Prof. Imran Saleem
Finance, Micro Finance, HR/Human Capital Management, Entrepreneurship
Lane-4, Greater Azad Enclave, Dhoharra Mafi, Aligarh - 202002,
8449708872 ,
Prof. Imran Saleem, Former Vice Chancellor, started his journey to teaching profession as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Commerce, AMU, Aligarh on March 10, 1992. He has served as Professor & Dean, Faculty of Management and Head Department of Management at Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi since August 2006. He was elevated to the position of Vice Chancellor, of Singhania University, Rajasthan and served there for about two years. Prof. Saleem has also served as Head of Department under World Bank Project, Consultant under Social Service Agreement, United Nations and also as Consultant Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie.
Prof. Saleem has excellent academic career with PG Merit Gold Medal, PG Merit Scholarship and JRF NET etc to his credit. His core area of specialization is Human Capital Management. Besides, he has expertise in the field of Financial Management as well. Prof. Saleem has published six books and twenty six research papers in the reputed national and international Peer Reviewed/ Indexed journals.
It goes without saying that Prof. Saleem has varied association and exposure in the field of academics and publication at various levels. Presently, along with seven research scholars, working in the area of Micro Finance, Entrepreneurship and Competence Development. Prof. Saleem is taken up a series of Lectures on Project Management, Entrepreneurship, Micro & Islamic Finance and Research Methodology" at PG level of Royal University of Bhutan.