Department of Wildlife Sciences


Dept. data last updated on :15/10/2024


Ph.D. in Wildlife Science


Thrust Areas of Research

Animal Ecology, Plant Ecology, Biodiversity/Wildlife Assessment & Conservation, Endangered species ecology, Human-wildlife interface, Socio-economic assessment of local communities and their dependence on biodiversity resources, Environmental Impact Assessment, Preparation of management/conservation plan for protected areas, Habitat Ecology, Use of RS & GIS in Wildlife/biodiversity assessment and ecological mapping.


The number of seats vary from year to year depending upon policy of university and number of seats available with each faculty as per UGC regulations.


Candidates having post-graduate degree in either Wildlife Science or Biodiversity Studies & Management with 55% marks are eligible to apply for Ph.D. degree program.


  • Admission through a departmental test
  • Approval of admission by the Departmental BOS and Faculty CASR
  • Appointment of supervisor & co-supervisor through Departmental BOS
  • Course work for Paper I & II
  • Pre thesis submission presentation
  • Submission of thesis as per UGC regulations
  • Viva Voce followed by award of Ph.D. degree


Good for all Ph.D. degree holders in national and international organizations including NGO's. it is now mandatory for all candidates who wish to take up teaching assignments in central and state universities to have PhD. degree.


The overall aim of the Ph.D. program is to advance scientific understanding of biodiversity values found in and outside protected areas of India with overall goal of using science for conservation and management of entire gamut of biodiversity values for perpetual sustainable existance.   


Award of Ph.D degree to candidate. Integration of data and scientific understanding in management plans of protected area and species/biodiversity conservation plans 

