Department of Wildlife Sciences
News and Publication
Students Recruitment in WII (K)
Students Recruitment in WII (P)
Students Recruitment in WII (C)
Student Recruitment in WII
New Publication
Zehra, Nazneen (2023). Faunal Biodiversity of the Aligarh Muslim University. AUTHORSPRESS, New Delhi, 179 Pp.
Award of prestigious Prime Minister Research Fellowship
Mr. Prashant Mahajan has been awarded prestigious Prime Minister Research Fellowship. Mr. Prashant Mahajan is enrolled for Ph.D. program in Wildlife Science and is working under the research supervision of Dr. Nazneen Zehra. Mr. Prashant Mahajan is working on ecology of meso-carnivore species of Gir National Park and Lion Sanctuary.
Recent publications
Tahir Ali Rather, Sharad Kumar & Jamal A Khan (2021). Density estimation of tiger and leopard using spatially explicit capture-recapture framework. Peer J DOI10.7717/peerj.10634
Rohit Chaoudhary, Nazneen Zehra, Azra Musavi & Jamal A Khan (2020). Spatio-temporal partitioning and co-existence between leopard (Panthera pardus fusca) and Asiatic lion (Panthera leo persica) in Gir protected area, Gujarat, India. PLos ONE 15(3): e0229045
Rohit Chaudhary, Nazneen Zehra, Azra Musavi & Jamal A Khan (2020). Evaluating the effect of ecological and anthropogenic variables on site use by sympatric large carnivores in Gir protected area, Gujarat, India. Wildlife Biology 2020(4) DOI: 10.2981/wlb 00696
Tahir Ali Rather, Sharad Kumar & Jamal A Khan (2020). Multi-scale habitat modelling and impacts of climate change on the distribution of four sysmpatric meso-carnivores using random forest algorithm. Ecological Processes 9 (1), 60
Tahir Ali Rather, Sharad Kumar & Jamal A Khan (2020). Multi-scale modelling and predicting change in the distribution of tiger and leopard using random forest algorithm. Scientific Reports. 10, 11473
Tahir Ali Rather, Shaizah Tajdar, Sharad Kumar & Jamal A Khan (2020). Seasonal variation in the diet of sloth bears in Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve, Madhya Pradesh, India. Ursus. 31e12:1-8
T. Ahmaed, H.S. Bargali, N. Verma & Afifullah Khan (2021). Mammals outside protected areas: status and response anthropogenic disturbance in Western Terai-Arc Landscape. Proceedings of the Zoological Society,
B. Aimon, H. Padalial & Afifullah Khan (2020). Predicting spatial patterns of bird richness in an urban landscape in Himalayan foothills, India. Urban Ecosystems.
T. Ahmed, M.Shoeb, P. Chandan & Afifullah Khan (2020). Observations on Royle's pika Ochotona roylei in Rangdum valley, Kargil, Laddakh. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. doi:10.17087/jbnhs/2020/v117/137817.