Critical Care Medicine, Difficult Airway Management, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Flat No. 16, Jamia Urdu Road, Civil Lines, Dodhpur, Aligarh - 202001. HOME TOWN: Kalyanpur Housing, Estate, Asansol, Bardhaman, West Bengal, 713304
A Brief Profile
Dr S Moied Ahmed is a graduate (MBBS) from Calcutta University, post graduate (MD) and doctor of philosophy (PhD) from AMU, Fellow in Critical Care Medicine from Sir Ganga Ram Hospital (New Delhi) and International Fellow in Intensive Care Medicine from Leeds Teaching University Hospital, UK. He has also been awarded the Fellow of American College of Chest Physician (FCCP), Fellow of Indian College of Critical Care Medicine (FICCM), Fellow of International Medical Sciences Academy (FIMSA), Fellow of Indian College of Anaesthesiologists (FICA) and is a Member of National Academy of Medical Sciences (MNAMS). He has special interest in, Critical Care Medicine, Difficult Airway management and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. He has been one of the Clinical Expert in Experts meet in Mechanical Ventilation at Switzerland for a couple of times. He is also the Instructor of Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), Fundamental of Critical Care Support (FCCS) course and Difficult Airway management. He has been the Editor-in-Chief of Indian Journal of Anaesthesia (Central Supplement) and presently Journal of Resuscitation. He has more than 124 research papers published in indexed International and National journals such as Anaesthesia, Anesthesia & Analgesia, Chest, Journal of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Acta Anaesthesiol Scan, JETS, IJCCM, IJA, JOACP, IJP, etc. He is member of the editorial board and peer reviewer of various National and International Journals. In the field of airway management, he is one of the authors in framing the All India Difficult Airway Guidelines. In the field of Resuscitation, he is the Lead author in framing the Indian CPR guidelines (COLS, BCLS, CCLS). In the domain of intensive care, he has extensively worked on the newer management strategies with HFOV in ARDS patients, analysed the factors influencing the outcome of snake bite victims, suicidal hanging victims, organophosphorus poisoning and highlighted the role of antibiotic rotation, HME filters in decreasing incidence of ICU infection. He has organized a number of workshops and CMEs and has been the Workshop Director on management of difficult airway, mechanical ventilation, CPR in the department and in National and State Conferences.
Dr Moied has been felicitated twice by the Vice Chancellor of AMU for bringing laurel to the university in 2009 and 2010. He has been felicitated by the Honorable Vice President of India for his contribution towards framing the Indian Guidelines for CPR. He has also been felicitated by the President of Indian Society of Anaethesiology (ISA) for his contribution in framing the ISA Difficult Airway Module and CPR guidelines. He has received the prestigious Dr Y V Bhoj Raj award for writing the best review article in Indian Journal of Anaesthesia (IJA) in 2016 and the INO-US Best Academician and Researcher of the year in 2008.
Dr Moied has clinical & teaching experience of more than 30 years post MD. He also pursued PhD in 2012. He has worked under various capacities after acquiring Post Graduation (MD) and has worked as Professor since 2012 and superannuated as Professor in 2024. He has vast administrative experience as Deputy Medical Superintendent of J N Medical College for 5 years, as Officiating Chairman for approximately 8 months and subsequently as regular Chairman for 3 years and is Teacher In-Charge of ICU for more than 20 years. During his tenure as Chairman, he was instrumental increasing the MD seats in Anaesthesiology from 9 to 19. He has also established a Simulation lab for UG and PG students for training Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. He is the Director of the Scientific Committee of IRCF and has been the Chairman of ISCCM, President Elect of AIDAA and has been President of ISA (UP State) and presently elected as the EC member of ISCCM National. He was also the nodal officer of MCI / NMC for JNMC&H. He has been re-employed as a Professor, in the Dept of Anaesthesiology & Critical Care, J N Medical College, AMU, in Sept ’24 and is presently working as a Professor.
- Publication
Key Publications
- Poojangi Varshney, Syed M. Ahmed, Obaid A. Siddiqui, Abu Nadeem, Ajmal PMA. Comparative evaluation of Airtraq and Hansraj Videolaryngoscopes in patients undergoing tracheal intubation with cervical spine immobilization ? A randomized prospective stud, JAnaesthesiol Clin Pharmacol 2021;37:336-41
- Syed Moied Ahmed, Rakesh Garg, Jigeeshu Vasishtha Divatia, SSC Chakra Rao, Bibhuti Bhusan Mishra, M Venkatagiri Kalandoor, Mukul Chandra Kapoor, Baljit Singh. Compressionâ??only life support (COLS) for cardiopulmonary resuscitation by layperson outside the hospital, Indian Journal of Anaesthesia | Volume 61 | Issue 11 | November 2017, 867-873
Poojangi Varshney, Syed M. Ahmed, Obaid A. Siddiqui, Abu Nadeem, Ajmal PMA. Comparative evaluation of Airtraq and Hansraj Videolaryngoscopes in patients undergoing tracheal intubation with cervical spine immobilization ? A randomized prospective stud, JAnaesthesiol Clin Pharmacol 2021;37:336-41.
- Rakesh Garg, Syed Moied Ahmed, Mukul Chandra Kapoor, Bibhuti Bhusan Mishra, SSC Chakra Rao, M Venkatagiri Kalandoor, Jigeeshu Vasishtha Divatia, Baljit Singh. Basic cardiopulmonary life support (BCLS) for cardiopulmonary resuscitation by trained paramedics and medics outside the hospital. Indian Journal of Anaesthesia | Volume 61 | Issue 11 | November 2017, 874-882.
- Rakesh Garg, Syed Moied Ahmed, Mukul Chandra Kapoor, SSC Chakra Rao, Bibhuti Bhusan Mishra, M Venkatagiri Kalandoor, Baljit Singh, Jigeeshu Vasishtha Divatia. Comprehensive cardiopulmonary life support (CCLS) for cardiopulmonary resuscitation by trained paramedics and medics inside the hospital. 883-892
- Sheila Nainan Myatra, Syed Moied Ahmed, Pankaj Kundra, Rakesh Garg, Venkateswaran Ramkumar, Apeksh Patwa, Amit Shah et al. Republication: All India difficult airway association 2016 guidelines for tracheal intubation in the intensive care unit. IJCCM 2017 | Volume : 21 | Issue : 3 | Page : 146—153
- Richa Gupta, Abida Malik, Meher Rizvi, Moied Ahmed, Anuradha Singh. Epidemiology of multidrug-resistant Gram-negative pathogens isolated from ventilator-associated pneumonia in ICU patients. Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance 9 (2017) 47–50
- Manazir Athar, Syed Moied Ahmed, Shahna Ali, Kashmiri Doley, Ankur Varshney, Mohd. Masood Hussain Siddiqi. Levobupivacaine or ropivacaine: A randomised double blind controlled trial using equipotent doses in spinal anaesthesia. Colombian Journal of Anesthesiology, 2 0 1 6;44(2):97–104
- Sheila Nainan Myatra, Syed Moied Ahmed, Pankaj Kundra, Rakesh Garg, Venkateswaran Ramkumar, Apeksh Patwa, et al. The All India Difficult Airway Association 2016 guidelines for tracheal intubation in the Intensive Care Unit. Indian Journal of Anaesthesia 2016, vol 60, issue 12, 922-30
- S Moied Ahmed, Manazir Ather. Mechanical ventilation in patients with chronic obstructive lung disease and bronchial asthma. Indian journal of Anaesthesia,2015;59:589-599 (BEST REVIEW ARTICLE – Dr Y V Bhoj Raj Award)
- Richa Gupta, Abida Malik, Meher Rizvi, S. Moied Ahmed. Incidence of Multidrug-Resistant Pseudomonas Spp. in ICU Patients with Special Reference to ESBL, AMPC, MBL and Biofilm Production, Journal of Global Infectious Diseases / Jan-Mar 2016 / Vol-8 / Issue-1: 25-31
- Pankaj Kundra, Rakesh Garg, Apeksh Patwa, Syed Moied Ahmed, Venkateswaran Ramkumar, Amit Shah, et al. All India Difficult Airway Association 2016 guidelinesfor the management of anticipated difficult extubation Indian Journal of Anaesthesia 2016, vol 60, issue 12, 915-21
- 11.S Moied Ahmed, Manazir Athar, S Ali, K Doley, O A Siddiqui, H Usmani. Acute pain services in flail chest-a prospective randomized trial of epidural versus parenteral analgesia in mechanically ventilated ICU patients. Egyptian Journal Of Anaesthesia, 2015;31:327-330
12 Ahmed SM, Das B, Nadeem A, Shyamal R. Survival pattern in patients with acute organophosphate poisoning on mechanical ventilation: A retrospective intensive care unit-based study in a tertiary care teaching hospital, Indian Journal of Anaesthesia, 2014 58;11-17
13. R. O'Leary, S. M. Ahmed, H. McLure, J. Oram, A. Mallick, B. Bhambra and A. R. Bodenham. Ultrasound-guided infraclavicular axillary vein cannulation: a useful alternative to the internal jugular vein. Br. J. Anaesth. 2012 109 (5): 762-768
14. S Moied Ahmed, Mahajan J, Abu Nadeem. Comparison of two different type of HME filters in mechanically ventilated ICU patients. J Emerg Trauma Shock. 2009 Sep-Dec; 2(3): 164–169.
15. S Moied Ahmed, KA Rizv, RM Khan, A Nadeem. Less tongue engorgement with lateral placement of the Esophageal Tracheal Combitube. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2008 52(6):834-7.
16. Ahmed SM, Ahmed M, Nadeem A, Mahajan J, Choudhary A, Pal J. Emergency management of snake bite – Pearls from literature. Journal of Emergencies, Trauma and Shock 2008; 1 (2): 97-105
17. Ahmed SM, Khan R M, Maroof M, Ahmed MAssessment of manoeuvres required for successful blind tracheal intubation through the PAXpress. Anaesthesia 2008; 63: 32–5.
18. SM Ahmed, M Maroof, RM Khan, V Singhal, K Rizvi. A comparison of LMA and the PA Xpress Tm for short surgical procedures Anaesthesia 2003; 58: 42-44