M.A., B.P.Ed.
4/148 Near Tooti Boundary Choti Masjid Ziabad, Jamalpur Aligarh
Working as TGT (PHE) in AMU ABK ( Boys) since 2004.
Remain on the following posts and member of different Committees of AMU ABK High School (Boys).
1. Subject Committee Heads.
2. Discipline Committee.
3. Games and Sports Committee.
4. School Maintenance Committee.
5. Land & Garden Incharge.
6. Coordinator Sports Week.
7. Co-Procter
Represent Aligarh District Cricket Team as a CAPTAIN in 1994-95 & 2000-2001
Represent AMU Cricket Team as a CAPTAIN in 1993-94
Represent North Zone Inter University Cricket Tournament held on Chandigarh in 1993-94
Represent North Zone Inter University Cricket Tournament held on Delhi in 1991-92
Represent U.P Inter University Cricket Tournament held on Kanpur in 1990-91
Represent AMU N.R.S.C Hall Cricket Team as a CAPTAIN in 1991-92
Represent North Zone Inter University Cricket Tournament held on Delhi in 1989-90
Represent All India Inter University Cricket Tournament held on Delhi in 1989-90
Represent S.T.High School (Minto Circle) Cricket Team as a CAPTAIN in 1985-86
Aligarh District Association as a Tournament Secretary 2004 To 2006.
Aligarh District Association as a Joint Secretary 2006 To 2017
District Cricket Coach 1996 To 2004.
- Class VI to X Physical Exercise for Students
- Class VI to X Warm up and Stretching Exercises
- Class 6 to 10 How to improve your passing accuracy in football
- Class 6 to 10 Ball Control