring of Students
Student Progression 2020-21
Career & Guidance

Chairman and Professor