Human Resource Management and Finance
Street No. 01, Greater Azad Enclave,Doharrah Mafi, Aligarh-202002 (U.P.)India
Prof. S. M. Imamul Haque is working as professor in the Department of Commerce, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. His academic career has been meritorious. He is M.Com (Gold Medalist) from Aligarh Muslim University. He also holds M.Phil. and Ph.D. degrees in Commerce from the same University. His academic areas of interest are Human Resource Management, Information Technology applied to Business and Finance. He is a prolific writer and has published more than sixty five research papers in the leading journals, namely Springer, Sage, Emerald, Indian Journal of Commerce, Indian Management, Management Insight, Management Accountant, Yojana, Parbandh, BJIMR, Treasury Management, Johar etc. Prof. Haque has also authored and published books in the areas of Railway Management and Computer Application in Business. His recent book is published on Dynamics of Management. He has so far successfully produced 20 Ph.Ds. Currently a number of researchers are engaged and pursuing research work under his exclusive guidance and supervision in the areas of HRM, Finance and Marketing. He has teaching and research experience of over thirty three years gggg.
- Determining the key factors of corporate leverage in Indian manufacturing firms using dynamic modelling Using a data set of Indian Manufacturing companies (NSE 500), this paper examines the relationship between corporate governance characteristics and firm-specific factors in predicting leverage decisions of a firm. The paper specifies partial adjustment model and utilises System Generalised Method of Moments (GMM) to find out the factors affecting speed of adjustment. The results of this study show that non-debt tax shield positively affects SOA, whereas growth, tangibility and firm size negatively influence SOA. In the case of corporate governance variables, board size, board independence, ownership concentration and corporate governance index reveal a positive influence on SOA. The paper also confirms that it takes around 2.65 years to offset half of the target leverage from current leverage.
- Personality traits and behaviour biases: the moderating role of risk-tolerance The current research tries to contribute to the prospect theory by examining how personality factors affect behaviour biases. Moreover, the study tries to inspect how risk-tolerance behaviour moderates the relationship between personality traits and behavior biases. The research considered a cross-sectional research design to collect responses from 847 individual investors through a questionnaire. The study considered a convenience sampling technique. Further to examine the hypotheses, the study used SEM and PROCESS macro v3.0 for SPSS. The findings of the study suggest that conscientiousness and extroversion traits significantly influence behaviour biases. The findings also explain that neuroticism was associated with herding, disposition, and anchoring bias. The findings confirmed the moderating effect of risk-tolerance on the association between personality traits and behaviour biases.
- Measuring the impact of intellectual capital on the financial performance of the finance sector of India In the current scenario, intellectual capital has been recognised as a vital corporate asset because the conventional performance measurement techniques are incapable of measuring intangible dimensions of corporate performance. It is a challenge, especially for knowledge-driven firms, to measure the impact of intangibles on their financial performance. This study tries to explore the impact of intellectual capital on the financial performance of knowledge-driven firms of India. For conducting the study, Bombay Stock Exchange’s finance index has been taken for a period ranging from 2009 to 2018, and the Value Added Intellectual Coefficient (VAIC™) methodology has been used to measure the intangible aspects of these firms. The results reveal that Value Added Intellectual Coefficient has an insignificant association with the profitability and productivity of the sample companies.
- Personality traits and behaviour biases: the moderating role of risk-tolerance The current research tries to contribute to the prospect theory by examining how personality factors affect behaviour biases. Moreover, the study tries to inspect how risk-tolerance behaviour moderates the relationship between personality traits and behavior biases. The research considered a cross-sectional research design to collect responses from 847 individual investors through a questionnaire. The study considered a convenience sampling technique. Further to examine the hypotheses, the study used SEM and PROCESS macro v3.0 for SPSS. The findings of the study suggest that conscientiousness and extroversion traits significantly influence behaviour biases. The findings also explain that neuroticism was associated with herding, disposition, and anchoring bias. The findings confirmed the moderating effect of risk-tolerance on the association between personality traits and behaviour biases.
- Determining the key factors of corporate leverage in Indian manufacturing firms using dynamic modelling Using a data set of Indian Manufacturing companies (NSE 500), this paper examines the relationship between corporate governance characteristics and firm-specific factors in predicting leverage decisions of a firm. The paper specifies partial adjustment model and utilises System Generalised Method of Moments (GMM) to find out the factors affecting speed of adjustment. The results of this study show that non-debt tax shield positively affects SOA, whereas growth, tangibility and firm size negatively influence SOA. In the case of corporate governance variables, board size, board independence, ownership concentration and corporate governance index reveal a positive influence on SOA. The paper also confirms that it takes around 2.65 years to offset half of the target leverage from current leverage.
- Measuring the Impact of Intellectual Capital on the Financial Performance of the Finance Sector of India, Journal of the knowledge economy. Issue ,5, 2020
- Exploring the effect of intellectual capital on financial performance: A study of India. Measuring Business Excellence”Vol.24.No.4,P.511-529.ISSN:1368-3047
- Intellectual capital and corporate performance in India’s Central public sector enterprise, International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital,, Vol.17. Issue 1, 2020
- Weqar, F. and Haque, S.M.I. (2020a) ‘Does intellectual capital predict the financial performance ofthe Indian textile industry?’, International Journal of Advanced Research, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp.756–767, doi: 10.21474/IJAR01/9059.
- Weqar, F., Sofi, Z.A. and Haque, S.M.I. (2021) ‘Nexus between intellectual capital and business performance: evidence from India’, Asian Journal of Accounting Research [online]
- Weqar, F. and Haque, S.M.I. (xxxx) ‘The influence of intellectual capital on the Indian firm’s financial performance’, Int. J. Learning and Intellectual Capital, Vol. X, No. Y,–xxx.
- Impact of Macroeconomic and bank Specific indicators on Net interest Margin: An empirical Analysis. Published in SPRINGER, Singapore ISBN 978-981-13-1334-9
- Corporate governance and firm performance in Indian Textile companies: Evidence from NSE 500 companies, Indian Journal of corporate Governance, Vol 13, Issue 2, 2020,