M.F.A., B.F.A.
I am presently teaching in AMU ABK High School Boys as PRT Arts since 2015. I have also worked as TGT Arts in AMU ABK Girls. Now I am incharge of creative art committe of this school. I have attended the one week workshop conducted by Acadamic Staff College.
Some of my achievements are listed below:
*I.G.D.E. Bombey, Government of Maharastra(Drawing Examinations)Qualified With Grade “A”in 2006.
I have been awarded as a KALA SHREE by udhan society in 2013
*Workshop”Summer camp”Organized by fine Art Department AMU Aligarh in 2007.
*Workshop (AFFICHE)World Alumni Summit in 2008.
*Art workshop Department of Fine arts.AMU.Aligarh.
*Kalavart Kala parv 11 international Art festival,(Ujjen) 2007.
*Medicos Establishmint for Develovment of integrated Care Society in 2008
*“RANG”Fine art workshop,Aftab hall AMU 2010.
*Workshop 3rd All India Annual Art Festival 2010-11.
*Workshop and Art Exihibition “Sambodhan art”in murut 2011,
*As a resorse person”BALMAN MAGAZINE WORKSHOP”2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016,2017,2018,2019.
*Participated “North Zonel”Youth festival Organized by Kurukhsetra university in 2009.
*Participated “North Zonel”Youth festival Organized by Bundelkhand Univercity,Jhansi in 2010.
*Participated Painting Event Organized by UGC Academic Staff AMU Aligarh.
*Atribute S.Sayed Ahmad khan workshop AMU 2012.
*Art exihibition organized T.R.C. Aligarh in 2006.
*Solo show in Saraswati Shishu Mander School in 2006.
*Participated painting Exihibition and Wrkshop (AMU) in 2008.
*Group exihibition in “KALA MELA”organized by Lalit kala Acadamy(Lukhnow)in 1012.
*Art Exihibition in R.B.M.School in 2012.
*Participeted in”KALA VITHIKA”Aligarh Exihibition in 2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013.
*Art exhibition in”Syed Day Celebration” Organized by General.Education.Centre.Fine Art Club in 2012.
*Participated in exhibition organization by Department.of fine art AMU,2007.
*Group exhibition A Tribute to late Farhan Mujib (ART NICHE).in 2012.
*Group exibition in afacs art gallery (ARAMBH) New Dehli 2012.
* As a resorse person in Mather,s Tuch School 2013.
* Group exibition in “Lalit Kala Acadamy Art Gallery (couse ‘s) New Dehli 2013.
*Group exibition in “Tansen Art Gallery “(ARAMBH) Gwaliar 2013.
* Group exibition in”Moinuddin Ahmad Art Gallary,(a.m.u)Aligarh 2014.
* Group exibition in Indian Royal Academy of Art and Cuiture & VTN Creative Art Studio.
*Invited as a judge for poster making competition by LOINCE CLUB INTERNATIONAL in 2015
*As a resorse person”FAVICRVL WORKSHOP”2014.
*Group exibition in “J.J.T Univercity ( RAJASTHAN) 2016.
*Art exibition in “Savoury,Collumbus Avenue” (NEW YORK) NY 10024 07July -17 july,2016.
*Art exihibition in “Bru Chicago Art Gallary” (CHICAGO) IL 6 August-29 august,2016.
*Art exibition in “ Shamika Art Gallary,J.J.T Univercity,Jhunjhunu (Rajisthan)
Teaching experience of krishana international school (Aligarh) .
Teaching experience of B.L.S. international school (hatheras).
- Publication Online classes of 2nd class, subject (ART),fish in water.